My dad could identify with him. My dad only had one and half lungs. Part of one collapsed when he had pneumonia as a baby and they had to drain the lung. The lower lob collapsed. He could not float as he found out later when he tried to join the Navy in 1940. The Navy had a requirement you had to be able to stay afloat for 15 minutes. He sank immediately. So the Navy would not take him. Best part was when he went US Merchant Marines. He had to jump off a thirty foot high tower into water that had oil set ablaze on the surface. Naked. Off he went and straight to the bottom. He stood there looked over and saw a ladder so he ambled over and climbed up to the surface. All the time the diver watched in disbelieve. After he got out the commander came over and said “Son, just want to remind you its a long way across the bottom of the ocean to get to shore.” My dad replied “I will just have to hold my breath longer.” The commander laughed. My dad served from 1940 to 1945 in the service.Torpedoed twice. Dodged kamakazies. Avoided mines. Shot down a JU87 dive bomber on D-Day. Sat in the invasion fleet off the coast of Japan the day they dropped the bomb. He saw the flash on the horizon and felt a warm breeze some time later. Never knew what it was till published. The ship had ammo and c-rations. Orders where to ground the ship on the beach. Cut the hull and off load. His captain told the crew from that point they now would belong to the Army to serve as replacements.Every day now we loose those individuals of that great generation. Try to get their stories before all that is lost.I am sure they all have tales like that to tell. Maybe not the scariest part but the humor even in wartime.
Sadly, Linguist, I’ve been harping on what you’ve suggested for years ‘n years.When entering my car in carshows, I run across “vets” with their ball caps on with whatever service they were in, ’specially now the Korean War vets. I’ve met my share of WW 2 vets, have acouple in our car club. Seems to me that the guys ’n gals from that “forgotten” war in Korea are being forgotten at a must faster pace. It makes me wonder at times about the vets from Desert Storm, etc.?
Linguist about 12 years ago
Trust me, with that gut, you won’t !
battle of plattsburgh about 12 years ago
breath deeply.
Vet Premium Member about 12 years ago
My dad could identify with him. My dad only had one and half lungs. Part of one collapsed when he had pneumonia as a baby and they had to drain the lung. The lower lob collapsed. He could not float as he found out later when he tried to join the Navy in 1940. The Navy had a requirement you had to be able to stay afloat for 15 minutes. He sank immediately. So the Navy would not take him. Best part was when he went US Merchant Marines. He had to jump off a thirty foot high tower into water that had oil set ablaze on the surface. Naked. Off he went and straight to the bottom. He stood there looked over and saw a ladder so he ambled over and climbed up to the surface. All the time the diver watched in disbelieve. After he got out the commander came over and said “Son, just want to remind you its a long way across the bottom of the ocean to get to shore.” My dad replied “I will just have to hold my breath longer.” The commander laughed. My dad served from 1940 to 1945 in the service.Torpedoed twice. Dodged kamakazies. Avoided mines. Shot down a JU87 dive bomber on D-Day. Sat in the invasion fleet off the coast of Japan the day they dropped the bomb. He saw the flash on the horizon and felt a warm breeze some time later. Never knew what it was till published. The ship had ammo and c-rations. Orders where to ground the ship on the beach. Cut the hull and off load. His captain told the crew from that point they now would belong to the Army to serve as replacements.Every day now we loose those individuals of that great generation. Try to get their stories before all that is lost.I am sure they all have tales like that to tell. Maybe not the scariest part but the humor even in wartime.
Neat '33 about 12 years ago
Sadly, Linguist, I’ve been harping on what you’ve suggested for years ‘n years.When entering my car in carshows, I run across “vets” with their ball caps on with whatever service they were in, ’specially now the Korean War vets. I’ve met my share of WW 2 vets, have acouple in our car club. Seems to me that the guys ’n gals from that “forgotten” war in Korea are being forgotten at a must faster pace. It makes me wonder at times about the vets from Desert Storm, etc.?
Olddog1 about 12 years ago
Thi won’t work. A couple of us tried as kids. Belle about 2-3 feet you can’t inhale.