Endtown by Aaron Neathery for April 10, 2013

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  almost 12 years ago

    If they actually went into “base instinct” they would allready be eating each other. Using the by-products would exactly be the human thing to do.

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  2. J vargr1
    Jason_Vargr  almost 12 years ago

    Hmm, considering that it was ‘human’ behaviour that caused the mess in the first place .

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  3. Idano
    Ida No  almost 12 years ago

    Can I be a human that acquiesces to base instincts? I mean, we don’t have to give up all of the fun in order to be human, right?

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  4. 3goddessxxxx
    dirtyoldlady1  almost 12 years ago

    This is begining to sound like some religions that float around our country.. I should let all of you read the article I wrote called
I Died
. As I spoke to those going to the heaven they had been TOLD was awaiting and even dead and among the others they refused to believe or understand. This is what I was told. By those who did not know.Sigh. I feel it coming from here. This is the way I have been told.Blessed Be

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    frogsandravens  almost 12 years ago

    He’s lying about it not being a trial with punishment in mind, though. If his side wins, the three women are going to be in a world of hurt, however highminded he’s trying to come off as.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Thought it was about Linda baking a cake with mutant human eggs and milk

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  7. Idano
    Ida No  almost 12 years ago

    “Pull the other one it’s got bells on.”Jacob: “So, Mr. Allgood, I suppose that next you’re going to say that marriage is only between a man and a woman?”

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  8. Formal cat
    JusSayin  almost 12 years ago

    “@RobertNowall ‘Thought it was about Linda baking a cake with mutant human eggs and milk

    That’s one of the perversions the trial is intended to put a stop to, yes."

    I am having a little trouble making a cake with what was at hand, so to speak, characterized as an act of perversion. Was Octavius on drugs when he watched American Pie, or is this dimension’s moral equivalent of American Pie, which was not as bad as Portnoy’s Complaint. Please remember to vote for Endtown2.0(this comic strip), Jenner’s Doc Rat, and the original Endtown @ topwebcomics .com, to show our support for a couple of great artists/storytellers/entertainers, so that other people will realize what jewels these comic strips are. You were doing so well, but we have to redouble our efforts to get Endtown2.0 and Doc Rat in the top twenty and then the top ten. I thought Endtown2.0 and DocRat had made it to #19 & #20 this month, but illness and meds kind of keep me foggy, but I think I have been progressing coming along quite nicely.

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  9. Formal cat
    JusSayin  almost 12 years ago

    Sincerely and Respectfully, JusSayinPS: Typos do not bother me too much these days. I just keep typing on this phone even if I hit submit too soon.No offense or disrespect intended, JusRamblin’

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    Arcaton  almost 12 years ago

 link to same pls?

    The problem here isn’t Allgood or Jacob
it’s the damn rats.

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    witchspell63  almost 12 years ago

    Really, I don’t think these two could possibly care less about the “Milk Three” as much as they care about their agendas. This “trial” is only an open forum to push them about. Up until now, I never knew Octavius was sitting in for the persecution

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  12. Blindspot
    salenstormwing  almost 12 years ago

    I need Ron Perlman to show up as a blind goat man to recite the laws for the court. “Are we not men?”

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    BBWolf128  almost 12 years ago

    @Three Steps Over Japan said“You mean like drinking human breast milk for breakfast, and eating placenta for dinner?”.Well it can be done. I would consider it somewhat gross. But I would not consider that someone who did as perverse and evil just for that..But consider for a moment the carnivorous lifestyle. If one is going to eat the eggs, milk, and other products from animals. Why would it make it more perverse and evil to eat the eggs and milk of ones own? Gross well probably. Inappropriate often. But perverse and evil. No!.Now there is the possibility that disease can be transferred that way. In humans. But in mutants with such varied expression? Who knows? I am not sure of the facts in what I am about to say. But I believe that I read somewhere. That there is some kind of barrier or process that Helps prevent the passage of such from mother to child. And therefore from mother to its milk and eggs. Then again that is why we cook and pasteurize these things..But prevention of disease would be a good reason..Now keeping people (be they still human looking or mutant expressed.) in cages and raised just for their products? Do I need to say that I would consider that wrong?.Of course I consider our keeping of cows, pigs, chickens, etc.. in small enclosed spaces just for our consumption wrong as well..Kudos to anyone able to live the vegetarian life.

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Allgood if you did not notice is not a good speaker. He READ his statement. Never looked up into the camera to make the necessary eye contact. It is amazing how twisted he has made the Society. It was simply to prevent or assist one from become more animal forgetting the fact they are human. Remember Wally feared chasing Holly for fear he would ATTACK her like a cat attacks a mouse. She reminded him inside his heart is human. The “milk, eggs, and cake” is a moot point. No one was hurt except for Mr. Hopper who died but shock will do that. It is life.Allgood ideas are good to a point but they have been twisted into such a mess that no good can come out of it. It comes down to evolution.It does not matter what Allgood wants as the truth is all have changed with different abilities and new strange things happening to them. If they condemn the producers of product what do you do with those who produce poisons and toxins. Remember the Chef pointed that out.Allgood is not going to win over Endtown. By no means.Since the Council is already fixed and in command something else has to break.And he should change that “underwear” on his head he is beginning to look silly now.

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    JusSayinRead your post from yesterday.Made me laugh to no end.Yeah, I know God will get for that. As soon as He/SHE stops laughing.“I’m a Barbie girl, in a Barbie World”And I believe Velda probably wears very nice fancy Victoria’s Secret under wear. I have not know many girls who go commando.Know any???? (Having fun here how about you?)

