@Night Gaunt;Don’t forget ‘omnibus’ (sic) who ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY MUST come down from the mount, lift his leg and pee some absurdity about tea-baggers and/or non-working Republicans, then dash off to his den to think up something MORE bumper-stickerish for the next foray into comics-land.So far, he’s a broken record…
There was another one where Calvin missed the bus then he told his Mom to speed in her car, overtake the bus then drop him off where he can catch the bus at a later stop. When she made him walk to school, he made the same face and thought to himself “Mom is so lazy”.
We had a road going to the top of the hill ,so we always had some one drive us up ,wait for us at the bottom. 60 yrs later the hill is still there but you ride up on chairs if you got money,and its so crowded I dont know how these people can enjoy them selves .Bet you Calvin would always be out of bonds.
last panel….isn’t that everyone in congress? 180k a year, benefits, and perks, but work 2 days/week. maybe we should have term limits on congresspeople.
suzleigh about 12 years ago
Guess Calvin slept in this morning
Magnolia42 about 12 years ago
Is everybody else sleeping?
rshive about 12 years ago
Guess Calvin will have to find his fun some other way.
awcoffman about 12 years ago
Today’s comics were not up until a few minutes ago, so no one could comment..
rentier about 12 years ago
He is lazy and selfish!?
Aerin17 about 12 years ago
And you aren’t, Calvin?
Phapada about 12 years ago
have a good day……
flagfly about 12 years ago
Nasty Calvin has a nasty face when he doesn’t get what he wants, even in his imagination.
grayleaf about 12 years ago
One of my favorites.
battle of plattsburgh about 12 years ago
If you can’t rely on your stuffed animal, who can you rely on?
jpcedotal about 12 years ago
Liberal America needs to understand the truth Hobbes gives Calvin
StkFigs about 12 years ago
Calvin should get something like a ski-lift, except for his sled
StkFigs about 12 years ago
look at Calvin’s face in the last frame…
jpcedotal about 12 years ago
Calvin’s reply to Hobbes tidbit of knowledge is liberalism in a nutshell…it is all about the handouts
Reppr Premium Member about 12 years ago
Calvin will grow up to be/…an average voter
djmalloy about 12 years ago
“You can’t ride the sled if you don’t climb the hills.” That should be the quote of the day. As good as anything any philosopher has ever said.
Frog-on-a-Log Premium Member about 12 years ago
All cats are lazy and selfish. It’s what they do!
hobbes_the_homicidal_jungle_cat about 12 years ago
i think he is talking abort HIMSELF
orinoco womble about 12 years ago
Politics doesn’t come into it. Lazy, selfish people think everyone else is. It’s called transference.
MysteryCat about 12 years ago
Calvin wants a ski-lift.
rentier about 12 years ago
It’s snowing cats and dogs! So much snow as for a long time not!
rentier about 12 years ago
Oh, je, je, je….
unca jim about 12 years ago
@Night Gaunt;Don’t forget ‘omnibus’ (sic) who ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY MUST come down from the mount, lift his leg and pee some absurdity about tea-baggers and/or non-working Republicans, then dash off to his den to think up something MORE bumper-stickerish for the next foray into comics-land.So far, he’s a broken record…
Mythreesons about 12 years ago
Unless you know zoidknight personally your comment is slanderous and unChristian, which from your comments I assume you claim to be.
calvinsfriend110 about 12 years ago
He refuses to be your steed.
USN1977 about 12 years ago
There was another one where Calvin missed the bus then he told his Mom to speed in her car, overtake the bus then drop him off where he can catch the bus at a later stop. When she made him walk to school, he made the same face and thought to himself “Mom is so lazy”.
Scott S about 12 years ago
Are there sledding hills with a rope tow? Like a ski slope?
ratlum about 12 years ago
We had a road going to the top of the hill ,so we always had some one drive us up ,wait for us at the bottom. 60 yrs later the hill is still there but you ride up on chairs if you got money,and its so crowded I dont know how these people can enjoy them selves .Bet you Calvin would always be out of bonds.
khpage about 12 years ago
He’s also ahead of you up the hill, Calvin. Hobbes is your best friend, not a stepinfetchit….
Puddleglum2 about 12 years ago
“Everybody pulled his weight.”
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 12 years ago
I love how Calvin can go from looking like a little boy to a grumpy old man, as in the last panel! Priceless!
Red_Fez about 12 years ago
An Obamabot ahead of his time.
Rickapolis about 12 years ago
Install a t-lift. I’m sure your dad will spring for it.
pouncingtiger about 12 years ago
Hobbes is out of your imagination, Calvin.
vwdualnomand about 12 years ago
last panel….isn’t that everyone in congress? 180k a year, benefits, and perks, but work 2 days/week. maybe we should have term limits on congresspeople.
unnormal about 12 years ago
Especially stuffed cats.
No — not the ones stuffed with food…I’m talkin’ COTTON.
mkd_1218 about 12 years ago
LOl! (even a day later…………) :)