Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for March 11, 2013
Rat: What's up, toon boy? Pastis: I want to do some strips about Mahatma Gandhi, but since he's he's been dead for 60 years, It's hard to think of a realistic, viable, premise whereby I could somehow introduce him into 'Pearls.' Rat: Look. There's Gandhi. You over think things. Gandhi: I hate your puns.
mdcdjg2008 almost 12 years ago
Sometimes the best route is the simplest, and I thought Gandhi didn’t hate anything or anyone.
Templo S.U.D. almost 12 years ago
Okay, I’m lost. Was there or wasn’t there a pun?
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member almost 12 years ago
That’s the joke, Mr Pastis’ puns are so bad that even Gandhi hates them.
corzak almost 12 years ago
Gandhi truthfully, fearlessly, and non-violently hates Stephan’s puns.
Bilan almost 12 years ago
An eye for a eye may make the whole world blind, but it will keep Pastis from writing more puns.
Tirasmol almost 12 years ago
jack fairbanks almost 12 years ago
wow! like getting punched in the mouth by the tooth fairy.
Bruxism almost 12 years ago
For fans of Mark Williams in The Fast Show: “I’ll get Mahatma coat.”
zero almost 12 years ago
Mohandas on the table…
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
We’ve all heard the tired joke that says Nietzsche is peachy, but Sartre is smarter…. so I won’t repeat it.
However….I do think Ghandi is dandy, even if Immanuel Kant stand him, and Pig prefers Bacon.
OK, I know that was pretty Laozi….I’ll try not to do any More….
But I have to say, I think without a Dao, philosophy was just meant to Confucius…. So I’ll take puns any day.
Hillbillyman almost 12 years ago
Could they be a lighter term for hate…like——antipathy?
crobinson019 almost 12 years ago
He was Gandhi, now he’s back, eh?
eddie6192 almost 12 years ago
Gandhi needs to get on the end of a very long line.
CuproFun almost 12 years ago
Ask him what he thinks of Western civilization. The last time he was asked that, he replied, “I think it would be a very good idea.”
RG_Dustbin almost 12 years ago
It is hard to take anyone seriously whose forenames were ‘Goosey-Goosey’
j-birds3 almost 12 years ago
It won’t be long and Pastis will have rat making salt from seawater..
Number Three almost 12 years ago
Awwww… Sorry, Stephan. First it’s Rat, then it’s Goat and now it’s somebody really famous.
But I still love your puns!
finale almost 12 years ago
Next up: Mother Teresa disses Pastis.
Lucid Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Hate’s a pretty strong word, Mr. Gandhi. Perhaps Pastis will be the first to provoke Gandhi to violence… now that would be an accomplishment!
Barry St Denis almost 12 years ago
I personally love your puns Stephan
dreadlokz almost 12 years ago
Why are some of the Pearls Before Swine’s just one of the characters talking to Stephan Pastis?
sottwell almost 12 years ago
I’ve always thought that “eye for an eye will make the whole world blind” was stupid. Does that mean that half the world will violently assault the other half?
gordrogb Premium Member almost 12 years ago
“Don’t cry for me Arch and Tina” – gonna be hard to top that.
doublepaw almost 12 years ago
“Hi-are you still dead?”
adamspeter27 almost 12 years ago
SwimsWithSharks almost 12 years ago
Guard Duck vs. Gandhi. Fight!
Sherlock Watson almost 12 years ago
I heard that he became an American citizen and was quite proud of it. In fact, he often liked to sing, “I’m a Yankee Doodle Gandhi…”
Sisyphos almost 12 years ago
Simple humor for simple folks, like me. Rat is sooo insightful. Gandhi is cute. Cartoon-Boy is a clever lad; yes he is! (Pets Pastis’s head.)
pjejurikar almost 12 years ago
@mdcdjg2008I think that’s courtesy of all the propaganda around him. Don’t want to ignite a flame war here, but there are a lot of Indians (including me) who don’t like what he did to India.
And I’m not talking about gaining independence for the country – he was but one of the many people who got us that (though he usually gets 100% of the credit)
HankTheSock almost 12 years ago
I love puns.
Rickapolis almost 12 years ago
So much for any fashion improvement in this strip.
Popeyesforearm almost 12 years ago
stick it to him Ghandi
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Thanks. I do appreciate that.
But (sniffle) I pun my little heart out for you guys…and the only person I can get to love me is a 120+- year-old dead guy?
Kinda pathetic…. sigh…..
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Which ought to show something about Stephan’s life….
Except somehow, he has a wife and kids….poor things….
explorser almost 12 years ago
i fear unnecessary unfunny controversy coming up…
doctorwhomedia almost 12 years ago
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
swr…. some are very touching.
Thehag almost 12 years ago
I love the puns. And Gandhi looks great!
rgcviper almost 12 years ago
This one made me smile.
Uncle Joe almost 12 years ago
Just to ease the minds of anyone noticing the remarks about Gandhis’s racism- Gandhi was raised & educated with British values, including racism. As a young man he definitely had some horrible ideas. How much he evolved is debatable. Later her would say,
“In judging myself I shall try to be as harsh as truth, as I want others also to be. Measuring myself by that standard I must exclaim with Surdas: ’ Where is there a wretch So wicked and loathsome as I? I have forsaken my Maker, So faithless have I been.’ For it is an unbroken torture to me that I am still so far from him, who, as I fully know, governs every breath of my life, and whose offspring I am. I know that it is the evil passions within that keep me so far from Him, and yet I cannot get away from them.” “You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”_Gandhi was as flawed as any great historical figure, but that shouldn’t take away from his positive ideas & achievements.
KZ71 almost 11 years ago
This is my favorite Pearls all-time.
jerry400 almost 2 years ago
This remains one of the GREAT Pearls …