Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for October 15, 2014
Fritz: So, my work as a comic strip stand-in was seriously inhibited by my refusal to do nudity. Snoopy, Deputy Dawg, Dyno-mutt, Scooby-Doo, they all went the full monty! I tried out for human roles, but to no avail... hey, I couldn't kick a football if she didn't pull it away! Then, on an audition, I met a character who would change the course of my life! To be continued...
Plumbob Wilson about 10 years ago
Stop scraping before Jim Davis.
Observer fo Irony about 10 years ago
Oh is that Heathcliff or maybe Kilban’s cat?
Tedder13579 about 10 years ago
Dun dun dun…
tigerwolf28 about 10 years ago
Wow so what was the horrible accident Snoopy, Deputy Dawg, Dynomutt, Scooby-Doo went through that they lost their manhood? So sad they didn’t talk about it more on the shows.
Luxurylife about 10 years ago
That is obviously the shadow of Garfield.