Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for August 17, 2013
Melissa: So what do you think I should talk about, Mr. Wilkes? Principal Wilkes: Well, you're part of career week... So, just talk about the rewards of being a military professional. I'd steer clear of discussing deployments, combat, casualties or war. Melissa: Seriously? Principal Wilkes: Yup. Stick to cool stuff. Drones or whatnot.
thirdguy over 11 years ago
I remember, one time I blew this dudes head off….Oh sorry, no icky stuff.
Doughfoot over 11 years ago
An old friend of mine, a WWII combat veteran, said that wars are fought by 18-year-olds because at that age you just can’t believe that you are the one who will be killed or maimed. He was a medic and he saw how often soldiers were surprised (!) when they were hit. Another vet told me that, no matter how often and emphatically he was told in training that people would be shooting at him, he just didn’t “get” it until he was lying in a foxhole at Anzio. This is not just inexperience. Physiologists now know that the brain, especially those parts that deal with risk assessment, is not fully developed until about the age 25. A teenager’s brain literally does not operate the same way an adult’s does, no matter how “smart” he is.
vwdualnomand over 11 years ago
and, he also wants to you to not mention the sexual assaults in the military, spousal abuse, the rampant alcohol abuse, how everyone is on skoal or cope or kodiak, and if you are stationed in san diego, to steer clear of the mayor of san diego. also, don’t mention the many divorces, and that your spouse is a dependosaurus.
unca jim over 11 years ago
@ Omnius;
Spoken like a true FAC pilot.
Defective over 11 years ago
The average age of the combat vet during WW II was 26. During Vietnam it was 19.
DavyG over 11 years ago
It’s possible that your dad went to see my grandfather about the malaria. He was a USN MD who enlisted when he was about 44. He too came home from Guadalcanal with malaria.
susan.e.a.c over 11 years ago
She’s a mechanic so I’d figure a mechanic would talk about that.
Radical-Knight over 11 years ago
That’s like talking to a Realtor and saying they can’t talk about money…
pstampfel Premium Member over 11 years ago
during and after the civil war the condition we now call ptsd was refered to as “soldier’s heart”.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 11 years ago
“We’ll make them Army strong right up until the sht hts the fan.”
unca jim over 11 years ago
And yet, there are those amongst us who preach “peace and brotherhood” to people coming over the hill with clubs, spears, swords, arrows, trebuchets, blunderbusses, cavalry, explosives, aeroplanes, bombs, and other instruments of war over the ages, and what did it get us?
A whole BUNCH of property changes, ‘unintended pregnancies’, impressed religions and some damfool trying to tell me that I shouldn’t arm myself to defend what I’ve got. Nay, I say. Fight on with whatever resource. I’m no longer a peasant and sure as hell don’t want to be a Moslem by force.
unca jim over 11 years ago
aaaaaaaaaaaaand, of course, a PopUp destroyed everything I had to say about the Muslim invasion of Spain by Tariq whatzisname in 600 or thereabouts while my forebears were wondering why the Norsemen were trying ot ‘do’ my daughters, etc. and why my Scottish antecedentswere having a wonderful time fighting over …… well, you get the idea… Property, religion, and power. Always a driving force from biblical times right up to Wall Street and beyond. Well, seein’s I’m here, the sissies must have bent over. (knelt)
Kip W over 11 years ago
Combat telephone line work took real nerve. Jean Shepard did that and spoke eloquently of hearing “Hit the dirt!” when he was 20 feet up a pole.
krisjackson01 over 11 years ago
Nooo … look, I’m a total liberal, but jeez, we do need a strong military. And I know there are people who are really born for this life. BD, for example. He drifted around but his heart was really not just in the military, but at war. He seems to be getting over that, though.
Droptma Styx over 11 years ago
What about the water skiing and the travel?