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He is fighting demons — and dream ones to bootBut real life intrudes, and he may have to shootWe know Wally’s resourceful, and will be of useSo what will he do, now that Hell’s broken loose?=|====/ Level HeadVote for Endtown 2.0And for Doc Rat, tooVote for Endtown ClassicThe Endtown ForumThe Endtown AuctionThe Endtown Books
Will Wally’s pal be the next one to get it? I wonder who the mob will go after next? Splinter off in into Allgood and Jackrabbit groups Andrew have at it? Since the rats and the upstairs are inaccessible?
Wait, no one has replaced that window yet? No wonder Wally’s having flashbacks about horrible mutant creatures trying to claw their way into his house through the opening. Although, I wouldn’t tell that to the neighbors.
Has it occurred to anyone else that Velda (or someone) has hacked the High Council control setup and that the rest of the council members are actually in the same situation (powerless, frustrated and worried) that Al was in?
Darwinskeeper,I have been saying that for some time. This was no accident that members sympathetic to Allgood’s view are on the Council. Velda is behind it all. She is front lady leading the scheme. She feigns ignorance but she knows exactly what is going on. The reasons WHY are the issues. WHY is this such big issue now. According to others this has been going on for sometime. A taboo so to speak so not spoken openly. Now someone wants the WHOLE thing declared ILLEGAL. WHY now? Why has not this been brought up to the Council before?
Wally’s dream.Wally was not just a grunt APEX soldier in his past. He was an engineer. He remembered working on a school to rebuild it but specifically what engineer type was not said. Electrical, Industrial, Construction unknown. But as he said after a while everyone at APEX carried a gun and patrolled. This may be a flask back to when he was with APEX and witnessed some things back in the day. His appearing as he is now to what he was back then is normal. He was probably human when that happened but in his dreams he retained his current appearance. Most all nightmares are generations of what you experience in the past they just appear scary. I will not go into detail about mine but you can imagine. Being thrown back into a conflict you left behind. A fight that never seems to end. Woke up in a few sweats at times. That is what Wally is feeling. Conflict is upon him again. Now there are new monsters at the gates and again he feels threatened. His world is under attack. Does he do like he did back then and leave, escape, or does he stand this time. Face the fear and apprehension. Does he step out as the voice in the crowd calling for calm and restraint. After all from everyone there in Endtown he is the only one with a stake in what happens. His girl is threatened. No one else in Endtown has that on their shoulders. Wally has always seemed to want to avoid conflict. That is admirable but like with Flask. Sometimes you just got to enter the fray to either fight or make a stand.
Or…Wally is subliminally reacting to the noise of the street riot and impending revolution…and putting himself in the position of the Security Rats…maybe an odd position to be in given his previous encounters with them, but one’s subconscious can play tricks on one…
Will Wally use his head for something besides a punching bag? Now that is a good question. Wally has experienced courage and compassion in the past when he saved the cat who considered making a meal of Holly from drowning. I’m going to guess the rat that was thrown through the bar window is alive. Now if he is, Wally could start a dialogue and begin to find out what’s going on from the rats point of view. There might be a problem with Allie, but if he can convince her, she would be a formidable ally.
I think something very important happened on Friday. The dialogue there clearly shows that the HC is running on it’s own. It has subordinated Allgood, Jackrabbit, and Van der Veasel. I am getting the impression that none of them were ever really as “in control” of things as they (or we) thought (if they ever were at all!). Consider this: Before this arc started, one of the last things we saw was AM hoisting a glass with the oracle “to the common good”. What has happened since? The subdued, day to day status quo of Endtown has been turned on it’s ear. Where have we seen prevoiusly a character who was set totally at cross purposes with the status quo, who relished chaos and change as the essentials of a worthwhile existance? Then go back and read again the dialogue credited to the HC. Does that smart alecy, over the top style sound familiar at all?Now I could be all wet ( Lord knows I’ve rarely been correct in the past when trying to guess where Aaron was headed) and I can’t say that I see a clear motivation for it all; but I’d be interested to know if anyone else is catching a glimpse of what I think I’m seeing. Hmmm? ;-)
First of all, Wally needs to move on with his life as a mutant. Holly, his little significant other did well becoming “a three-foot tall, talking biepdal mouse”. He need to embrace what he is now, not WHAT he was then, that’s all behind him. If he doesn’t, the past events he had when he was a low level grunt on an eradication task force will send him and his mutant soul straight to hell.
