Endtown by Aaron Neathery for March 20, 2013

  1. Lh 50
    Level_Head  over 11 years ago

    I’ve read the transcripts from that League long pastAnd noted conflicts that we think are newBut near a century ago, aghastThey (very civilly) ignored them too.Corruption, here in Endtown, isn’t cashIt’s power of a raw and basic sortNo cars or houses or big jewels to flashBut somehow, power is for them a sportAnd now the female trio is at playIn some unpleasant game the council’s wroughtAre “morals” really key here? I can’t sayThese fools will suffer badly … when they’re caught=|====/ Level HeadVote for Endtown 2.0And for Doc Rat, tooThe Endtown ForumThe Endtown AuctionThe Endtown Books

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  2. 3goddessxxxx
    dirtyoldlady1  over 11 years ago

    i think I am going to sleep in this comment. To tired to think .Blessed Be.

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  3. Missing large
    Tue Elung-Jensen  over 11 years ago

    Well they weren’t tortured at least.

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  4. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 11 years ago

    It’s in panel 3 where it got me.The look in the eyes mainly Hollies are shocked. I know . Holly firmly believed in the goodness of End town.It is a shock when cherished beliefs are suddenly ripped open, revealing the corruption and nastiness inside.It’s an emptiness and hollowness that comes with that knowledge.

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  5. Docrat logo avatar
    Jenner Premium Member over 11 years ago

    B-b-bbbut… You CAN’T execute them!

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  6. Docrat logo avatar
    Jenner Premium Member over 11 years ago

    To paraphrase Gary Larson:“I ask you… Is this the face of a cake eater? Cake BAKER, maybe, but hey, who isn’t?”

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  7. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 11 years ago

    The rat’s whiskers are almost gone. they use to have lots more. I miss seeing their tails, they probably remain chafed if tucked into the pants.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 11 years ago

    And now we’re back to the out-of-control High Council. Or will it be held over till the next one?

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  9. Idano
    Ida No  over 11 years ago

    Rat: "Endtown is a small, enclosed community. It’s one of the last surviving enclaves of humanity. It’s where everyone goes when they run out of other choices. There’s a reason why the word “end” is in the name. If you wanted some kind of unattainable peace-loving, democratic utopia, you should have picked a better name."

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  10. Civil defense symbol
    firedome  over 11 years ago

    the council is going to be the jury? some folks better get on the ball fast and rescue these three or, at the very least, be the undoing of the council before the trial!

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  11. Formal cat
    JusSayin  over 11 years ago

    I noticed something in yesterday’s comments that led me to reinforce a thought I had been toying with. Surfi directed us to the auction, where Aaron stated Velda’sname was Velda Van der Veezel. Weasel or perhaps Veezel would have been a reasonable name to choose to follow Jacob Jackrabbit’s “embrace your mutanity” theme. In the Austrian tradition “Von” was only used by nobility, which was how Beethoven got into the Noble’s court for custody of his nephew.The point I am attempting to make in spite of post surgical states, (gallbladder went bye-bye Monday, about 30-36 hours ago), is that I think Velda is playing both sides against each other.Unrelated: I think I have finally found a G.A. that works for me. A combination of Propofol, Fentanyl and a Benzo kept me asleep for 4 to 6 hours, the complete length of three surgeries. Several of us have had trouble with waking up during surgery and giving unsolicited advice to the surgeon. This combo worked for me, but there were sufficient medical histories to justify massive anaesthesia. Michael Jackson died of an overdose of propofol, but I had a roomful of anesthetists watching the procedure and me. Please Remember to vote for Endtown 2.0, Doc Rat by Jenner, and Endtown TOS over at topwebcomics.com. Our favorites are losing ground, and if everyone would vote at least once or twenty times on different machines, laptops and phones, we could make the top ten. Yes, it would take a lot of work, but is theoretically possible. * P-E-R-, … ; I mean, ahem,GO TEAM! YAY!*Thanks, JusSayin

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  12. Merri profile winter
    MerriMagic  over 11 years ago

    Time to get out the rat traps.

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  13. Formal cat
    JusSayin  over 11 years ago

    Nice catch. Beethoven only got away with passing for royalty for a couple of years. I cannot imagine that usage in an Endtown unless she changed her name to collaborate with JJ, and maybe try to claim lineage to the builders of Endtown.JusSpeculumating

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  14. Calvin   hobbes   calvin
    erik.vanthienen  over 11 years ago

    If I look at the etymology of Dutch surnames that sound like “Van der Veezel”, then most are habitational names for someone from any of various places meaning “hedgerow/forest near water” (where weasels live), or derived from a nickname for an orphan (Dutch: “Wees”).

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    GrumpyBadger  over 11 years ago

    That fellow is remarkably articulate.

    You know, for a rat.

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  16. Tamandua walkies
    crookedwolf Premium Member over 11 years ago

    How can they even think of execution, for such a transgression? It isn’t even a true crime. Besides, I bet lots of other mutants are “doing it”..

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  17. Gocomicsprof
    BlackieFlask  over 11 years ago

    Maybe Tom Waitts was wrong I guess a rat doesn’t have clue when he’s in with weasels.Ah , but I forget that the rats are only in favor of who they can salute the hardest, and not necessarily who is right.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Now that I look at this on my computer with its big screen, rather than the Nook Color I was using four hours ago, I can definitely see what I only suspected before—-that the Security Rat who speaks here was wearing glasses all along—-he takes them off and cleans them with a handkerchief. Some of the other characters have looked like they were wearing glasses, but I wasn’t certain whether they wore them or if it was some pecularity of Mr. Neathery’s art.#I still wonder who and what the Security Rats were before they mutated—-human beings presumably (unless other fauna and maybe flora are mutating into intelligent beings). But what did they do and why are they doing what they’re doing right now?#And does this Security Rat have a name? He’s definitely not the “Sam” that threatened Albert on his return to Endtown early in the strip…

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  19. Calvin   hobbes   calvin
    erik.vanthienen  over 11 years ago

    Rats are probably former mall cops and security guards …

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  20. Img 20120318 204505
    witchspell63  over 11 years ago

    Or worse….former prison guards

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  21. Fiver2
    Francis362003  over 11 years ago

    I don’t know about the rest of you guys, but the third panel says it all , and they are saying the same two words HO $%&#!!!!

