Emmy Lou by Marty Links for March 02, 2013

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    punslinger  almost 12 years ago

    Why would you be collecting autographs in your sixth grade class?

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    rimpo  almost 12 years ago

    Told even my lawyer about the revival of Emmy Lou and even HE remembered it and with pleasure. Seems this cartoon triggers a smile in everyone who grew up during that era – and it is remembered by so many. Amazing. And re those autograph books from people’s elementary school years, our family still has some of their much loved autograph books, from school and from summer camp. And the book with the zipper closure and girl with the pony tail on the front, with the pages folded at a diagonal with both sides had been written on – so you could quickly find a blank page in someone’s book and add your own clever lines! Fun to see.

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    emmyloufan1  almost 12 years ago

    Hi Johnny Diego! PLEASE…don’t tell us all you married her! That’s funny!

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    Original_Baskingshark  almost 12 years ago

    Sad I missed the 70’s, the fashions are awesome, I want stripy flared trousers like Alvin’s! Is there a reason why 1970 was chosen as the start-year for the reruns? (I’m curious to see 1960’s Emmy Lou’s style!)

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    emmyloufan1  almost 12 years ago

    Hi Original_Baskingshark! I remember my bell bottoms from the 70’s. Scary!

    Next week we’re going to upload the cartoons for Apr and May. Everyone’s comments are so helpful here. Based on comments… for April we’ll post comics from the mid-sixties and for May the mid-70’s. Should be fun to see the changes in fashion, etc. Also…we’ll feature the Sunday multi-panel on Sunday’s now. How original!!

    And hopefully…no errors this time! Thanx again for all of the comments!

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    nerdhoof  almost 12 years ago

    Roses are red, violets are purpleSugar’s sweet and so’s maple surple. “Dang Me”, Roger Miller, 1964

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