B.C. by Mastroianni and Hart for July 30, 2013

  1. Carnac
    AKHenderson Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Didn’t they do that with pigs in a “Mad Max” sequel?

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  2. 061
    pawpawbear  over 11 years ago

    We used to have a joke that if someone could catch a fart and paint it blue, they could do anything. Just think, they do it everyday now.

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  3. Ricky ricardo oh lucy
    edclectic  over 11 years ago

    What a gas!

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  4. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member over 11 years ago

    I’ve made a deal with the gods to save the world. They will stop glacial retreat if I sequester carbon. At least, they didn’t say no.

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  5. Hpqscan0023
    Q4horse  over 11 years ago

    Actually its the belching, not the farts that emits the gas.

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  6. 20071112 einstein
    hariseldon59  over 11 years ago

    I wouldn’t want to be around when that thing bursts.

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    geopardy  over 11 years ago

    Besides wouldn’t it be methane instead of carbon?

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  8. Jerry lakehead
    jtviper7  over 11 years ago

    Is that Elsie the Borden Cow ?

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  9. Cumbres toltec steam engine   tiny
    jimguess  over 11 years ago

    What is really stupid about all this ‘carbon footprint’ idiocy is this: Does anyone remember studying biology? What is photosynthesis? What are the raw materials taken in by plants when they grow? 
 carbon dioxide and water. So, what is CO2? PLANT FOOD! Anyone that actually believes we will be better off by reducing our CO2 production is an idiot. Why? We are starving the plants!

    This is just ONE of hundreds of reasons the global warming fanatics are idiots.


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  10. Avt jwhouk medium
    Joseph Houk  over 11 years ago

    Fart Jokes always FTW.

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    sundogusa  over 11 years ago

    I thought greenhouse gas and farts came from Washington, DC?

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  12. Booboo
    bbear  over 11 years ago

    In the 1970’s temperatures were actually cooling and the same alarmists were convinced the world was going to have another ice age just around the corner. Go figure!

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    dflak  over 11 years ago

    If there were an alien civilization looking at Earth, they would detect the methane / oxygen ratio in our athmosphere and determine that it is too high. Methane and oxygen eventually combine, so something must be replenishing the supply of methane.

    Bovine intestines are a significant source of methane. Therefore B.S. is proof of life on Earth.

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  14. Missing large
    whiteaj  over 11 years ago

    Wow. When did “fart” become an acceptable comic strip word? As kids, we had to sneak out behind the barn to say that word.

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  15. Cat7
    rockngolfer  over 11 years ago

    Anybody see the “Living With Ed” TV show where Ed Begley takes his wife to the farm where they make methane?

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  16. Cat7
    rockngolfer  over 11 years ago

    http://livingwithed.net/egallery.asp?CID=26&xepisode=Season 3

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    rgpope Premium Member over 11 years ago

    @Jim Guess: did it ever occur to you there is more CO2 in the atmosphere than needed by plants? I’d say you’re the idiot.

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  18. Shrek front
    attyush  over 11 years ago

    There was a young rowdy from yoreHe loved beans and boarDuring a bull runHe let out a silent oneAnd sent all the bulls scrambling for the door

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  19. Kat 1
    katina.cooper  over 11 years ago

    You can say that word here? Wow.

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    curmudgeon68  over 11 years ago

    One problem is that the human life span is too short. It’s hard to get people to be enthusiastic about solving a problem that will have no effect on their lives. “Why should I care? I’ll never live to see it” is a common attitude.

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  21. Topzdrum 1w
    Hawthorne  over 11 years ago

    “I grew up in a farming community less than 15 feet above sea level.”

    We aren’t seeing arable land lost to ‘global warming’ yet. We’re seeing it lost to ‘development’ – paving it over for more ticky tacky, while we send production offshore.

    Industrial agriculture won’t be the tool to feed the masses. Monoculture is the least secure agricultural model for food security, and monoculture has become a runaway train due to the machinations of industry.

    We can’t sustain monoculture. Remember the potato famine? Consider the ramifications of that, in a world where fields aren’t calculated in hectares, but in square miles. Where our meat producers are not only confined to five corporations, but similar huge, centralized installations.

    TThe agricultural realitiy is that you get the greatest yields from crops bred for the local conditions, not from industrially bred crops that are dependent on industrial chemicals and excessive water consumption.

    Local crops – bred by local seed saving farmers – are the most practical way to feed ‘the masses’. In the US that would require some changes to local zoning and regulation, but that is the way to insure food security for all.

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    curmudgeon68  over 11 years ago

    Spammer go home!

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  23. Topzdrum 1w
    Hawthorne  over 11 years ago

    “Plants like poison ivy grow well, and their irritating oils grow more toxic. However corn’s growth is stunted. You are behind the times on information.”

    The issue is at the same time more complex and also more simple than The Powers That Be would have us believe. The problem is that industry has no intention whatever of changing their ways. Regulation is anathema to them, and they will do what they deem necessary to avoid it.

    What we can or can’t grow is moot, really, because if they don’t start cleaning up the environment, the toxicity will kill us off before the ‘debate’ is resolved.

    There is a lot of potential food out there which will grow in elevated temps and CO2 environment, and whether climate is changing or not, we and our food supply can adapt – if we are allowed to. The problem I see is that industry has a stranglehold on the food supply. We need to take it away from industry and give it back to the farmers.

    We need to curb urban development, and regulate that, too.

    Instead of regulating the industries that use (and abuse) the substances you list – and the rest – we are told that we need to quit eating meat and dairy, because cattle generate greenhouse gasses. This is more pass-the-buck stuff which can’t possibly make any difference, whatever we ascribe the problem to.

    Sorry for the split infinitive. But I think you see what I’m saying here. A lot of people will scream that regulating industry’s ‘right’ to poison us will result in ‘taking us back to the middle ages’, but that is yet another false conclusion. The choices are not living in a sea of toxic waste (and eating it) or reverting to carrying water from the village well, the choices are clean up or quit.

    Our eating habits aren’t the problem; industry’s excess is.

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member over 11 years ago

    And, appropriately, brown

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    Jack Bell Premium Member over 11 years ago

    If bovine belches and farts are causing global warming, it’s a good thing we killed all those buffalo.

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    AmyGrantfan51774  over 11 years ago

    don’t say anything bad about Obama I like him he’s doing the best he can

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    AmyGrantfan51774  over 11 years ago

    stop messing with Obama he not perfect but he doing the best he can lay off him

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    AmyGrantfan51774  over 11 years ago

    fart jokes today, eh????!!!!!

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  29. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 11 years ago

    Where’s a good hat pin when you need one?

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  30. Ralphziggy
    RalphZIggy  over 11 years ago

    The sea by your farm has risen 4 inches since 1950, tell your family to get the snorkels ready. The sea levels have been rising since the last ice age, for most the that time at much faster rate than now.

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    dflak  over 11 years ago

    Ah, all the political discussion. As I said, BS is proof of life on earth.

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  32. 407474 347809015243375 100000428381807 1313931 173321084 n
    lily245pj  over 11 years ago


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