Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for April 07, 2013

  1. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  almost 12 years ago

    Does being Lanced like that make his Armstrong?

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  2. Bluedog
    Bilan  almost 12 years ago

    Is this an accusation against Mallett?

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  3. Capture
    BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    I got all the steroids I “need right here”. ;)

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  4. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 12 years ago


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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 12 years ago

    the body is a temple, huh?

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  6. Bill watson1b
    BillWa  almost 12 years ago

    One of my favorite lines is from a Dirty Pair comic. “Some people treat their bodies like a temple, I treat mine like an amusement park.”

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  7. Face
    RetFor  almost 12 years ago

    you mean white meat chicken? dark meat is fattier, thats why it tastes better.

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    paresh_16  almost 12 years ago

    Wishing you all healthy year ahead on World Health Day !!!!!!

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    orinoco womble  almost 12 years ago

    Back in the 80s I read a very minor mystery novel set in a fitness centre (really!). The owner says, “The body is said to be a temple, but many people treat it like a cheap motel.”

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  10. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 12 years ago

    A little quick blood loading (a.k.a. blood packing, blood doping), plus a few injections of steroids, and Jef the Cyclist is ready to make that temple move. Pig hangs out with some shady types (Rat, Jef the Cyclist, Li’l Guard Duck, and even the Crocs, not to mention the worst of all, vile Pigita). It’s no wonder he has a hard time hewing to the straight and narrow.

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  11. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Pastis is ragging on voodoo nutritional fads. .. some of those rare air breathing, gram measuring lycra heads believe that dark chicken is better because it has. ..gosh now i have to Google it…

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  12. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago


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  13. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Which transfer oxygen better than the glycogens in white meat. .. so dark meat develops better muscle. ..Somebody actually explained this to me.

    They seem to forget it only worked when the chicken was ALIVE.

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  14. Sylvester1
    Nachikethass  almost 12 years ago

    I think this means war! Jef has to reciprocate. Naughty, Stephan!

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    juicebruce  almost 12 years ago

    Where are the Crocs ? Would like a dose of duh !

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    vwdualnomand  almost 12 years ago

    cycling should just say that they dope, and are ok with it. and, we as a society shouldn’t give cyclists any honors. they are glorified legit junkies.

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  17. Me 2015
    puddlesplatt  almost 12 years ago

    eat to live is my motto…I tried it the other way and almost died…

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  18. Finger face
    Lucid Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    A temple implies that there is worship going on. What’s the object of his worship here? Looks like victory at any price.

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    PUNishment  almost 12 years ago

    I believe that the body is a temple too. Unfortunately I’m an atheist.

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  20. Zook
    jmartin1955  almost 12 years ago

    Jeff Armstrong apparently – hilarious

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    Cat43ullus  almost 12 years ago

    A temple to the god Mercury,“… the patron god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence (and thus poetry), messages/communication (including divination), travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery and thieves….”[Wikipedia]

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  22. Shark vs swimmer stencil copy
    SwimsWithSharks  almost 12 years ago

    Go ahead America and be jealous. I’m in shape. (Youtube, Peppermint Patty)

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    Shrek4259  almost 12 years ago

    Good one today! Thanks Stephan! I hope someone sends to sir cheats a lots!

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    Pete Poworoznek  almost 12 years ago

    In some future treasury I see Stephan commenting on how long it took to him to draw Jef’s chest and abs. Nice work sir.

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    KEA  almost 12 years ago

    I can’t take anyone seriously who dresses like that.

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    s_roberts99  almost 12 years ago

    Pastis, Don’t get me started about those #^*@# Mallets. Until those Critical Mass clowns start paying for the roads like us gas taxed drivers they are potential road pizza to me! ;)

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  27. Photo 0058
    Casey Southards  almost 12 years ago

    So true, so true.

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  28. Snoopy rides again
    The#1BoiseStateFan  almost 12 years ago

    Ay yi yi!

