20-30 years of psychobabble later, and Watterson’s obviously tongue-in-cheek commentary has become accepted rationalization and justification. I somehow doubt that that was his intent.
so, if a kid fails in school, it is the kid’s fault, not the teachers who are not motivated to teach, not the outdated books, not the non-conducive learning environment, not the days taken away for standardized testing, and not the parents’ inattention to their kids.
Perhaps my all-time favorite, mainly because of Hobbes’ comment in the last panel. I’ve had it on my bulletin board at home since it was first published.
@ OmniusYou might try for a class in civics 101. Read the constitution and you’ll discover that ‘Congress’ (the House of Representatives) makes the national budget. The President can’t pay the light bill unless Congress gives him the money. IOW, the President never has had the power to make a budget. He can ‘recommend’ just like you and I if we call our representatives. And they have the power to ignore him, just like they do to you and I.
“By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations.”
Shouldn’t he then have been accountable and resigned?
I actually agree with this. I’m tired of everything being everybody else’s fault instead of the person who actually is at fault. People need to take responsibility for themselves!
A kid who can use words that many adults wouldn’t understand. There are those who would regard the use of the bucket of ice water as torture and worthy of a major lawsuit…Hobbes would represent Calvin of course…..
Cannot argue with much of your allegations regarding Christendom, war, etc. I share your frustration.-My only niggle with your comment is a common misinterpretation of Judges 11:30-40. Verse 40 could be translated to read: “From year to year the daughters of Israel would go to give commendation to (or converse with) the daughter of Jeph′thah the Gil′e·ad·ite, four days in the year.”-In other words, she was still alive. He sacrificed her only in the sense that she (willingly) went to the tabernacle to live and work, thus giving up her chance to have children and raise a family. Admittedly, a big deal in those days; that’s why she was so honored.-He did not sacrifice his daughter in the literal sense.
Dear Calvin,Hate to throw cold water in your undies but any good holistic healer would tell you that the beginning of healing is that you recognize that you are responsible for your choices in spite of your past.Gnosh on that.
In Judges 11:29 the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jephthah. In the next verse Jephthah made his vow. God wouldn’t honor the vow as he did by giving Jephthah the victory over the Ammonites if Jephthah would kill his beloved daughter to fulfill the vow. The word translated “lament” in Judges 11:40 can be translated talk with.
el8 about 12 years ago
Sounds like Calvin may have dunked his head in a bucket of shite.
alviebird about 12 years ago
I must memorize that speech.
Linux0s about 12 years ago
The last thing Calvin needs is empowered.
rentier about 12 years ago
Pull out yourself with all your force and power!Perhaps you can do it with Hobbes at your side!!
ratlum about 12 years ago
To under stand all that I need a bucket of cold water too.
bluskies about 12 years ago
20-30 years of psychobabble later, and Watterson’s obviously tongue-in-cheek commentary has become accepted rationalization and justification. I somehow doubt that that was his intent.
margueritem about 12 years ago
So do many of your fellows, Calvin.
Phapada about 12 years ago
welcome to Thailand …. so hot to day ….
vwdualnomand about 12 years ago
so, if a kid fails in school, it is the kid’s fault, not the teachers who are not motivated to teach, not the outdated books, not the non-conducive learning environment, not the days taken away for standardized testing, and not the parents’ inattention to their kids.
rshive about 12 years ago
Certainly has a large selection of buzz words.
bluram about 12 years ago
Not even Dr. Phil can help this poor soul out.
rpmurray about 12 years ago
Every time the law breakers commit a new atrocity, it’s the law abiding that get hit with new restrictions on their rights.
celeconecca about 12 years ago
too many people have succumbed to this culture of victimhood. Time to give it up and take responsibility for our actions. Harumph!
jpcedotal about 12 years ago
We have a president who believes this now….
rentier almost 12 years ago
Hear: www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_zPfy0OHVU, it’s in German, doesn’t exist in English!
Vonne Anton almost 12 years ago
Sounds like he’s having a Big Mac Attack!
Hobbes Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Well, at least Calvin is still in touch with his inner child.
Hobbes Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Click here: Peanuts (September 24, 1967)
rentier almost 12 years ago
Thank you for absoulution!!
Hobbes Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Click here: Ziggy (September 4, 1991)
Hobbes Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Click here: Peanuts (September 23, 1962)
grayleaf almost 12 years ago
Perhaps my all-time favorite, mainly because of Hobbes’ comment in the last panel. I’ve had it on my bulletin board at home since it was first published.
