The giant bagel and the drawstring waist. The jumbo fries and the elastic waistband. The supersized soda and the relaxed-fit pants. Today's food and clothing trends combine for a powerful new look: Goodbye, fashion plate. Hello fashion platter.
lightenup Premium Member about 12 years ago
Wow, Cathy, you really blew up!! POP!Hello nutty Cathy family!! Have a great day!@exoticdoc – Yet obese people expect the rest of us to pay for their health problems and sue when they’re “discriminated” against. The problem is not a “nanny government”. The problem is stupid people, their bad decisions and how it impacts everyone else. That is what will bring this country down, not the government. We were doing just fine as a country when everyone took responsibility for their actions, were considerate of others and were not whiny babies.
alondra about 12 years ago
The problem is the government’s idea of a collective society moving closer to communism every day. If someone smokes and gets lung cancer as a result THEY are responsible not society. If someone is obese and has health conditions because of it, THEY are responsible, not society. The same for drinkers, drug users, and any other problem that people bring on themselves. THEY and THEY ALONE ought to bear the responsibility and the cost of treatment. NOT everyone else. I could go on and on with this but I don’t have all day!
catsarge10 about 12 years ago
And back to the comic…I don’t think I’ve ever seen Cathy look as big as she does in the last panel. However, she has nothing on the gal whom I heard mentioned in the news yesterday. Take a look if you dare!
AnonaMoaner about 12 years ago
Interesting . . . I looked back a couple of days and then did a little investigating myself. I found this link: – check the Bio, it has a sentence in common with “our” Aaron. Then one of the comments said this:
" Aaron commented on Arlo and Janis over 1 year ago
Weird, but my “new” GoComics account shows up like my old one used to. Meaning I can push the right-‘arrow’ and get to each comic and list of comments. My “old” account got ‘upgraded’ to the format that bites badly. I don’t use it anymore. Too much work. I see “/explore” in my URL. Tried to use that on the old account, but it doesn’t work. The site guys need to ‘splain themselves Lucy. (Ricky Ricardo, in the 60’s)"
There are several other Aarons listed, but most have a surname added. On our Aaron’s page at you can read his most recent comments, if they’re of any help.
I miss them too. I suspect that’s why Cathy’s place can be a bit quiet now. :( Premium Member about 12 years ago
Hi Cathyites!! Last time I checked “Communism” is pretty dead world-wide these days — I really don’t think we have to worry too much about it “taking over” in the US.As for Cathy, she might want to cut that “supersized” junk food if she really wants to lose that weight she is always obsessing about. And, yes we all know we shouldn’t eat like this, or smoke or do a lot of things that make us sick — but sometimes we need a little reminder — and if that comes from the govt so what? I’m not crazy about paying for folks visits to the ER as part of my medical bills either — but I’ve never been given a choice on that one — and the govt has nothing to do with it.
rgcviper about 12 years ago
Well, Cathy’s proportions today are ……. interesting. Don’t think I’ve ever seen her THAT round.
HI, MOM. Hello, Clan.
hendelca Premium Member about 12 years ago
Hi fellow Cathyites. I have been rather quiet this past week but I do want to thank all of you for your posts. I lost my only surviving close friend last Tuesday morning so have been on an emotional roller coaster since then. (Darn – tears in my eyes again). It was very calming visiting Cathy and reading all your comments. Just knowing that there are many good people in the world helps me deal with the loss. I know time will help me deal with it but I suspect I will be a little emotional in the meantime. We had a fantastic, fun, meeting of some of my remaining friends and two of his daughters on Sunday. Lots of good memories and laughs exchanged. That helped too. I was really happy to read that I am not the only one who does not care if Aaron and Dr. Billy are real people or totally fake personas. It takes a special kind of person to write posts like that so it does not matter if their name is Aaron or Dr. Billy. He/She/They are good people anyway. I, too, hope that the real Aaron and Dr. Billy (or the person or persons impersonating them) come back to posting here. That said, I am very glad to know that there are many more good people like yourselves still hanging out here.