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    Hectoruno  almost 12 years ago

    so people just give him steroids and it is that fast or is pig just stare that long i mean there are tons of people there like just for that many people would take 15-30 minutes i mean holy moley that’s tons of people and how quiet would it be for crying out loud.

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  30. Capture
    BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    My body is a temple to Dionysus (aka Bacchus).

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  31. 170
    finale  almost 12 years ago

    Went to “temple” yesterday. Couple of Chicago Vienna Dogs for lunch. MMMMMMMM.

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  32. Shetland sheepdog
    ellisaana Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Plus, on that same trail which is supposed to be shared equally by cyclists, skaters, pedestrians, (equestrians have a parallel trail) there have been quite a few incidents of cyclists riding down pedestrians…in at least one recent case…a fatality to an 80 year old pedestrian.

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  33. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  almost 12 years ago

    Don’t worry, Jef. We won’t tell…

    LOL xxx

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  34. Pig
    A_NY_Outlaw  almost 12 years ago

    Lance strikes again!

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  35. Avatar
    HankTheSock  almost 12 years ago

    @SherlockWatson I knew there would be a comment about Lance somewhere.

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  36. Aslan avatar
    Aslan Balaur  almost 12 years ago

    Sounds yummy. Too bad I cannot eat it, due to a gluten intolerance. Have to use gluten free oats, and replace the wheat, rye and barley, since all three have gluten. :-( Other good additives to granola, chia and hemp seeds, flax seeds, hulled roasted pumpkin seeds and dried cranberries. All under the “optional” label, but good.

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  37. Queru 2
    lisapaloma13  almost 12 years ago

    Hey, thanks!

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  38. Masked
    Rickapolis  almost 12 years ago

    Pump up, Lance.

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  39. Burrowing owl attack
    emjaycee  almost 12 years ago

    I have the body of a goddess. Unfortunately, it’s still closer to the Venus of Willendorf than the Venus de Milo, but I’m working on it!

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    Dragon0131  almost 12 years ago

    Those of you that have 1 out of 20 cyclists following the rules of the road should come to the Chicago area. Here it’s, maybe, 1 out of 50 and many of them ignore the bike route signs in the suburb I live in (due to heavy traffic or no room for a bike lane, some bike routes are actually on sidewalks). Between the cyclists, pedestrians and joggers it’s a nut house out here. Joggers run 2 to 4 abreast in the street and get upset with drivers, they have no reflective items or lights for night time jogging and, even when running against traffic, refuse to move over to the bike path. In the winter I have had numerous occasions where I almost ran joggers over because they were in the street and I couldn’t see them past the 8 foot mound of snow. Cyclists rarely stop at stop signs or stop lights and force cars to come to a screeching halt when they run the red. There has been at least one serious accident with a cyclist. He wouldn’t use the side walk bike path and insisted on riding on the street which is a narrow two lane road with no shoulder. Needless to say, he was injured, the driver was in shock and it tied up traffic. I cycle and walk. I do follow the rules regardless: stop at stop signs and lights, check for traffic, walk on the sidewalk or local nature center and use the designated bike route.

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    Reppr Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    I see flocks of Spandex peacocks on a daily basis. I think the bright colors make them better targets (no, not really).

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    edonline  almost 12 years ago

    I’m sure Pastis modeled Jeff the Cyclist’s physique after his own.

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    orinoco womble  almost 12 years ago

    Ease up on the caps lock, dude. We can hear you.

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    water_moon  almost 12 years ago

    If my body is a temple why aren’t there rabbis worshiping in me?

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  45. Bbjcesh
    barister  almost 12 years ago

    You know, some folks do actually follow a healthy diet without the aid of roids and other additives. Poking fun at people who care about their body is ignorant. Three cheers to those who DO treat their body well. One day, I will join you.

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  46. Chibi robo 2
    Chibi-robo64  almost 12 years ago


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    BOSFLASH  over 6 years ago

    Just back from the Tour de France.

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    dlaemmerhirt999  about 5 years ago


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    Spirit749  about 4 years ago

    I take they are pumping in steroids.

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