should we really invest time, money, and energy to know what some ancient jewish shepards wrote down? what new revelations will come out of it? that jesus was black? that god is an alien being? or, that the lost tribes of israel are native americans and ethiopians?
The miracle of the Dead Sea Scrolls were that they affirmed the accuracy of the Word of God, (The Bible, the Scriptures), that we’d had for thousands of years. They were 95% accurate! The 5% were typographical errors such as a reversed letter or punctuation.
The bible is just a book that was written by a bunch of semi-illiterate, superstitious, and ignorant desert people during the Bronze Age, and nothing more.
“For some reason the Israeli authorities kept them to themselves till only recently.”Where do you get that idea from? The scrolls were housed at the Palestinian Archeological Museum, started by John D. Rockefeller in 1938. It’s in East Jerusalem, which was under Jordanian control from 1947-1966. Since then, it’s been under Israeli control. The story of the museum is interesting by itself. to the scrolls has been limited & publication has been delayed, but not because of Israeli authorities. The scrolls have been under the control of academic committees & their politics have had more to do with delays than International politics. The group that controlled access prevented their rivals’ access to the scrolls. In the early 1990s, the Israelis intervened. Access was allowed to more outsiders & publication accelerated.Reconstructing fragments & translating is still painstaking work. Most of the original translations from the 50s & 60s are considered ‘primitive’.
Linguist over 11 years ago
On Sale !
Sherlock Watson over 11 years ago
Sing along with Sherlock: “Matzoh, matzoh man… I’ve got to be a matzoh man…”
The Old Wolf over 11 years ago
This one gets a star. Ⓤ !כשר לפסח Ⓤ
cdward over 11 years ago
I just bought a birthday card from CVS – I think the receipt is longer than that.
Droptma Styx over 11 years ago
Never one to delay jumping on a new meme …
vwdualnomand over 11 years ago
should we really invest time, money, and energy to know what some ancient jewish shepards wrote down? what new revelations will come out of it? that jesus was black? that god is an alien being? or, that the lost tribes of israel are native americans and ethiopians?
Don Winchester Premium Member over 11 years ago
The miracle of the Dead Sea Scrolls were that they affirmed the accuracy of the Word of God, (The Bible, the Scriptures), that we’d had for thousands of years. They were 95% accurate! The 5% were typographical errors such as a reversed letter or punctuation.
MrsSnape over 11 years ago
The bible is just a book that was written by a bunch of semi-illiterate, superstitious, and ignorant desert people during the Bronze Age, and nothing more.
Uncle Joe over 11 years ago
“For some reason the Israeli authorities kept them to themselves till only recently.”Where do you get that idea from? The scrolls were housed at the Palestinian Archeological Museum, started by John D. Rockefeller in 1938. It’s in East Jerusalem, which was under Jordanian control from 1947-1966. Since then, it’s been under Israeli control. The story of the museum is interesting by itself. to the scrolls has been limited & publication has been delayed, but not because of Israeli authorities. The scrolls have been under the control of academic committees & their politics have had more to do with delays than International politics. The group that controlled access prevented their rivals’ access to the scrolls. In the early 1990s, the Israelis intervened. Access was allowed to more outsiders & publication accelerated.Reconstructing fragments & translating is still painstaking work. Most of the original translations from the 50s & 60s are considered ‘primitive’.