Frazz by Jef Mallett for December 28, 2012

  1. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Yeah… they probably wouldn’t be wearing shorts in Santa Rosa!

    Though I have to say, our 50 and 55 degree highs lately would feel a lot warmer to someone who just flew in from Michigan…and L.A. is warmer than here.

    So if it isn’t raining, maybe they would!

    (Though certainly not in the big rainstorm we had up here on Christmas day.)

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    Varnes  about 12 years ago

    Come on Frazz, LA? Cross country skiing is just starting back home. 8 months of hot dry weather wasn’t enough?…My crocuses popped in early March this year…..

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    Varnes  about 12 years ago

    It is a great gag, though, Jef…

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    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago

    When I first moved to N. CA from Wisconsin, I couldn’t believe people shivered and complained when it was 40 degrees outside…

    Many years later… I find myself thinking a day with a 50ºF high is chilly.

    Sigh…. I guess I’ve gone soft.

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  5. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Hi Varnes… and don’t worry….. they only came out here for a couple of days.

    Are popped crocuses good with butter?

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    vwdualnomand  about 12 years ago

    maybe next year frazz, when you afford it, you can take her to hawaii. beaches, 80 degrees, sunny, good food, good people, and pop the question???

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    starfighter441  about 12 years ago

    Went snorkeling in the Red Sea in January a few years ago, the dive boat’s crew was all bundled up in down parkas. Temp was about 23°C.

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  8. Calvinhobbscalmdown
    texasl  about 12 years ago

    Roger the acclimatization theory. Here in the Pacific NW I don’t even succumb to getting out of the tank top until the weather gets into the 40’s, and as for tights in lieu of shorts, it’s got to be approaching freezing.

    Michigan, on the other hand…………

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    CasualObserver  about 12 years ago

    They should have flown to Florida. They could have jogged up and down the Fire Ant hills.

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    jessegooddoggy  about 12 years ago

    All the hills in southern California are emerald green right now, it is the ONLY thing I miss not living there anymore.

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    daveoverpar  about 12 years ago

    Oh I see the new name for man-made global warming is now ‘climate shift’. LOL. Lived in Hawaii for 9 years and the women wear full length mink coats when it gets down around 70. Lived south of Miami in 1970 and had to hand-crank my Morris Minor because it was 32 in January. Also spent 4 winters in Omaha Nebraska. Now that is COLD. 30 degrees below zero with wind chill of 60 below zero.

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    bagbalm  about 12 years ago

    It is 16 right now. If I go downtown (Rochester) there will be a few kids in shorts.

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    tahoeh2o  about 12 years ago

    In the High Sierra it’s 1 at the moment…

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    ncalifgirl58  about 12 years ago

    Ya, we are pretty spoiled here in Ca. It’s cold when it’s under 60. lol

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  15. Silverknights
    JanLC  about 12 years ago

    They are running in Griffith Park which puts them in L.A. The climate in So CA is a lot different than the more Northerly areas.

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    ealeseth  about 12 years ago

    Near the Port of Los Angeles, I have narcissus blooming all over the yard. Crocus and tulips near the winter we don’t have. Need to mow the lawn because of all the rain.

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    puddleglum1066  about 12 years ago

    I actually found a website that lists pound CO2 emitted per mile traveled for different types of transport. The results (total per mile for Frazz and Jane combined):

    Airplane: 1.28Chevette: 1.1Amtrak: 0.92Bus: 0.9Motorcycle: 0.4

    Given the efficiency claims made by the raliroads (CSX likes to advertise on NPR that they carry one ton 400 miles on one gallon of fuel), I was surpised by the high Amtrak numbers. Then again, CSX is a freight line, which means a much higher payload mass fraction, and freight trains go a lot slower than passenger trains.

    Still, it’s obvious that if Frazz really wants to minimize his carbon impact, he and Jane need to get that Harley…

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    lmonteros  about 12 years ago

    Every morning this past week, I’ve woken up to frozen grass. The only reason my car windows weren’t iced over is because it’s been too for dew to collect. No, not Michigan cold, but cold enough to not want to sleep on Colorado Blvd. for the Rose Parade.

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  19. Hangingoutatthecanyon2
    nj23nut  about 12 years ago

    10 years ago flying to California was A LOT cheaper than it is today!

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    childe_of_pan  over 7 years ago

    Susanshine: had a similar observation visiting Mendocino From Seattle; temperature was about 50, wind coming in off the water, heard someone cringing against the wind saying “It’s freezing!”.

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  21. Spike  profie 2 edit
    Jhony-Yermo  about 2 years ago

    Welcome to SoCal, Califas.

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