In real life, the car would be impounded and the officer would take them to the station. After that, they are on their own for transportation! PS: They would probably let them make a couple of phone calls for that purpose.
Is “failure to communicate” a real charge? I can believe it, but I would think I’d have heard of it. But then there are 50 states and hundreds of thousands of municipalities.
Llewellenbruce about 12 years ago
His big mouth got him in trouble again.
DaJellyBelly about 12 years ago
In real life, the car would be impounded and the officer would take them to the station. After that, they are on their own for transportation! PS: They would probably let them make a couple of phone calls for that purpose.
Jogger2 about 12 years ago
So the officer DID ask for the license! We simply weren’t shown that part of the story.
I like the “Failure to communicate” charge!
arye uygur about 12 years ago
I think Chubby got off easy.
pschearer Premium Member about 12 years ago
Is “failure to communicate” a real charge? I can believe it, but I would think I’d have heard of it. But then there are 50 states and hundreds of thousands of municipalities.
gargaduke about 12 years ago
Come on, Jim. Use that handy-dandy eraser of yours and put Chubby out of his misery (and ours) for good.
axe-grinder about 12 years ago
time for the little lady to turn on the ol’ charm…
paultolfree about 12 years ago
5 years in sing sing with any luck
battle of plattsburgh about 12 years ago
One more charge.Being a total jerk: priceless.
TheAuldWan about 12 years ago
Add “Mopery with intent to creep”.
octagon about 12 years ago
Only parts of Sing Sing in Osining NY are closed. There is still a maximum security wing housing 1700 prisoners.
octagon about 12 years ago
A charge of “failure to communicate”? That’s really sucking the public dry of every dime in their pocket.