DADOF3You make a good point. That smart sounding comments made by the High Council do bear his markings. Remember when he was in the ship with them all. Never showed interest, more concerned on just watching the show. Letting them do the deeds while he just sat back and watched.BUT remember with Flask. That I have to believe changed him in a way. To do this now is reverting and what would it accomplish? To put three women through all that. Allow the deaths of both Rats and Endtowners. Remember he took out a missile heading for a Topsider settlement saving thousands. His interest was more in saving lives than allowing them to die.Why would he act this way now?I can see it bears Aaron Marx similarities. Mannerisms, Speech, disregard for others but the Flask episode had to change him into a different man.It would be like “Surprize you are on Candid Camera!” Sorry about the deaths, the torture, the long confinement, lack of proper treatment but HEY it was for the greater good."That would get his ass kicked. It is not even funny.No there is something here going on.Something new something we have not seen before.
Lets look at the logic.It has been what six seven years since this began. Topsiders on surface, mutants head below to survive. Mutants are hunted relentlessly by Topsiders who see them as the source of the virus thereby needing eradication, totally.Limited supplies in the settlements would have been available at the onset. Parties and other settlements would send out foragers to search the remains for what ever is necessary. Primary of course is food, electronics, equipment. From what I have read these foragers are out for weeks combing the topside for whatever they can find. Meanwhile populations in the settlements increase putting higher demand on the already dwindling resources.All the good stuff has to have been picked over by now. All that is left is the absolute worse stuff you would want. Beans are the butt of the joke so we go with beans. What if it had been SPAM. Same thing everyone would get tired of it. Now lets say ALL commodities have been picked over. Its too dangerous what with the satellite up there keeping a 24/7/365 watch over everything. Footprints could lead to secure places. It may camo but just follow the prints. When in doubt BOMB it. Even the dittos help some but Topsiders found the Ship by its mass signature even though they could not see it visually. Endtown is running out of food. It is not commonly known except by maybe a few. NOW a new source of food is discovered. Once held behind closed doors but there none the less. Holly has cheese, Linda made a cake, Maude makes one of the prime ingredients AND GIVES IT AWAY asking for nothing.I believe some one or group is wanting to control all this “new found” source of food. It would make Endtown basically self sufficient. But I believe someone wants to control that. I base this on a scene where Prof Mallard admits to solving some of the food crisis with his vitamin cakes. BUT he did not put them out until “MONEY” was the issue. Now Folks PAY for this. IT’S A PERK. Something other than the beans dolled out.Now add this new source. Eggs, Milk, if there are female goat anthro Goat Milk (great cheese there) and right now NO control over the distribution.And what better way to control it other than make it illegal to serve freely on the open market where a black market, underground would bring in far more money. You just have to gain control over the sources.It is a FREEDOM thing folks, that’s all. Freedom to do what you want with what you got freely without restrictions or control. THAT MY FRIENDS IS THE GREATER GOOD!
thanks for clearing things up for me. I posted that last night while I was almost asleep. Today looking at it I could see that he was having s nightmare. But do you think that it might be some of the topside monsters would have the wit to do something like this?
During prohibition, the mob did nothing to overturn the law against alcohol. The crime bosses did have some cities under control. Did they change the laws against other things like prostitution and drugs? No. They would have lost money and power if they did.It’s the same thing here. The crime bosses are in control of the HC. If anything, they’ll enact laws to make it harder to get things without giving up money or power. Or their life.Like I said earlier, it takes energy to make energy. You need the energy of two eggs to make one. I wonder if another food source might be coming available? Are the subterranian gardens finally beginning to produce? Here’s a deal: I’ll give you fresh food in exchange for your milk and eggs. If not, it’s beans, or even death.
