Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for March 15, 2021

  1. 10978db2 67b5 4b70 9521 ec3bfce003d8
    SnowBunny12  about 4 years ago

    I keep forgetting that they live there. Just kick them out already.

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  2. Profile msn
    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    What is that all about. My ketchup and beer last for months. Everything else is dog food in a week.

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  3. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    So close to getting rid of them! At least they are (sort of) helping to clean up. GretchensMom and summerdog are going to have a ball with this one. I know how much they are fond of Irving’s parents. ;-) Buckle up, I think this means that we are in for a week of Irving’s parents! Wheee….

    Hello Cathy friends! Happy Monday! Have a great day, all!

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  4. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  almost 4 years ago

    Poor Cathy! The look of almost utter joy on her face in p. 4 at the possibility of her in-laws FINALLY moving out of their house — only to have those hopes and dreams dashed yet again by her obnoxious, bat-crap-crazy mother-in-law — makes me feel so sad for her ….. and for the rest of US too because we’re having to suffer their presence right along with her!

    Where on earth is Irving’s spine?!? We’re closing in on 11 months now since those two just showed up uninvited on C&I’s doorstep, and even HE sounds like he’s ready for them to go ….. yet he’s saying and doing absolutely nothing to make that happen. Parents or not, it’s way beyond time for those people to leave the comfort of their son and D-I-L’s “nest” and live on their own again. Preferably back in their house that was so far away that Cathy and Irving had to get on a plane in order to go visit them once a year (or every other year)! :-/


    Hi, rgcviper! :-)


    Hello and Happy Monday, fellow Cathy fans. Hope you all had a really great weekend and a very nice day today, too. Stay safe and well, everyone! ♥

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    hendelca Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Of course they are content to live there – they don’t have to do anything!

    What a difference a weekend makes. On Friday there were a couple of hundred ice huts on the lake visible from our windows – even after the rather warm spell we had last week. It cooled off a lot since late last week like way below freezing along with very heavy winds for even lower wind chill temperatures. Today, with the promise of above freezing temps starting tomorrow there are only a couple of dozen huts left even though legally they can stay on the ice until the end of the month. I guess people don’t want to have to navigate through a foot or so of slush while pulling the hut off the ice. Definitely a sign of spring.

    Enjoy Monday today.

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  6. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  almost 4 years ago

    Feel the love.

    HI, MOM. Hello, Clan.

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  7. Cathy aack Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    I hope they are soon on their way for real this time…imagine the in-laws mooching off their kids for 11 months…not at my house they wouldn’t. Our ice huts are all gone, hendelca…along with the ice…the cranes and herons are back. Friday not one heron in sight, Saturday, every nest at Kensington park was occupied. Red wing blackbirds are also back…only one I haven’t seen yet is an egret.

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