Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 29, 2012

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    Blood-Poisoning Vermin  about 12 years ago

    If he celebrated Festivus he could address this during the Airing of Grievences. Just not with our tax dollars.

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    Alabama Al  about 12 years ago

    Maybe Roland’s “War on Christmas” screed actually has some validity. After all, consider what success the Forces of Evil achieved in their war on All Hallows Day (a.k.a.: All Saints Day.)

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    DylanThomas3.14159  about 12 years ago

    Not one créche restored to a public space, not one spilled Michelob Ultra that wasn’t taken out of Bmzklfrpz’s wages. Whatta pit.

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    DylanThomas3.14159  about 12 years ago

    And besides, in this damn country nobody tips a despot like they did in Berserkistan.

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    vwdualnomand  about 12 years ago

    he covered the war on xmas, but, not the fiscal cliff, or debt ceiling, or the still not passed farm bill?

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    rockngolfer  about 12 years ago

    To get an idea how good Trudeau is, compare to Mallard Fillmore, which was supposed to be the “conservative” answer.

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    chazandru  about 12 years ago

    This is one of those issues I do not understand. A giant menorah was lit on public grounds in Washington DC, a quite lovely symbol of Chanukah. As long as a creche is non permanent, isn’t paid for by taxpayers and is set up and taken down by non government people, why is it wrong? This is one of those fights that distract from real issues and makes each side that more tribal in how they treat each other.Sadly,C.

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    Jack Straw  about 12 years ago

    Having General Alphabet out working as a bartender, where he can intersect with the other regular characters, opens up tantalizing plot possibilities. Supposes he were to show up at Walden College, teaching a poli-sci seminar?

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    montessoriteacher  about 12 years ago

    This is a really funny story line. Looks like he is wrapping it up with Hedley having a drink at the end of the day…

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    caligula  about 12 years ago

    But what they want is a constitutional duty and what you want is free access to the public fisc. There IS a difference.

    Without solid national security the rest is moot.

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    wmbrainiac  about 12 years ago

    wonderful punch line. thanks very much for good laugh.

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member about 12 years ago

    And this is why I love Doonesbury.

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    ealeseth  about 12 years ago

    My home church has lots of Christmas celebration, preceded by Advent and followed by Epiphany, to be quite satisfactory. Even with a large number of services and concerts, we can’t sing all the songs customary for Lutherans. The people who claim to be Christian, who also say they don’t get enough of Christmas should try going to church. If their church isn’t doing enough, complain there.

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    Justice22  about 12 years ago

    Why doesn’t Roland ask Trrzrff? about his views on Christianity? If I remember correctly he was despot of an Islamic country. Remember the “Arab Spring”?

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    DavyG  about 12 years ago

    I helped put the Rocky out of business, by dropping my subscription when the coverage of national and world news got so sparse, around 2005. It did a great job of covering the Rocky Mountains from Fort Collins to Pueblo, east to Limon and west to Vail, but too little about the other 49 states, the other 6 continents, etc. (Okay, it’s almost always a slow news day in Antarctica.) At the time I switched papers, the Post was modest step up in that regard.

    I sure miss Ed Quillen in the Post.

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    route66paul  about 12 years ago

    It is a shame that the US congress takes an idea from Ca State Legslislate. It seems that it has been common practice here – who cares if your paycheck goes down to minimum wage?

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    route66paul  about 12 years ago

    It is more important to the republicans, because the Democrats have a majority. If they can tie something down, it will be a miracle

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    Hectoruno  about 12 years ago

    I have just read all the Mallard Filmore for the month of December. I only found one joke that I would consider funny. A kid asked Santa if instead of gifts if Santa would smite someone. No characters and the jokes are just DNC talking points with out trying to be funny. I understand why it is not on gocomics.

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    annieb1012  about 12 years ago

    @DavyG “I helped put the Rocky out of business….”


    Agreed, the global coverage got sparse indeed. The Post has virtually none, now. We all miss Ed Q. Do you remember the name of the humorist from Evergreen who did those wacky self-lampooning pieces about dealing with fatherhood, pet ownership, and so on? He did a great one on the Harmonic Convergence, which he morphed into “Harmonica Virgins.”

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    Newshound41  about 12 years ago

    The Supreme Court has been all over the place on this issue. In 1984, Lynch vs. Donnelly, SCOTUS ruled 5-4 that a Nativity scene on government property did not violate the Establishment Clause of the Constitution. In 2001, Allegheny vs.ACLU, another 5-4 ruling said that a Nativity scene placed on the county courthouse staircase by a private organization did violate the Establishment Clause. This scene also had a sign above it that read, “Gloria in Excelsis Deo” (“Glory to God in the Highest”).Here is a link to the complete article:

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    montessoriteacher  about 12 years ago

    I continue to be shocked by the number of people on this thread who claim to hate GT and Doonesbury, yet read the strip and even bother to participate on this thread…

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    montessoriteacher  about 12 years ago

    There is a petition online to classify the Westboro Baptist Church as a hate group. That one was a long time coming…

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    montessoriteacher  about 12 years ago

    The fact that WBC is considered a church with a tax exempt status is also rather galling…

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member about 12 years ago

    And bar tending despises you!

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    James38  about 12 years ago

    Religion is a complete crock anyway. Please consider that any group that requires members to accept any idea – IE God exists, (if you can call that an ’idea") – on faith, as in believe it without evidence, is a complete fraud from the beginning.

    Then we have the next step which is convincing (if necessary) the “faithful” that there are certain special people (priests, imams, etc) who get messages from “god” that the rest of us can’t hear, and then you have the “special” one saying, “Here is a nice bomb. God wants you to strap it on and go kill some people you don’t even know, usually including some kids and women. You will get your reward in heaven.” …..“I obey, o holy one”. Boom.

    But beyond all those considerations, “It never is. This is why I despise bartending.” just may be the funniest line yet in Doonesbury.

    Admiral Bftsplyx just got his gold star for sheer devastating honesty.

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    Newshound41  about 12 years ago

    Bruce Tinsley, the writer of “Mallard Fillmore,” confirms his uselessness by not being able to get the simple facts straight. He claims that the first and second Presidential debates were held in September. All the debates were held in October.-

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