Wizard of Id by Parker and Hart for January 12, 2013

  1. Stewiebrian
    pouncingtiger  about 12 years ago

    If that parrot continues, that will be one Ex-Parrot that will be pushing up the daisies, etc.

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  2. Dscf8802 icon
    loveofabove  about 12 years ago

    and he’s owned you once again, rodney

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  3. Garfield
    linsonl  about 12 years ago

    Yeah….I was chuckling as several came to mind.

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  4. Ktf 2 12 2023 1
    Wren Fahel  about 12 years ago

    I’m such an innocent: the first thing that came to MY mind was the episode of “the Monkees” where the boys ended up on a pirate ship and had to get information by Mickey imitating the Captain’s parrot. (I recently watched every single episode with my 2 daughters, so it’s fresh in my mind.)

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  5. Milo2
    ArfArf88  about 12 years ago

    Real story in Germany this week – parrot tricks neighbour, police and the fire dept. into thinking there was an abandoned child in apartment when it called out Mama, Papa in a child’s voice.

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  6. Missing large 2
    Phatts  about 12 years ago

    my favorite parrot story …Burglar breaks into a house, and he’s looking around with his flashlight. Suddenly, he hears a voice in the darkness …“… Jesus is watching you …”Burglar freezes in his tracks, scared almost out of his pants.After a few minutes of not hearing anything else, he decides it’s just his imagination, and presses on. Then, suddenly …“… Jesus is watching you …”Burglar freezes again, but he’s a little less scared now. He starts searching everywhere with his flashlight, until he spies a parrot sitting in his cage, looking back at him.“Hey,” the burglar says, “that was you, wasn’t it, Polly?”“Yah, it was,” the parrot confesses, “but the name’s not ‘Polly’.”“No? So what’s your name then?”“Moses.”At this, the burglar starts laughing so hard he almost drops the light. He guffaws, “HAW! What kind of idiots name their parrot, ‘Moses’?”And the parrot says, “The same kind of idiots who name their Rottwheiler, ‘Jesus.’SIC ’IM, JESUS!”

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  7. 061
    pawpawbear  about 12 years ago

    There is a recitation out there that involves a young man buying a parrot. He is assured it talks but it doesn’t After several trips back to the shop, where he buys more and more expensive stuff to stimulate the bird, the bird dies. He takes the bird back to the shop and shows the shop owner the dead bird. He also told the owner, the bird finally said something, “Don’t they sell bird seed down there?”

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  8. 061
    pawpawbear  about 12 years ago

    An addendum to my above post, the recording is buy the Geezinslaws and may be found on youtube at:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeDDD6-FVUE

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  9. Spooky
    unca jim  about 12 years ago

    gmartin997 said;“There’s been some raunchy jokes about parrots with filthy mouths over the years; none that are fit to be repeated here. Feel free to chuckle if one comes to mind.”

    I did. One was a gut-buster.. another finished with; “Put away the Bible, Bob, our prayers have been answered.”

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    Hjav1002  about 12 years ago

    Great! Clean and non Political.

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  11. Rf
    travburg1  about 12 years ago

    Bravo, Sir!

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  12. Mountain lynx
    Shikamoo Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Rodney, she doesn’t believe you.

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  13. Masked
    Rickapolis  about 12 years ago

    Squawk, what a little penis you have, squawk…

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  14. 061
    pawpawbear  about 12 years ago

    The problem with some, seems to be a complete lack of restraint. And some cannot weigh evidence for themselves. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.

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    AmyGrantfan51774  about 12 years ago

    this was funny except when the parrot said I think I’ll braid my nose hair today that was a little gross don’t y’all think???…I’ve seen videos of parrots cussing it’s funny

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  16. Pirate63
    Linguist  about 12 years ago

    When the Hell did this strip become an outlet for idiocy and ideology ?What the F ? This is not Doonesbury ! I guess that the trolls couldn’t espouse their vitriolic blabber in a forum apropos of that type of comment, and were reduced to gibbering on sites such as this.

    And we will NOT discuss my parrot, Pierre Le Nez – a.k.a. Pete the Beak !!@

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