Tom Toles for August 26, 2013

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    ARodney  almost 11 years ago

    Yes, it turns out that being anti-health care, anti-gay, anti-poor, anti-vote, anti-woman, and anti-education is not JUST bad for people, it’s also bad for business. Talented workers are fleeing red states for blue states where prospects for freedom are so much greater, and where economies are generally doing much better.

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  2. Madmen icon
    McSpook  almost 11 years ago

    There was a time when a majority of Americans were against inter-racial marriage.And women voting.There will always be a time when something new and different has to make the uphill climb, but it usually does as people become more enlightened, and then the majority will support it.The right wing has always stood in the way of progress, but inevitably “progress happens,” and the right wing is, yet again, America’s punch line.

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  3. Ek 11
    jazzmoose  almost 11 years ago

    Wow. Why not just type in “I don’t get the cartoon”?

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    WestNYC Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    and the Democrats are just as backwards when it comes to fiscal issues.

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  5. And you wonder why
    Kylop  almost 11 years ago

    Tom, there is an error in your drawing. It says “21st” instead of “20th”

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    Jason Allen  almost 11 years ago

    “More people than not see through the Dems’ attempt to make the public see the Republicans as anti-everything.”I don’t see the Republican Party as anti-everything however “conservatives” are generally more keen on forcing their beliefs on others. My state’s overall voting pattern is 55% Dem, 45% Rep. Somehow Republicans are not forced to get gay married or have abortions if they don’t want it.

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    @Jase99“however “conservatives” are generally more keen on forcing their beliefs on others.”.Yeah….riiigghhhtt….you Dems have the innate ability that whenever anybody disagrees with you they get met with bring called a hater, bigot, denier, etc. Not exactly the image of an open mind that you would have people to believe you have.

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    Bilword  almost 11 years ago

    we have a two party system of government so it’s all a joke on the people period

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    rini1946  almost 11 years ago

    I agree bleed the companies till they move out and we can all go on welfare

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    CasualBrowser  almost 11 years ago

    " I’d hardly call it enlightened…calling people bigots or haters because we don’t agree morally with your gay agenda."-Are you saying that it’s impossible for someone who disagree with GMcS to be a bigot?

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    rini1946  almost 11 years ago

    and keep watching oprah so she can get rich selling you diet products and get rich. I am sorry I do not think it is ok that we go to cave man days and just have sex with anything. I do not believe that we should suck the people and companies dry to pay for people not to work. I do not believe that hey you got laid and used not protection we will pay for you abortions and shots for your STD

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    lafayetteann  almost 11 years ago

    “A recent survey of 19- to 29-year olds conducted by the Commonwealth Fund found that between 2011 to 2013 an increasing number of young adults “became aware of, and took advantage of,” the Affordable Care Act’s requirement that health plans offer dependent coverage for children through the age of 25.

    As of March 2013, an estimated 15 million 19- to 25-year-olds had taken advantage of this policy and remained on a parents’ insurance plan in the prior 12 months. Data from the Census Bureau confirms this finding; there has been a significant increase of insurance coverage in the young adult bracket that does not show up in other demographics.

    More interestingly, while Republicans show intense dislike of the Affordable Care Act in polls, the Commonwealth Fund found that young adults who identified as Republicans enrolled in their parents’ policies in greater numbers than young adults who identified themselves as Democrats, by a ratio of 63 percent to 45 percent."

    Argue among yourselves, right-wingers.

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    @CasualBrowser“you should examine the reasons that the label was applied”.It’s applied when people disagree with you. So, in your framework of thinking, you are a hater and bigot as well if you disagree with me? Or is it only one sided as it usually is with Dems?

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    @CasualBrowser“Are you saying that it’s impossible for someone who disagree with GMcS to be a bigot?”.Yep. It is possible to be opposed to what you believe in without having to be called a bigot. Otherwise it’s strong arm tactics by your side to FORCE others to believe what you do, or ELSE! Not exactly open minded on your side.

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    @Adrian Snare

    “Do you, Piano, have any tolerance ?”.I’ve said many times do what you want, but don’t EXPECT me to approve of it. Why’s it SO important to you that everyone be forced to accept to what we believe to be immoral? Not very tolerant of YOU!

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 11 years ago


    You’re sorely wrong! Short memory?

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  17. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 11 years ago

    And that’s why the have to suppress votes. It’s the only way they have a chance to win with their draconian policies.

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 11 years ago


    Do you even HEAR yourself? “Get the hell out of the way?” Are you threatening me now if I don’t??? If this is an example of you being tolerant, then you’re more warped than I ever imagined!

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  19. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  almost 11 years ago

    You should stop watching the liars at fox. people who are afraid to be openminded are the ones who cling the most to the anti-progress and anti-Obama since before he even had done anything.What it is is pathological Obama-hatred. That’s why Romneycare works for you but Obamacare doesn’t.

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  20. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  almost 11 years ago

    I would rather help people who are truly needy despite the fact that a small few of them could do better if they tried. I would never expect a GOP to have any compassion. I’m sure you all don’t let your elderly parents take money from the government, and that you All personally become the sole caretakers of your parents and grandparents when you have to turn them every hour and change their diapers, and feed them with a spoon..

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    chayasnana  almost 11 years ago

    Tigger, you are correct that Wallace stood in the doorway, but it was a Democratic President who sent in the National Guard to assure that the black children were allowed to attend the school.

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    frodo1008  almost 11 years ago

    You mean like the red conservative states that get far more federal benefits than they pay for. Paid for by the blue liberal states. Google it up, and learn the truth, if you can handle the truth, that is!!

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    oneoldhat  almost 11 years ago

    yes silly ideas like rule of law and personal responsibility

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    CasualBrowser  almost 11 years ago

    “You, yourself are a hater and bigot”-What brought you to that conclusion?

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    @Casual Browser

    Seriously? You’re bringing in the Klan to our discussion? Why can’t I say I disagree with gays without THAT being thrown in? I will not be called your names according to YOUR definitions!It’s like me accusing YOU of being Dr Kermit Gosnell because YOU support abortion!

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  26. Barnette
    Enoki  almost 11 years ago

    The bar was set very low for the 21st century’s social and culturial standards as shown here.

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    edward thomas Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    The only reason military is there is that the base consolidation laws, passed by both sides, closed more bases in blue states. And the red/blue dollar equation was true before the base closures as well.

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    sjc14850  almost 11 years ago

    Obama’s a Marxist? For helping push through a health plan once championed by Bob Dole?

    Are you off your meds again?

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