The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for April 28, 2013
The Born Loser by Art & Chip Sansom Brutus: I have good news, Gladys! Brutus: Remember back in 2003, when you saw that laptop computer you wanted to buy? Gladys: Yes. Brutus: And I told you we couldn't afford it at that time? Gladys: Yes, yes! Brutus: And I said the only way we could buy it would be if we saved money for it a little at a time, until we had enough? Brutus: Well, I've been putting a few dollars aside each month ever since...and guess what? Gladys: We finally have enough money to buy a brand-new laptop! Brutus: No. We finally have enough money to buy that ten-year-old laptop you wanted.
TiffWHO almost 12 years ago
Funny, but this would be more appropriate to a car, as computers for the most part are one of the few things that have gone down in price the last few years, even some of the higher end systems. Want to talk loser, Windows 8 anyone?
kjkjwefgergeg henriksen almost 12 years ago
I love windows 8, its the best ever, I started with win 3.1 years ago. 8 is really fast and easy to use.
J Short almost 12 years ago
Hey, you can afford that $1500 VCR.
guswild almost 12 years ago
Once windows 8 works it is good but is a pain to get working correctly
californicated1 almost 12 years ago
As a general rule, you should never touch a new Operatiing System until at least the first Service Pack comes out, giving the manufacturer time to discover more bugs and get them out of the system.…For Microsquish, I still run on Windows 7, even though I find myself more and more endeared to the Open Source Software community for their applications, which I can also run on my Ubuntu Linux configuration, which I run as a “standalone” OS, independent of the Operating System installed on my laptop’s primary Hard-Drive.
msprecious67 almost 12 years ago
The computer industry quite making"Laptops" many years ago. The computer industry switched over to making “Notebooks”. It’s very similar to when people quite using ice boxes and started buying refrigerators instead. They both attempted to do the same thing, but we know which one is more efficient. With today’s technology, the “Laptop” would be equivalent to the “Ice Box.”
CartoonServices.Com almost 12 years ago
I like my surgeon’s operating system.
cbrsarah almost 12 years ago
A laptop is something you can use on your lap. A notebook is something you write in with pen and ink. That’s my definition of things and the manufactures can lump it. I had to buy a book to work wins8 and then bing to find out how to shut it down. The book didn’t mention that at all, the qeek squad said to just log off, which will shut it down but it doesn’t. And lately, there are no manuals to come with the new LTs so you know what is what. I’m no techy and I’m not going to become one just to suit somebody else.
BrookFan almost 12 years ago
I build my own computers and I tested the release candidates for Windows 7 & Windows 8and hated them both I will continue to use XP Pro as long as possible and then switch to Windows 7 now that the bugs have been worked out .