I’ve got it. The High Council will say the Endtowners are “acting like animals”—-and since they and Allgood are promoting “stay human,” they’ll use the riots as an excuse to liquidate the Endtowners who are “acting like animals”—-defined as anybody who opposes their rule.#Or not…look over the “Flask’s Story” period and see just how well I can anticipate plot points…
Hey Dora girl ease up.I don’t have a problem with Josh.Sometimes he opens his computer and his brain falls out onto the keyboard but sometimes he makes sense. It is just respect. Slam me and get slammed back. That is the way it goes.Just remember these characters act more alive than most. How far have you ever been pushed? To the brink? To the point where your suffering overrides everything you know? It is a dark place I hope you never see but understand there are folks who have. Ever execute someone because it was necessary for your Spec Ops team to do their mission? Ever consider it? Kill a traitor in wartime who gives up everyone nearly getting you all killed. (Red Dawn the first one).Ever lost everything you hold dear because of something senseless?Flask should have escaped that is correct but she suffered a loss I hope you never face. Top of the heap to the crap on the toilet paper. FOR LOVE only to loose it?And don’t use the crap it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved before. THAT IS HORSE CRAP. The one who wrote never had anything to begin with. It hurts. It hurts like hell. I have seen folks like that loose their minds and go into a place that is bad. Like one posted earlier. Wally has been to Hell. He lives it everyday. One just learns to function and go on.The Punisher put it this about revenge. Revenge is an Emotion. It is not a purpose nor a viable reason for actions. This is not Revenge. It is Punishment. So I agree with your parents to a point. When someone has HORRIBLY wronged you, damaged you, defaced you, humiliated you, hurt you, took you and made you into a monster, you will want revenge.If you don’t want it then you are just a rug to be walked on. My significant other has more backbone than that. I would have to pull her off someone at that point or just let her work it out. Its fun to watch her work.Later Dora I still “respect” you.
Darwinskeeper,As of last report the Rats go after NO ONE.Council order the trial go on. No action on those below (for now). LT Rat was making plans to send down teams but with folks surrounding the sites he knew violence would ensue so he opted for Gas but that got rescinded by the Council.With orders that they ones up there know nothing about what is going on down there. Neither the Three, Allgood, or Jake know what is happening and are not going to be told. Councils orders to LT.Regardless of how the trail goes the Council I feel has already made up their minds. That I think is what Allgood senses. He feels something is wrong. Its not going as he would like. Jake may sense it too but if it all goes wrong Allgood is the one to suffer. If those Three are executed then Allgood would have to live up there forever. The Council would order the Rats to take a more severe level of response to the disturbance. I would side on bullets coming down. BUT would they obey such an order?At what point does one of them make a stand and say “NO enough”.The story yet unwinds.
MacEwanMouseI too am a fan of the Rats. I remember first seeing them in Vol 1 crawling all over Al doing their thing. Sergeant went on about papers and proper documents which said to me the “password” changed since Al left. Being military been there done that. Argued with another sentry for twenty minutes trying to get back to perimeter. “Whats the PASSWORD? Hell I don’t know I left two days ago. I cant let you enter without the password. Then shoot me dumba**because I don’t know it and I am coming in. You want a fire fight you got one”. It was funny afterwards but I could understand his side he should have understood my side.They are smaller that most ALL Endtowners so a strong showing by some force is a necessary part of their existence. So shooting a place up is a bit gangster but it does send a message. Don’t step out of line. And batting Jake was probably to remind him as such. Now Walter the Mayor and Dottie were just summoned to come in. Flask did instruct bring them here. No force specified but they just summoned.And if you noticed Jake has a hard head, no bandages for him like that wimp Allgood.I still wonder why the Oracle is not involved in this? She was with Al and Gustine? If it is a she? (Just saying)
Your comment doesn’t make any sense other than cause me to wonder if you are really that shallow, why do you need the flippers?Did you notice I didn’t need to stoop to vulgarities? Too bad you lack such capabilities.