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  22. 000 0557
    Darwinskeeper  over 11 years ago

    Veteran, Between you and me I doubt that the rats will be the solution to this little problem. Not to say I haven’t been wrong before.

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  23. Gocomic 2c
    RickD Premium Member over 11 years ago

    I just went back and looked. Flask says that they’ll do much work over the next 2 decades, then they’ll seal the city and the process will begin anew. Do they seal the city empty? It sort of sounds that way.

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  24. Blindspot
    salenstormwing  over 11 years ago

    We need a few mutant wallabies on the High Council, so we can have a true kangaroo court. Otherwise, folks might mistake them as being impartial.

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    witchspell63  over 11 years ago

    I don’t think people are giving Holly enough credit. She may see the world thru rose coloured glasses. Doesn’t mean she’s blind

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  26. 000 0557
    Darwinskeeper  over 11 years ago

    I just had a thought. As trigger happy as the Rats may be, I can’t recall them ever shooting someone. The closest I can recall them coming was when Al & Gustine tried to leave and they couldn’t shoot them because the code of conduct said they couldn’t shoot them in the back. Would they be able to perform an execution? What would happen if they were surrounded by civilians who were unhappy because of the detention of Holly, Maude and Linda? Makes me wonder.

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    contralto2b  over 11 years ago

    Is it just me, or does Linda look a little pi&&ed in panel 3? Maude and Holly look shocked, but Linda looks mad. It might be just consternation.

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    Vet Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Darwinskeeper I don’t mean to say they are the total solution but they do hold the cards in a way. All they have to do is refuse to obey the Council. The rats are everywhere up there where the Council is and all. They are probably responsible for installing them in those rooms. Each member escorted to the cell. They put them in they could put them out. Right now they just go with the program while all this develops.This has to played out till the end. Who ultimately is behind all this has yet to reveal themselves. Right now jumping the gun will solve our favorites dilemma but not solve who is behind it all. Like I pointed out Allgood is under Velda’s control. Who is controlling Velda? She is not doing this alone. She has to have someone behind her. She could not have fixed the Council alone. And her last name of Weezel does not fit with Allgood’s view of total Humanity. Her last name would indicate a mutant following. To Allgood she may be using a different last name to more match the Society view point.And earlier it was mentioned they were not tortured. I post yes they were. 24hrs light, sleep deprivation, food deprivation, no information or communication. That is torture in a civilized way. Not all torture is violence. At least that did not happen.Did you see the size of Holly’s eyes?Classic, Aaron, really classic.Her look is priceless.

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  29. Image
    Vet Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Now the Rat says see you next week.Back to the cell? Released on personal recognizance?Guess we will find out tomorrow kiddies.Choose their own lawyer to defend them or defend themselves??Now we maybe see Perry Marmot (I mean Mason)??

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    Vet Premium Member over 11 years ago

    You know here is a thought. Maude mentioned Exile. WHERE? Topside is death. Is there somewhere else they could be sent? An exile community?Could the ones behind this be from the Exile community bent on revenge on Endtown for exiling them to begin with??Just probing around for now.

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    cindyorch  over 11 years ago

    ok..now is when Aaron Marx needs to show up to be their lawyer…chaos ensues!!

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    twcowdery  over 11 years ago

    Is it Friday already??? This strip certainly has a “Friday cliffhanger” tone to it!

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  33. Rhadamanthus
    craigwestlake  over 11 years ago

    Even in our mudane world it is found that when a certain point of wealth accumulation is reached, money no longer means anything so the person turn to a search for power. In Endtown money has little meaning, so Power is everything. Sad, but such is life…

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  34. Image
    Vet Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Think BIGGER agenda. This is a rouse. There is something going on under the covers, behind the curtain. This is much bigger than just mutants with ability to create food. I think someone or some group has it in for Endtown. Either internal disgruntled folks or like I mentioned earlier some one kicked out seeking revenge. It depends on the definition of Exile. Surface or other settlement of which 5 we know.Competition for depleted resources can turn friends into enemies. The other communities may or may not get along anymore.In the Video game Metro-Last Light that is the issue. Humanity went underground to survive. Instead of working with each other they are in competition with each other for resources. A few from alliances but most operate on their own agenda. Good game if you like operating in low light and little ammo with monsters or other nasty things about like rival clans. The commodities most valued are batteries, mask filters for breathing, ammo, then food. Imagine the choice between needing food to live or ammo to stay alive from attacks?

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  35. Image
    Vet Premium Member over 11 years ago

    You do notice the rat with glasses is rather confident. His two companions are hold their weapons. Pointed at him.I know some folks who would be very unnerved by that. Never cross the tube is the saying. But Glasses Rat seems fine with it.Really well trained soldiers give you that confidence to sit between two weapons like that.(IS the rat just following orders??)(Who is under the GUN here???)(Normally you cover the suspects which is weapons trained sort of in their direction)(Maybe coincidence, maybe not)(Of course our author may not know the proper way to carry a loaded weapon in public or standing next to your superior with it or maybe he is telling us something?)

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 11 years ago

    One’s right-handed and the other’s left-handed?

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