Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for June 07, 2013

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    Varnes  almost 12 years ago

    Bashful shashful….

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    rusty gate  almost 12 years ago

    He’ll make it fast.

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    Varnes  almost 12 years ago

    Late, is she still that young…? Oh, for work…..silly me….

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  4. Ricky ricardo oh lucy
    edclectic  almost 12 years ago

    Just wait a tick…

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    brownr28  almost 12 years ago

    Pulling tick off with tweezers isn’t best method either, If you leave the head buried in your flesh, infection is on the way.Frontline for pets will kill the ticks on dogs with no requirement to remove them. they just die and drop off.

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    rcerinys701  almost 12 years ago

    Yeah, but getting your spouse to wear their “flea and tick” collar is a real pain.

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    George Alexander  almost 12 years ago

    As I predicted yesterday…..

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    j-birds3  almost 12 years ago

    The rewards of removing a tick…Must of got Arlo excited when removing the nasty little tick…..

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    toppop52  almost 12 years ago

    I’m fairly certain that the art of tick removal wasn’t the point…:rolleyes:

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    RichardPollack  almost 12 years ago

    Janis helps remove the tick (this is good) but notice that she then makes a terrible mistake by disposing of it. Was that a deer tick, dog tick or some other kind? How long had it been attached and feeding? What are the risks to Arlo? It is not too late for her to recover that tick, then visit for guidance and assistance.

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  11. Snoopy pensive typewriter
    The Life I Draw Upon  almost 12 years ago

    Now we know what makes Arlo tick.

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    sjc14850  almost 12 years ago

    The actual comic strip is in the fifth panel.

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    barryj35967  almost 12 years ago

    I think Arlo planted the tick to get what he really wanted. Risky, but worth it!

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    tnhippiechick  almost 12 years ago

    The tick must not have been there too long, as Arlo’s blood flow is obviously NOT affected…..

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  15. Garfield
    linsonl  almost 12 years ago

    Maybe if I went into the woods and got a tick………

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  16. Alan vi
    Alan Jones  almost 12 years ago

    Brad Paisley has a song about this:

    (cut and paste)

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  17. Blue sun big
    paultunes  almost 12 years ago

    Arlo and Janis have jobs they way they have a kid. out of sight out of mind. anyone know what jobs they have? they have got to be getting close to retirement.

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  18. Little b
    Dani Rice  almost 12 years ago

    Lucky he found it in time. Hubby got a deer tick buried so far in his skin all you could see was a little shiny red bump. It had to be surgically removed, and followed by meds, “just in case”. Seriously, when you’ve been out in the wild, wild it’s best to have somebody check your back, and look through your hair.

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    jerrythemacguy  almost 12 years ago

    Tick…tick…tick… Arlo is a ticking time bomb.

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    sundogusa  almost 12 years ago

    Actually using tweezers is the recommended way to remove ticks. You gently squeeze tehm and pull being very carefull not to pull it’s head off! If it’s head is buried in the skin, see a Doctor.Burning them off used to be the recommendation, but too many people were burned so that method is not good. Smearing them in oil, petroleum jelly, or any other goop is also not recommended any longer. It gives the little ticks time to burrow in deeper.This is from a Wilderness First Aid Course.

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  21. Bill the cat
    Bill D. Kat Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    The last pane saved the PG-13 rating

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    Ermine Notyours  almost 12 years ago

    Late? As in late for work, or…?

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    thezar  almost 12 years ago

    Like all guys and large wall clocks, it’s that ticker at the bottom…

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    yoda1234  almost 12 years ago

    Not the most COMMON form of foreplay, but hey, whatever melts your butter……

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    95k75rt  almost 12 years ago

    If that tick had Lymes disease, that is going to make some bullseye!!

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    katina.cooper  almost 12 years ago

    Oh, finished already, Arlo?

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    Varnes  almost 12 years ago

    RiverHawk, her time of the month….just a bad joke….

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  28. 11 06 126
    Varnes  almost 12 years ago

    Google ticks…..I did. The most important thing is to get them off a quickly as possible, by any means necessary. Tweezers is what they use for demonstrations…A good set of finger nails will do. The head coming off isn’t much of a problem because it usually doesn’t and it’s not in that deep.. But if it does, it will be shed with the surface skin in a day or two. Just get them off so the chance of getting infected time is shorter….

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    Doctor_McCoy  almost 12 years ago

    Did Arlo tickle her pink?

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    jack fairbanks  almost 12 years ago

    tock for tick

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    gocomicsmember  almost 12 years ago

    I see this has already been mentioned, but as far as the tick crawling out of the trash is concerned, I assume that she would have used the tweezers for more than removal. Any tick I find gets squeezed hard between unyielding surfaces so that there is no doubt about its demise.

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