I was jabbing at your comment, relax, let’s all take a deep breath and goosfraba. Again, if you paid attention to the banter between me and Veteran you’d know I figure the shooting up of these places is a message giver, stay in line, etc. I already covered that they’re acting militarily with a heavy hand and free pass to do what they want. And cmon, if anything appeared through a portal and your job was to defend an area at all cost, you might shoot first too. Besides it doesn’t negate the fact that violence of action wins the day, did they need to shoot the place up? Prolly not, but you can bet there was no form of resistance until the mob gathering.
JanBic Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Not now, Wally has his own demons to battle (check out that tail!)
Level_Head almost 12 years ago
He is fighting demons — and dream ones to bootBut real life intrudes, and he may have to shootWe know Wally’s resourceful, and will be of useSo what will he do, now that Hell’s broken loose?=|====/ Level HeadVote for Endtown 2.0And for Doc Rat, tooVote for Endtown ClassicThe Endtown ForumThe Endtown AuctionThe Endtown Books
MacEwanMouse almost 12 years ago
No kidding turtle dude, no kidding.
pam Miner almost 12 years ago
So this? is what is trying to take over End town? looks like a topside monster alright. It’s good to see Wally, he must have come from in there.
Wretneck almost 12 years ago
Senseless Chaos only creates more senseless Chaos. The Council brought this upon themselves
dirtyoldlady1 almost 12 years ago
Actually they erased both of them…?I repeat.“Here he comes to save the day, Wally cat is on the way.”Blessed Be
dirtyoldlady1 almost 12 years ago
I did not do that!!!!Blessings
Ida No almost 12 years ago
Wally: “Any nightmare you can wake up from is a good one.”
firedome almost 12 years ago
looks like he’s healing nicely (thank goodness)…last time we saw him, he was pretty banged up…
firedome almost 12 years ago
oog…comments are still being entered oddly…gocomics a bit off?
Jenner Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I see Wally fell asleep in his chair, next to the radio.
Jenner Premium Member almost 12 years ago
The weird thing is that in his world, there ARE nightmarish monsters like that.
Robert Nowall Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Nightmare or flashback?
Coyoty Premium Member almost 12 years ago
He’s wearing an Apex uniform, so I’m guessing flashback.
witchspell63 almost 12 years ago
Will Wally’s pal be the next one to get it? I wonder who the mob will go after next? Splinter off in into Allgood and Jackrabbit groups Andrew have at it? Since the rats and the upstairs are inaccessible?
witchspell63 almost 12 years ago
The mob anger was to b directed somewhere.
salenstormwing almost 12 years ago
Wait, no one has replaced that window yet? No wonder Wally’s having flashbacks about horrible mutant creatures trying to claw their way into his house through the opening. Although, I wouldn’t tell that to the neighbors.
Robert Nowall Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Looks something like the “wrong door” on the Opabinia Queen…’cept this one has a window…
Francis362003 almost 12 years ago
This is going to be an interesting week for us all.
crookedwolf Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I, for one, am happy to see a Neathery Mutant Monster, even if it is just a dream.
Darwinskeeper almost 12 years ago
Has it occurred to anyone else that Velda (or someone) has hacked the High Council control setup and that the rest of the council members are actually in the same situation (powerless, frustrated and worried) that Al was in?
lordrunningclam almost 12 years ago
Holly’s boyfriend’s back and they’re gonna be in troubleHey La, etc.
Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Darwinskeeper,I have been saying that for some time. This was no accident that members sympathetic to Allgood’s view are on the Council. Velda is behind it all. She is front lady leading the scheme. She feigns ignorance but she knows exactly what is going on. The reasons WHY are the issues. WHY is this such big issue now. According to others this has been going on for sometime. A taboo so to speak so not spoken openly. Now someone wants the WHOLE thing declared ILLEGAL. WHY now? Why has not this been brought up to the Council before?
Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Wally’s dream.Wally was not just a grunt APEX soldier in his past. He was an engineer. He remembered working on a school to rebuild it but specifically what engineer type was not said. Electrical, Industrial, Construction unknown. But as he said after a while everyone at APEX carried a gun and patrolled. This may be a flask back to when he was with APEX and witnessed some things back in the day. His appearing as he is now to what he was back then is normal. He was probably human when that happened but in his dreams he retained his current appearance. Most all nightmares are generations of what you experience in the past they just appear scary. I will not go into detail about mine but you can imagine. Being thrown back into a conflict you left behind. A fight that never seems to end. Woke up in a few sweats at times. That is what Wally is feeling. Conflict is upon him again. Now there are new monsters at the gates and again he feels threatened. His world is under attack. Does he do like he did back then and leave, escape, or does he stand this time. Face the fear and apprehension. Does he step out as the voice in the crowd calling for calm and restraint. After all from everyone there in Endtown he is the only one with a stake in what happens. His girl is threatened. No one else in Endtown has that on their shoulders. Wally has always seemed to want to avoid conflict. That is admirable but like with Flask. Sometimes you just got to enter the fray to either fight or make a stand.
Robert Nowall Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Or…Wally is subliminally reacting to the noise of the street riot and impending revolution…and putting himself in the position of the Security Rats…maybe an odd position to be in given his previous encounters with them, but one’s subconscious can play tricks on one…
mr_sherman Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Will Wally use his head for something besides a punching bag? Now that is a good question. Wally has experienced courage and compassion in the past when he saved the cat who considered making a meal of Holly from drowning. I’m going to guess the rat that was thrown through the bar window is alive. Now if he is, Wally could start a dialogue and begin to find out what’s going on from the rats point of view. There might be a problem with Allie, but if he can convince her, she would be a formidable ally.
DADOF3 almost 12 years ago
I think something very important happened on Friday. The dialogue there clearly shows that the HC is running on it’s own. It has subordinated Allgood, Jackrabbit, and Van der Veasel. I am getting the impression that none of them were ever really as “in control” of things as they (or we) thought (if they ever were at all!). Consider this: Before this arc started, one of the last things we saw was AM hoisting a glass with the oracle “to the common good”. What has happened since? The subdued, day to day status quo of Endtown has been turned on it’s ear. Where have we seen prevoiusly a character who was set totally at cross purposes with the status quo, who relished chaos and change as the essentials of a worthwhile existance? Then go back and read again the dialogue credited to the HC. Does that smart alecy, over the top style sound familiar at all?Now I could be all wet ( Lord knows I’ve rarely been correct in the past when trying to guess where Aaron was headed) and I can’t say that I see a clear motivation for it all; but I’d be interested to know if anyone else is catching a glimpse of what I think I’m seeing. Hmmm? ;-)
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 12 years ago
About Wally:
First of all, Wally needs to move on with his life as a mutant. Holly, his little significant other did well becoming “a three-foot tall, talking biepdal mouse”. He need to embrace what he is now, not WHAT he was then, that’s all behind him. If he doesn’t, the past events he had when he was a low level grunt on an eradication task force will send him and his mutant soul straight to hell.
Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago
DADOF3You make a good point. That smart sounding comments made by the High Council do bear his markings. Remember when he was in the ship with them all. Never showed interest, more concerned on just watching the show. Letting them do the deeds while he just sat back and watched.BUT remember with Flask. That I have to believe changed him in a way. To do this now is reverting and what would it accomplish? To put three women through all that. Allow the deaths of both Rats and Endtowners. Remember he took out a missile heading for a Topsider settlement saving thousands. His interest was more in saving lives than allowing them to die.Why would he act this way now?I can see it bears Aaron Marx similarities. Mannerisms, Speech, disregard for others but the Flask episode had to change him into a different man.It would be like “Surprize you are on Candid Camera!” Sorry about the deaths, the torture, the long confinement, lack of proper treatment but HEY it was for the greater good."That would get his ass kicked. It is not even funny.No there is something here going on.Something new something we have not seen before.
Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Lets look at the logic.It has been what six seven years since this began. Topsiders on surface, mutants head below to survive. Mutants are hunted relentlessly by Topsiders who see them as the source of the virus thereby needing eradication, totally.Limited supplies in the settlements would have been available at the onset. Parties and other settlements would send out foragers to search the remains for what ever is necessary. Primary of course is food, electronics, equipment. From what I have read these foragers are out for weeks combing the topside for whatever they can find. Meanwhile populations in the settlements increase putting higher demand on the already dwindling resources.All the good stuff has to have been picked over by now. All that is left is the absolute worse stuff you would want. Beans are the butt of the joke so we go with beans. What if it had been SPAM. Same thing everyone would get tired of it. Now lets say ALL commodities have been picked over. Its too dangerous what with the satellite up there keeping a 24/7/365 watch over everything. Footprints could lead to secure places. It may camo but just follow the prints. When in doubt BOMB it. Even the dittos help some but Topsiders found the Ship by its mass signature even though they could not see it visually. Endtown is running out of food. It is not commonly known except by maybe a few. NOW a new source of food is discovered. Once held behind closed doors but there none the less. Holly has cheese, Linda made a cake, Maude makes one of the prime ingredients AND GIVES IT AWAY asking for nothing.I believe some one or group is wanting to control all this “new found” source of food. It would make Endtown basically self sufficient. But I believe someone wants to control that. I base this on a scene where Prof Mallard admits to solving some of the food crisis with his vitamin cakes. BUT he did not put them out until “MONEY” was the issue. Now Folks PAY for this. IT’S A PERK. Something other than the beans dolled out.Now add this new source. Eggs, Milk, if there are female goat anthro Goat Milk (great cheese there) and right now NO control over the distribution.And what better way to control it other than make it illegal to serve freely on the open market where a black market, underground would bring in far more money. You just have to gain control over the sources.It is a FREEDOM thing folks, that’s all. Freedom to do what you want with what you got freely without restrictions or control. THAT MY FRIENDS IS THE GREATER GOOD!
pam Miner almost 12 years ago
thanks for clearing things up for me. I posted that last night while I was almost asleep. Today looking at it I could see that he was having s nightmare. But do you think that it might be some of the topside monsters would have the wit to do something like this?
lordrunningclam almost 12 years ago
So… what are the odds Wally gets beaten up again?
mr_sherman Premium Member almost 12 years ago
During prohibition, the mob did nothing to overturn the law against alcohol. The crime bosses did have some cities under control. Did they change the laws against other things like prostitution and drugs? No. They would have lost money and power if they did.It’s the same thing here. The crime bosses are in control of the HC. If anything, they’ll enact laws to make it harder to get things without giving up money or power. Or their life.Like I said earlier, it takes energy to make energy. You need the energy of two eggs to make one. I wonder if another food source might be coming available? Are the subterranian gardens finally beginning to produce? Here’s a deal: I’ll give you fresh food in exchange for your milk and eggs. If not, it’s beans, or even death.
Jenner Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I have a horrible feeling that the crowd are rioting because they’re watching the three convicted prisoners being executed.
rvonluchen almost 12 years ago
Sounds like a good time to stay home, go to your bed, and hide under it.
Robert Nowall Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I’ve got it. The High Council will say the Endtowners are “acting like animals”—-and since they and Allgood are promoting “stay human,” they’ll use the riots as an excuse to liquidate the Endtowners who are “acting like animals”—-defined as anybody who opposes their rule.#Or not…look over the “Flask’s Story” period and see just how well I can anticipate plot points…
mr_sherman Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I’m going to enjoy all the responses to the Dora Dingle comment. She put her foot in it really deep this time.
Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Hey Dora girl ease up.I don’t have a problem with Josh.Sometimes he opens his computer and his brain falls out onto the keyboard but sometimes he makes sense. It is just respect. Slam me and get slammed back. That is the way it goes.Just remember these characters act more alive than most. How far have you ever been pushed? To the brink? To the point where your suffering overrides everything you know? It is a dark place I hope you never see but understand there are folks who have. Ever execute someone because it was necessary for your Spec Ops team to do their mission? Ever consider it? Kill a traitor in wartime who gives up everyone nearly getting you all killed. (Red Dawn the first one).Ever lost everything you hold dear because of something senseless?Flask should have escaped that is correct but she suffered a loss I hope you never face. Top of the heap to the crap on the toilet paper. FOR LOVE only to loose it?And don’t use the crap it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved before. THAT IS HORSE CRAP. The one who wrote never had anything to begin with. It hurts. It hurts like hell. I have seen folks like that loose their minds and go into a place that is bad. Like one posted earlier. Wally has been to Hell. He lives it everyday. One just learns to function and go on.The Punisher put it this about revenge. Revenge is an Emotion. It is not a purpose nor a viable reason for actions. This is not Revenge. It is Punishment. So I agree with your parents to a point. When someone has HORRIBLY wronged you, damaged you, defaced you, humiliated you, hurt you, took you and made you into a monster, you will want revenge.If you don’t want it then you are just a rug to be walked on. My significant other has more backbone than that. I would have to pull her off someone at that point or just let her work it out. Its fun to watch her work.Later Dora I still “respect” you.
Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago
mr_sherman,Did I disappoint???
Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Darwinskeeper,As of last report the Rats go after NO ONE.Council order the trial go on. No action on those below (for now). LT Rat was making plans to send down teams but with folks surrounding the sites he knew violence would ensue so he opted for Gas but that got rescinded by the Council.With orders that they ones up there know nothing about what is going on down there. Neither the Three, Allgood, or Jake know what is happening and are not going to be told. Councils orders to LT.Regardless of how the trail goes the Council I feel has already made up their minds. That I think is what Allgood senses. He feels something is wrong. Its not going as he would like. Jake may sense it too but if it all goes wrong Allgood is the one to suffer. If those Three are executed then Allgood would have to live up there forever. The Council would order the Rats to take a more severe level of response to the disturbance. I would side on bullets coming down. BUT would they obey such an order?At what point does one of them make a stand and say “NO enough”.The story yet unwinds.
Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago
MacEwanMouseI too am a fan of the Rats. I remember first seeing them in Vol 1 crawling all over Al doing their thing. Sergeant went on about papers and proper documents which said to me the “password” changed since Al left. Being military been there done that. Argued with another sentry for twenty minutes trying to get back to perimeter. “Whats the PASSWORD? Hell I don’t know I left two days ago. I cant let you enter without the password. Then shoot me dumba**because I don’t know it and I am coming in. You want a fire fight you got one”. It was funny afterwards but I could understand his side he should have understood my side.They are smaller that most ALL Endtowners so a strong showing by some force is a necessary part of their existence. So shooting a place up is a bit gangster but it does send a message. Don’t step out of line. And batting Jake was probably to remind him as such. Now Walter the Mayor and Dottie were just summoned to come in. Flask did instruct bring them here. No force specified but they just summoned.And if you noticed Jake has a hard head, no bandages for him like that wimp Allgood.I still wonder why the Oracle is not involved in this? She was with Al and Gustine? If it is a she? (Just saying)
Robert Nowall Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I, too, have some affection for the Security Rats—-but precious little sympathy.
Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Headed home. Day is done.All is well here, how are you?
X-Lydia almost 12 years ago
The sleep of reason brings forth monsters.
mr_sherman Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Your comment doesn’t make any sense other than cause me to wonder if you are really that shallow, why do you need the flippers?Did you notice I didn’t need to stoop to vulgarities? Too bad you lack such capabilities.
MacEwanMouse almost 12 years ago
I was jabbing at your comment, relax, let’s all take a deep breath and goosfraba. Again, if you paid attention to the banter between me and Veteran you’d know I figure the shooting up of these places is a message giver, stay in line, etc. I already covered that they’re acting militarily with a heavy hand and free pass to do what they want. And cmon, if anything appeared through a portal and your job was to defend an area at all cost, you might shoot first too. Besides it doesn’t negate the fact that violence of action wins the day, did they need to shoot the place up? Prolly not, but you can bet there was no form of resistance until the mob gathering.
Ida No almost 12 years ago