Number Three almost 12 years ago
Calm down, Calvin! You’re still a little boy. Though at your age… I’m impressed with the complex words you use.
William Bednar Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I’ll have to use this argument in court the next time I find myself at the scene of a crime (no committed by me, of course).
William Bednar Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Calvin’s final statement “I love the culture of victimhood” would make a great title for a book about Socialism.
Red_Fez almost 12 years ago
Hillary Clinton…???
Sarge79 almost 12 years ago
For a kid who hates school he sure has a vocabulary
goprendek almost 12 years ago
Since when did Calvin become a Democrat?
Alyianna almost 12 years ago
Unfortunately, that’s how society seems to think nowadays – like Calvin.
francisrossi almost 12 years ago
Something Bill Hicks said beforehand?
Superhawk almost 12 years ago
@ OmniusYou might try for a class in civics 101. Read the constitution and you’ll discover that ‘Congress’ (the House of Representatives) makes the national budget. The President can’t pay the light bill unless Congress gives him the money. IOW, the President never has had the power to make a budget. He can ‘recommend’ just like you and I if we call our representatives. And they have the power to ignore him, just like they do to you and I.
bh0000 almost 12 years ago
Sounds like a typical liberal.
Red_Fez almost 12 years ago
He-he… just look at the vitriol. Libs just can’t stand to be called out.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 12 years ago
And on another subject, Check out Diamond Lil for the past few days if you haven’t already. There you will meet Calvin’s “Grand MaMa”!
yangeldf almost 12 years ago
the stuff that Calvin says in panel 3 is random jargon that doesn’t even connect to itself…
Rickapolis almost 12 years ago
Sounds like the NRA creed, doesn’t it?
ratlum almost 12 years ago
I agree since I learned to think for myself,about whats is really happening .
AStarofDestiny almost 12 years ago
There are those that twist Christianity to their own evil ways, and these people ARE NOT true Christians.
StCleve72 almost 12 years ago
“By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations.”
Shouldn’t he then have been accountable and resigned?
AStarofDestiny almost 12 years ago
I actually agree with this. I’m tired of everything being everybody else’s fault instead of the person who actually is at fault. People need to take responsibility for themselves!
Gretchen's Mom almost 12 years ago
Some days it’s really difficult to enjoy this strip.:-(
coffee_mom11 almost 12 years ago
I sure do miss President Reagan right about now . . . sigh. . . .
khpage almost 12 years ago
A kid who can use words that many adults wouldn’t understand. There are those who would regard the use of the bucket of ice water as torture and worthy of a major lawsuit…Hobbes would represent Calvin of course…..
jkhandy almost 12 years ago
Sums up American culture perfectly
Popeyesforearm almost 12 years ago
nice to know nothing has changed in 30 years.
orz almost 12 years ago
rape culture
Vonne Anton almost 12 years ago
Cannot argue with much of your allegations regarding Christendom, war, etc. I share your frustration.-My only niggle with your comment is a common misinterpretation of Judges 11:30-40. Verse 40 could be translated to read: “From year to year the daughters of Israel would go to give commendation to (or converse with) the daughter of Jeph′thah the Gil′e·ad·ite, four days in the year.”-In other words, she was still alive. He sacrificed her only in the sense that she (willingly) went to the tabernacle to live and work, thus giving up her chance to have children and raise a family. Admittedly, a big deal in those days; that’s why she was so honored.-He did not sacrifice his daughter in the literal sense.
morristhecat almost 12 years ago
Wattesay? Wattesay? Translation pleez.
IQTech61 almost 12 years ago
Dear Calvin,Hate to throw cold water in your undies but any good holistic healer would tell you that the beginning of healing is that you recognize that you are responsible for your choices in spite of your past.Gnosh on that.
38lowell almost 12 years ago
I think a switch to the butt will show him the path to holistic healing and wellness.
38lowell almost 12 years ago
The culture of victimhood is OK, as long as a gun isn’t involved.
alviebird almost 12 years ago
It appears that there are some who would dismiss the message because they don’t like the messenger. I think the statement stands on its own.
Puddleglum2 almost 12 years ago
In Judges 11:29 the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jephthah. In the next verse Jephthah made his vow. God wouldn’t honor the vow as he did by giving Jephthah the victory over the Ammonites if Jephthah would kill his beloved daughter to fulfill the vow. The word translated “lament” in Judges 11:40 can be translated talk with.