The Other Coast by Adrian Raeside for August 30, 2013

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    t jacobs  over 11 years ago

    three weeks ago i was able to introduce a beagle/basset mix that needed a new home with a lonely friend in need of a bundle of love. it is a beautiful thing!

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    jazzmoose  over 11 years ago

    I remember thinking that when my cat died once. I lasted a whole two weeks! I was so proud…

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    lightenup Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Awww! :‘-\We have 2 rescue cats, but we’ve been visiting the shelter we got them from and we’ve fallen in love with another one. My older ones are 12 and they will not tolerate another cat, so I guess I’ll have to visit my little friend every week and hope she finds a good home. (the shelter is no-kill)

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    msukjs  over 11 years ago

    I’m not sure who wrote this, but I think it’s a pretty accurate poem. Makes me tear up a little

    When humans die, they make a willTo leave their homes and all they haveTo those they love.I, too, would make a will if I could write;To some poor wistful lonely strayI leave my happy home,My dish, my cozy bed, my cushioned chair, my toy,The well-loved lap, the gently stoking hand,The loving voice,The place I made in someone’s heart,The love that, at the last, could help me toA peaceful, painless end,Held in loving arms.If I should die, Oh! Do not say,“No more a pet I’ll haveTo grieve me by its loss”.Seek out some lonely, unloved dogAnd give my place to him.This is my legacy I leave behind‘Tis all I have to give

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    sjpb  over 11 years ago

    The Old Canine Loving Sarge,Just wanted to say thanks again for your kind words earlier this week. This morning we had to send Elsea off to the Rainbow Bridge.

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    amethyst52 Premium Member over 11 years ago

    I can’t go into shelters without bawling my eyes out. We want to rescue another dog after having to euthanize our sweet Clayton last month. Not to replace him, but in place of. We have to be brave. There is some sweet eyed, loving doggy out there for us. If I was king I would make all shelters no kill, except for severely ill or injured.

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    calliopejane  over 11 years ago

    OK, Kimberly, now I’m bawling my eyes out. But I did copy & save that, for the next time someone expresses concern that getting another pet somehow is somehow “unfaithful” or “disrespectful” to their beloved friend who is gone. I don’t understand that; I still mourn the dogs I’ve had to say goodbye to, but I consider it an honor to their memory to keep the love going and rescue someone else. And because I always do get rescues, who are usually totally untrained and may not be in the best of health, it takes considerable time and effort to make a new adoptee into a happy healthy housepet. So that gives me something to do other than just sit around feeling sorry for myself!

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