Frazz by Jef Mallett for January 28, 2013

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    Varnes  about 12 years ago

    Too do it right, you need a shanty
with a heater, chairs, a table, a TV for the game
a camp stove for munchies
and a deck of cards. Maybe a little carpet

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    frogsandravens  about 12 years ago

    Frazz, the usual way of asking that question is “How big” or “How much did it weigh” – but I guess we wouldn’t have a joke then.

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    flyertom  about 12 years ago

    Fishing = Self-inflicted boredom.Did it once. As soon as I tossed my line into the water, I began thinking of other things I’d rather be doing.As the lad says, “It felt like all week.”

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    vwdualnomand  about 12 years ago

    heard that because of warming temps during the winter, many ice fishers’ vehicles fell through the ice. and, that some ice fishing seasons were drastically cut short or canceled.

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    puddleglum1066  about 12 years ago

    “Still no sign of land
 how long is it?”

    “That’s a rather personal question!!”

    —Monty Python

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    twj0729  about 12 years ago

    We have a lake here in Michigan, Ford Lake (of course) and I repeatedly have to pick up debris left by fisherpeople. Including balls of discarded fishing tackle (some with a hook still attached). Have seen Canadian geese with tackle hanging on their legs. Come on guys clean it up! That’s a slow death for birds and fish, alike!

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    Demmiaa  about 12 years ago

    It’s not boring when the fish are running in Alaska!

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    tahoeh2o  about 12 years ago

    Work is for people that dont fish

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    DDS029  about 12 years ago

    I spent a month fishing one day. And I grew up on the shore of the “almost Great Lake”, Lake St. Clair. I hate boating and swimming, too. Go figure.

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    jessegooddoggy  about 12 years ago

    My sister loves fishing and can sit for hours in one spot, I am antsy after 5 minutes. But we have perfect vacations together – I go for a long hike, and she is about ready to pack it up when I return. We can spend days together without getting on each other’s nerves!

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    gcarlson  about 12 years ago

    “My brother went ice fishing. He caught ten pounds of ice. Hiswifefried it up and they both drowned.” – Foster Brooks

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    SuperNick1112  about 12 years ago

    We fish off of our dock, and I can’t tell you how many catfish we’ve caught because of chopped up hot dogs. My sister one time used an entire brat and caught the catfish king of our lake.

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    littleannoyingdog  about 12 years ago

    I have a two month window to get rainbow trout.I pay $30 for a license so I keep what I catch.I don’t find it boring at all.

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    Gary Fabian  about 12 years ago

    A bad day fishing will always beat a good day at works.

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    Konabill  about 12 years ago

    I’ve spent long hours trolling for Marlin and if I had been successful, it would have spoiled the day. Most people seem to confuse fishing and catching. Yoga quote. ‘Everyone should spend an half hour per day meditating, unless they don’t have the time, in which case they ‘need’ one hour of meditation. Won’t even get into watching a youngster catching dinner for the first time.

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    water_moon  about 12 years ago

    My parent’s neighbor has a little fish pond, where the fish are trained to bite on any hook in the water (he tosses ’em food and alwasy tosses back the little ones so they like eatting hooks, it means more food tossed in!) so kids think “fishing” is where they can catch a dozen in less than half an hour. Me, I grew up thinking fishing was sitting with my grandpa and chatting while the fish ate bread.

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    Varnes  about 12 years ago

    Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day
Teach him how to fish and he’ll come home late for dinner smelling like fish

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  18. Viking
    steelersneo  about 12 years ago

    No, no Frazz. How long is a Chinaman.

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