Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for December 07, 2012
Man: I've been working for the MISSION NETWORK now for three years-- Ever since I got "downsized". So, I brought my man-agement skills to street missions--- To see someone smile when you know they've been down a while is a real gift---I can't change the world, but---I CAN do my part--- It's a JOB where I get to GIVE--- And that's nice for ME with NO FAMILY...I never DID get married--- The RIGHT GIRL didn't live in California.
Michael Thorton about 12 years ago
@Guy GilchristWhat’s the game, Guy? Don’t tell me you’ve decided to turn Fritzi from sexy spinster into hot housewife.
Jogger2 about 12 years ago
(hint, hint)
blunebottle about 12 years ago
Fritzi, be careful! Remeber what he was like in the past- a guy with a roving eye. You don’t deserve that- and now he is sounding just a bit too smooth, methinks.
blunebottle about 12 years ago
Oh, and careful you don’t spill your coffee, Fritz….
kathleenashbaugh about 12 years ago
Subtle remembrance of Pearl Harbor. Thanks, Guy.
linsonl about 12 years ago
Yeah…..neat way to remember it.
Potrzebie about 12 years ago
Thanks Guy, but what is your connection to the Service? By the way, I just watched “It’s a wonderful life” last night and noticed the Drugstore is owned by Mr. Gowers. Is this diner inspired by the movie?
w2lj about 12 years ago
Re: Pearl Harbor Day – many thanks to the"Mighty Mo" for ever standing watch over the Arizona.
GuyGilchrist about 12 years ago
We remember the Greatest Generation each Dec 7th as long as I’ve been writing the strip, besides the first year, 1995, when we were working six months up with no pub dates. There is also a remembrance today in Today’s Dogg.
Potrzebie ….I was one year young to serve in Viet Nam. I am not a Veteran. My two older brothers served during Viet nam, and my my father served in Korea. I tried to enlist after 9/11. I was deemed too old. All my life I have given to Veterans and Active Military programs, as I did not serve, and want to help those who did in my own small way. I have had a “Wonderful Life”.
This story, by the way, was actually many years in the conceptual phase. Nancy ai part of it, as is Sluggo, and the whole NancyNation. Ok, Susan? Stay Tooned through the holidays.
GuyGilchrist about 12 years ago
Click on our links for Nancy merchandise that supports Wounded Warrior and Make A Wish. Free shipping this holiday season!
Zaristerex about 12 years ago
Susan, shush!! Nancy has been the reigning queen of this comic strip since the ‘40s. Some of us have been waiting many years for a Fritzi romance story! One short week without Nancy isn’t going to hurt anyone.
gimmickgenius about 12 years ago
I like Fritzi’s forelock standing up straight in the last panel – like Sluggo’s hat (or many other ‘toons) when he’s surprised. Is she scared – or turned on?
gimmickgenius about 12 years ago
Skylark about 12 years ago
Thanks for the Dec 7 reminder. that was nice.However…let’s get back to Nancy. This ‘Phil’ story is going in the wrong direction…
Don Fleming about 12 years ago
Subtle, Phil. Real subtle.
dramac333 about 12 years ago
I’m quite enjoying the storyline – it’s a new and intriguing take on the strip. I’ve always enjoyed the strips featuring Fritzi, especially those where she comments on pop culture from the past. For those of you who want the strip to only be gag-a-day, relax – they’ll be back. A little change for a while is a refreshing thing.
ABADABA about 12 years ago
I found the right girl in California 45 years ago.