Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for October 17, 2013
Petey: Mom, nobody understands my Halloween costume. Mom: Well, Petey, it is kind of subtle. Petey: What? I'm a scathing commentary on our consumer culture. Mom: I know, but- Alice: Tell her my idea. How you're brain flavored zombie ice cream who's melting. Mom: Now that I understand.
Don Winchester Premium Member over 11 years ago
Petey is just a younger Sheldon.
Linux0s over 11 years ago
Everyone understands brain flavored zombie ice cream.
paha_siga over 11 years ago
Petey, the ones who have earned your scathing commentary are way too stupid to understand subtlety.
But look at the bright side of it – you can walk around grinning at stupid people who don’t even understand they are being the joke.
Sisyphos over 11 years ago
As I said yesterday, Alice speaks for Everywoman, and now Madeline concurs. It’s all a matter of POV, Petey. Process this through Reception Theory, knowing that you are true (you’ve done the encoding) and so are they (they’ve done their decoding). The Costume abides!
Dani Rice over 11 years ago
Love Petey’s expression in the last panel. Thompson is a genius.
GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago
What did I say, Petey?
puddlesplatt over 11 years ago
don’ let it get you down Petey, I’m 80 and nobody understands me either, even with my teeth in.
Gokie5 over 11 years ago
“I ended up getting extra goodies for that.”
So you were disguised as a little con man. Clever.
lecrenb over 11 years ago
Sheldon: Big Bang Theory…