I discovered Lovecraft in my early teens, now, almost 55 years later, I still read him with undiminished horror and delight.He is one of those writers whose literary skill continues to grow on the reader, as the reader matures. Worth re-reading every few years to savor his art and discover new depths.I have always considered him the William Faulkner of his genre. ( Perhaps, in a way, Joycean ).
Linguist about 12 years ago
This ought to be good…can’t wait to see this year’s tree.
Sherlock Watson about 12 years ago
So… she wants him to bark at them until they run up a tree?
thesnowleopard Premium Member about 12 years ago
Tentacles. Gotta be lots and lots of tentacles on it.
vwdualnomand about 12 years ago
how about if everyone buys a tree, they plant a tree.
Pharmakeus Ubik about 12 years ago
A tale of the strange non-euclidean yule tree of the Queen in Black,
librisleo about 12 years ago
They have heard the Call.
runar about 12 years ago
“Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthristhmath R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn”.
Laiane about 12 years ago
I am sooooooooo looking forward to this. Mr. Sungenis, you’ve made my day. Happy Cthulhumas.
Cat43ullus about 12 years ago
Brats in the walls?
Durak Premium Member about 12 years ago
meowlin about 12 years ago
Oh, Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath, oh, Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath, how sanity-shredding are your branches…
cwreenactor about 12 years ago
That is so warped.
emjaycee about 12 years ago
Look up the script and DVD of “A Shoggoth on the Roof”. Quite amusing.
Linguist about 12 years ago
I discovered Lovecraft in my early teens, now, almost 55 years later, I still read him with undiminished horror and delight.He is one of those writers whose literary skill continues to grow on the reader, as the reader matures. Worth re-reading every few years to savor his art and discover new depths.I have always considered him the William Faulkner of his genre. ( Perhaps, in a way, Joycean ).
Jonathan Bridge Premium Member about 12 years ago
Why water your tree when Dr. Herbert West can reanimate it!