Does Dan Thompson live in or near Ohio or Michigan? I thought the cartoon was hilarious, however, I grew up in Ohio and presently live there.
I have lived in many areas before ending back up here and other areas are not necessary aware of the rival.
I grew up in Toledo, where the folks are split. But either side they take, they are die-hard about it. Now I am near Columbus, the heart of the Buckeyes and though there are some Michigan fans here and there, it is almost illegal not to be a buckeye fan. In my circle we just tease each other and make insulting jokes during the football season. In some areas it can get more violent.
If you want to hear more Ohio vs Michigan jokes just ask. Of course my friends in MI are telling the same jokes, just switching the rolls around.
I have no doubt today’s comic is going to be appreciated all over Ohio and Michigan as well as neighboring states.
Hate to say this but that’s the lamest depiction of a wolverine I’ve ever seen, hence my confusion. Wolverines are slimy, sleazy, knuckle dragging, drooling narcissists who truly believe they are smarter than and superior to the rest of the world
Varnes almost 12 years ago
And they fought off the Russians back in the eighties……
WillardMBaker almost 12 years ago
True, but too many Wolverines were killed fighting the Russians (and Cubans) in the 1980’s.
jack fairbanks almost 12 years ago
“i’ve a good mind to turn your kin’s kindergarten into kindling” he said with a kindred kindness
TheVernalPool almost 12 years ago
doesn’t have to worry about STDs either
brosenthal almost 12 years ago
I don’t get it. And I’m a Buckeye fan
Jeff0811 almost 12 years ago
Michigan Wolverines Vs Ohio State Buckeyes. Classic sports rivalry, like New York Vs Boston.
Tue Elung-Jensen almost 12 years ago
Because he likes the taste perhaps …
Hussell almost 12 years ago
Does Dan Thompson live in or near Ohio or Michigan? I thought the cartoon was hilarious, however, I grew up in Ohio and presently live there.
I have lived in many areas before ending back up here and other areas are not necessary aware of the rival.
I grew up in Toledo, where the folks are split. But either side they take, they are die-hard about it. Now I am near Columbus, the heart of the Buckeyes and though there are some Michigan fans here and there, it is almost illegal not to be a buckeye fan. In my circle we just tease each other and make insulting jokes during the football season. In some areas it can get more violent.
If you want to hear more Ohio vs Michigan jokes just ask. Of course my friends in MI are telling the same jokes, just switching the rolls around.
I have no doubt today’s comic is going to be appreciated all over Ohio and Michigan as well as neighboring states.
StoicLion1973 almost 12 years ago
That doesn’t mean he should stop trying.
James Hopkins almost 12 years ago
That was a good one, I’m a fan of Ohio State but love Wolverine too. Well done!
brosenthal almost 12 years ago
Hate to say this but that’s the lamest depiction of a wolverine I’ve ever seen, hence my confusion. Wolverines are slimy, sleazy, knuckle dragging, drooling narcissists who truly believe they are smarter than and superior to the rest of the world