Frazz by Jef Mallett for March 04, 2013
Mrs. Olsen: Any questions? Caulfield: Just an observation about February. Seems if you get paid by the month, you make out. But if you're paid by the week, the bills just come a few days sooner. She said she's underpaid for certain moments. Frazz: I was wondering why she slipped out to the coffee room during class.
RonaldDavis almost 12 years ago
Considering the climate of February, I think it was an excellent idea to make February a short month.
blondbrownies almost 12 years ago
And I remember when my first grade teacher sat at the lunch tables with her students and taught us how to hold our utensils and my principle stopped me in the hall to tell me happy birthday. Those were great days. The janitor was cool too.
Olddog1 almost 12 years ago
Night-gaunt from yesterday. No kidding. Thomas Hobbes, The Leviathan, 1651. Rousseau to the contrary means that he, Rousseau, held the contrary opinion. He thought in a state of nature everything was just ducky. He was wrong.
Olddog1 almost 12 years ago
I would hate to go back to 10 months of the pre Caesar days.
annieb1012 almost 12 years ago
I was in elementary school in the second half of the ‘50s, and our janitor was scary. Being a child at the time, I didn’t know who paid him, but I do know and well remember how we kids avoided doing anything to upset Rudy. In fact, we avoided Rudy, period. He had no patience and did not like anything he did to be messed up!
Strod almost 12 years ago
What? It’s already past 9 AM Pacific Time and Mr. @Nabuqudurizhur (sp?) still hasn’t ranted about how lousy school teachers are?
meowlin almost 12 years ago
In “The Breakfast Club,” the wisest character was the janitor.
Olddog1 almost 12 years ago
Not the painter, the philosopher. He wasn’t married.