Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for July 06, 2014
Blonde man: Hot dog or tofu dog? Cathy: Tofu dog. I'll get the taste of summer with all the health benefits of plant-based protein. Blonde man: Regular tofu dog or lite tofu dog? Cathy: I'm already committing to a tofu dog! Isn't that healthy enough?? Blonde man: The lite tofu dog has 50% less fat. Cathy: I don't want a healthier alternative to my healthy alternative! Just a regular tofu dog on a multi-grain bun! Blonde man: The regular multi-grain bun or the low-calorie multi-grain bun? Cathy: Regular, tofu dog! Regular multi-grain bun! And fat-free potato salad! Blonde man: The regular fat-free potato salad, or the fat-free, egg-free, potato-free potato salad?? Cathy: STOP IT! STOP GIVING ME HEALTHIER CHOICES!! Blonde woman: Whew! Someone has a chip on her shoulder! Blonde man: Did you want the regular low-fat chip or the low-fat, low-sodium chip?
midland1967 over 10 years ago
Why do nice girls think we will marry you if you are skinny and HOT. My stupid friends who marry the hot ones losing half their assets to their hot ex-wives. I looked at what my wife was made of.Friends of my generation are on their second or third marriages. I have been with my wife for 40 years.When I came back from Vietnam, I was no longer the typical American college guy. War changes you. You don’t have the petty values you had in college. During hard times like war, it takes heart to overcome hardships. You learn to respect people with heart. When the ship came back, I did not have anyone to welcome me home.Even though she did not speak English, I knew my wife was a woman with heart that I could build a marriage and a family. Her whole life was filled with overcoming hardships.She spoke no English and went to a village school until third grade. She started out as a housekeeper at twelve. Yet, her life was our family. Maybe I was Naval Officer and a college graduate, but I was her third child. I learned everything about being a husband and a father from her. Just like the Navy, she demanded performance.There are times when a man fails. She would just pick me up, dust me off and said, “Let’s go.” Moreover, she did not try to make me over in what she thought I should be. A man is who he is. A good wife should respect that.My Mexican wife is the rock in which our marriage stands on. My happiness is deeply rooted because she cared and loved me with her whole life for 40 years.
rgcviper over 10 years ago
AACK—fer cryin’ out loud, just give her the food. At least she’s trying to be healthier …
Good Sunday Morning, “Cathy” Clan. Premium Member over 10 years ago
Waaaaaaay too many choices.
midland1967 over 10 years ago
Why are you still so mean to yourself? My sister came back from Midland and told me about your 2011 interview with my old newspaper. You were named as a Famous graduate of Midland High School. But you talked like the same old Cathy about your imperfections. Nearly 50 years ago, when I came back from Northern Michigan University, you gained 15 pounds in your senior year. You were skinny as a high school junior. But you were so upset. I tried to tell you that there was so much more to you. Only jerks care if you are hot. Then they only think about just having sex with you. You were kind of girl that guys got married to, Cathy.
hendelca Premium Member over 10 years ago
Take all these choices today – then add gluten free options too. Way too many choices. Glad I can eat anything with the only side effect being weight gain.