Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for September 07, 2018

  1. Dra
    Fiammata  about 6 years ago

    And all those scans are really healthy for him, too.

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    gmorse76  about 6 years ago

    No danger in them at all, I’m a sonographer. But totally unnecessary? YES. Ridiculous to need to see the “baby” before it’s born? YES. Anticlimactic to find out the sex before the joy of discovery at delivery? YES.

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    dlkrueger33  about 6 years ago

    I wanted to know the sex of my kids before birth also. One, for names. Two, for decorating. I didn’t think it took any of the joy and excitement away from the moment of birth. Even if you know the sex, it’s still such an awesome, overwhelming experience to finally meet the little person you have been carrying around. And you have already been thinking of child in terms of being a person…imaging all that life has in store for him/her. So knowing the sex doesn’t diminish the big moment, in my humble opinion. Again, to each his own.

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    CountryB  about 6 years ago

    yolk sac?

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    hendelca Premium Member about 6 years ago

    We did not bother to find out before the birth of either of our girls. When asked what I wanted my standard answer was 10 fingers, 10 toes, healthy, human. Beyond that did not really care. Turns out I was thrilled to have two daughters.

    Just about time to kick off another beautiful weekend. I hope everyone in the Clan enjoys the next couple of days.

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    Charlie Tuba  about 6 years ago

    Now you would run out of memory on your iPhone.

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    gobblingup Premium Member about 6 years ago

    I guess it depends on how and why Charlene is doing all of these images bc the FDA discourages too many of them, esp when not done by trained professionals.

    Personally, I only got the sonograms that were necessary, although I was happy to find out the sex of my babies. It certainly did not take away from the surprise or excitement of their birth. In fact, it made it better for me because I didn’t have to deal with the roller coaster of emotions trying to adjust to if I had a boy or a girl vs what I was expecting to have.

    Hello Cathy friends! Happy Friday! I hope you have a great weekend!

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  8. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  about 6 years ago

    Knowing the gender of one’s baby before birth? Debatable. Taking the baby prep to an [eye-rolling] extreme? See above.

    HI, MOM. Happy Friday, “Cathy” Clan.

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