Rob Rogers for May 24, 2013

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    ConserveGov  about 11 years ago

    Luckily there won’t be a bill. There is easily enough money already in the emergency fund.

    Sorry Spendocrats, you’ll have to push your pork somewhere else.

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  about 11 years ago

    Its not one of these people wanting less goverment?

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    vwdualnomand  about 11 years ago

    there now probably going to an additional riders to OK disaster relief bill. one might be to rebuild the i-5 bridge in WA that collapse yesterday.

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    AAdoglover Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Infrastructure problems have a way to force spending on them. Collapse.

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  5. Misty morning
    SavannahJim Premium Member about 11 years ago

    You can see when infrastructure collapses. As Society collapses, the withdrawal of support for each other is called Small Government and it is only conspicuous in its absence when it’s their own hometown.

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    ARodney  about 11 years ago

    It’s not theft. Taxation is in the constitution, and it’s used to do things like build bridges and rebuild destroyed towns. You should read the constitution sometime, though expect to be enraged — it’s diametrically opposed to your “abandon America first” conservative philosophy.

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    magicwalnut Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Nature has a way of turning those who support the “makers” into those who support the “takers”.

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  8. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 11 years ago

    No, we’re the ones who know history. We’re not like the Tea Party idiots who misunderstand my man John Adams and his compatriots, or the religious right that falsely claims this is a “Judeo-Christian” country and that all the Founders were devout Christians.

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  9. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 11 years ago

    I am very sad and sorry about the people who were hit. A tornado touched down just 3 miles from where I live, and I’ve seen what they can do.Many of the people who lost everything have now been plunged into poverty.Before the tornado many were middle class, but now are not.Some would have had lots of insurance, and some folks were poor to begin with.The thing is, for most people poverty is one disaster away from going from middle class to what they make have railed at; “worthless, no good, lazy, freeloaders” Those folks are seeing the whole poverty thing from a different perspective now. Before passing judgement on people, just remember-This could happen to any one.

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    frodo1008  about 11 years ago

    Why do you hate this country so much?? If you hate the US Constitution, you basically hate this country!!

    I have thrown this into the faces of the ultra conservatives on these comment sections before (of course all I ever get back is either silence of nasty comments). Factual information IS really hard to deal with, so here goes. This little snippet directly from the US Constitution (no amendments even needed) addresses the US Governments (though our elected Congress) legitimacy in collecting taxes from the citizens of the US (hope I am not being too presumptuous in assuming that you are a legitimate citizen of the USA). Article I, section 8 of the US Constitution states in plain English (again, I hope am assuming that you can read simple English):

    “The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;”

    What this simply means is that the US Congress has the full legal right under the US Constitution to tax the citizens of the US ANY amount it wishes, for just about ANY reason it wishes. So in your ignorant post, you evidently have either never bothered to even read the US Constitution, or just wish to ignore those parts of said Constitution that does not agree with your ignorant idiotology (and while that is not a true English word, I meant it in exactly that term).

    Further, governmental spending is also fully covered in this particular part of section 8. Congress, after collecting those perfectly legitimate taxes through the collection arm of the government otherwise referred to as the IRS, is to spend those funds on the common defense (our expensive, but truly excellent military), and pay off (or at least limit) the National Debt. These are specifically called out. But there is also the phrase, “and general welfare of the United States”. And anyone with even a modicum of education about, and a smidgen of compassion for, their fellow American citizens should certainly agree that disaster relief (even up to helping federal funds to rebuild after said disaster) is certainly a large part of the common welfare of our fellow American citizens. And this includes ALL of the states “Blue”, “red” or ANY other color for that matter!!!!!!

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    frodo1008  about 11 years ago

    Thank you for an excellent post, and from what I wrote in my own post just above you can see that I certainly agree with your assessment!!

    One question that comes to mind, are all of these nasty anti American types on this site for real? Or are they just automatic internet trolls paid for by Rupert Murdock and his minions?

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    frodo1008  about 11 years ago

    Then just exactly what other form of government would you recommend for the USA?

    Besides which, if we did not allow our government to tax us, we could never have even fought WWII, let alone become “The Arsenal of Democracy” and thus have defeated Hitler, Tojo and their minions. And while both Hitler and Tojo would probably no longer be alive, we would now be in the utter control of their descendents. Which for certain minorities such as the Jews might very well be even worse then the originals!!

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  13. Pink calculator
    Ambydextrous  about 11 years ago

    I thought we weren’t going to give this one a name?

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  14. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Yep, a slush fund id OK if it’s YOUR slush fund.

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    PlainBill  about 11 years ago

    Define theft, you Right-Winged pool of pestilence. The constitutional tax laws were written by the duly elected representatives. If you are so inbred that you feel you should not help others, leave the country. Perhaps you have forgotten the words of our founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin. "If we do not hang together, than assuredly we will all hang separately.

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  16. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  about 11 years ago

    Gocomics is slacking. Today’s Rogers is a real zinger:

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