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    yangeldf  almost 12 years ago

    I fail to see how drinking milk will destroy their society.

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    Arcaton  almost 12 years ago

    They may end up discriminating against those with hooves or fins or without feet
“lack toes” intolerance

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  18. Idano
    Ida No  almost 12 years ago

    Dogs and cats, living together.(Mice, that’s another matter.)

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  19. Idano
    Ida No  almost 12 years ago

    Texas-based Bikini’s has just announced that they’ve trademarked the term “breastaurant”. The decision to put “breast milk” on the menu is just a matter of time

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    Darwinskeeper  almost 12 years ago

    Surfstuff,Depends on what you mean by “morals”.

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    kunstlerbild  almost 12 years ago

    All of the discussion of ethics and morals are good and it is really nice to see such thoughtful and civilized interaction. But really, this is a work of fiction you know?

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    And TSOJAs in Wild Wild West with Will SmithWhat is the fun if you cannot drum.HA!!!!!!!!!!!

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    stevegallacci  almost 12 years ago

    Allgood may claim some moralistic position but he is, in his heart, all about conformity and its blind demands regardless of the individual. Everything else is simple rationalization. Jake is no better, imposing his own kind of conformity without consideration to the circumstance of the individual. His only value to the case is in his opposition to Allgood, as he is otherwise still a dangerous hater.

    I’m almost surprised there hasn’t been set up a code of conduct that addresses the people as they are. Perhaps this all will lead to a proper constitution/bill of rights that will settle this.

    Weasel-babe is, at least playing Allgood, either for Jake or to her own ends, or both(?)

    Ultimately, its the old story of tyrants insisting they are just doing it “for your own good”. Real freedom being the enemy of those who want to rule.

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    ConstanzeN  almost 12 years ago

    I wonder how many Endtowners have embraced both of their sides
Animal and Human. Wouldn’t it be more reasonable and psychologically more healthy for them to do so? It seem to me what Allgood and Jake represent is bigotry and discrimination. They can’t see the middle of the road because of their own blinding headlights, while wearing very dark shades and blinders.

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    DOL1I read your post. I have not had the honor of reading your story I Died but do remember one that did leave an influence on me. It was done on live TV many years back on Channel 13 the Public one. It was called Steambath done in 1973. Starred Bill Bixby, Valerie Perrine (wearing only a towel on top. VERY RISQUE), Jose Perez.It was back and forth about life and death deciding who or what God was. One person kept resisting to accept the truth. I will not reveal the ending just so one can see if the play is still out there but I remember being sad at the ending and learned a valuable lesson. You never know who HE is until you really meet HIM and you might be surprised when you do.

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    I know it was an off Broadway play by Bruce Jay Friedman. I would have loved to see the play. TV was okay.

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  27. Tyrnn tyrnngrinsquare
    Tyrnn  almost 12 years ago

    I empathize with him. I don’t see him as a villain. He believes what he’s doing is right.

    Whether or not things will go as he wishes is wholly uncertain and unlikely.

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  28. Smaug
    the other ghost girl  almost 12 years ago

    Also I think that bringing up the fact that she was only using mutant eggs and milk to help fulfill an old man’s last wish (at least initially)would be an important point

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    pam Miner  almost 12 years ago

    I tried to reply to several posts but it wouldn’t work. so, 1. Veteran, what does rubbing silver onto ammo? Is it against vampires, and now I know there are some military branches called zombie commandos. I think that was it. But it looks like zombies are taken seriously. What is that about?2. BBWolf 128, I was a stricct vegetarian for over 7 years. I eat meat at times, but I’m also on a subsistance level for quite a few years. Buying meat is expensive. I eat protein bars, oatmeal apples and vitamins., In real life3. Speaking of morals, at least Allgood and Jake both seem to have them, but in our real world who don’t know what or even if,others feel just feel love, can’t feel it from people, so they crave power and fame.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    No character is a villain in his own mind.

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  31. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  almost 12 years ago

    Oh, I can’t wait to hear how baking a chocolate cake makes Endtown an easy prey for the Topsiders.

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  32. Catdreaming
    Wendy Emlinger  almost 12 years ago

    Using the eggs and milk produced by the transformed people is not a perversion. The eggs weren’t fertile and were never going to develop. What would be a perversion is to waste the milk and eggs due to over-zealous squeemishness. I don’t see anything wrong with using what nature provides. The humans who’ve been transformed into avians, bovines and chevrines and are producing milk and eggs should be able to benefit from what they produce. It certainly would be enriching their community by providing nourishment, other than beans, that other people need for good health, both physical and mental. (Cheese and eggs are comfort foods.) They overlook one thing, they AREN’T human any more. They’re something new, and as such, need to establish new rules. Why shouldn’t those transformed into sheep and llamas be able to harvest their own wool and spin it into yarn or weave it into cloth? Birds use their unfertile eggs for food stuffs? Cows, goats, sheep, and horses their excess milk for its nutritional value? Their society needs to accept the fact they are now anthropomorphic. Intelligent animals who were once human, but are now something more.

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    SynCallio  over 8 years ago

    It just occurred to me that Allgood’s position lines up with those religions that forbid blood transfusions & organ donation. And did you know that some cheesemakers have experimented with using human milk?

    People think it doesn’t make a difference to ascribe morality and ethics to human tradition. But human tradition can be ANYTHING. If tradition is all we’ve got, it’s no rock to build on.

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