Who’s coloring these strips? Monochrome can work very effectively, but not in sudden arbitrary switches like Linus in the last panel. There’s no reason for him to be solid red when the rest of the panel is in full color.
Although you’re technically correct, I feel you’re being much too harsh and lacking in empathy. Religion is passed on to defenseless children whose primary and crucial goal is to gain their parents love and approval and avoid rejection. When bible/koran fantasy stories are drummed into them and threats of going to hell are used to keep them in line, what choice do they have but to internalize these stories which are then passed along to their children? Even as they grow up and stop believing in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, they are compelled to have “faith” and do what they need to do to keep the approval of their families, lest they lose their support systems. Close friends of mine left the Mormon church and have lost their family support system and are threatened with hell by their ex-“friends” and family, and they’re successful adults, not 8 year olds totally dependent on their parents. It’s not so easy and I feel that more can be accomplished to wake these folks who live in a regressed state of childhood, still believing in absurd myths like virgin birth, a woman springing fully grown from the side of a man or being turned into a pillar of salt by having empathy for what their childhoods were like. We have a supreme court justice who believes that satan is a real person, but looking at him all I see is a little boy saying; see mommy, I’m a good boy, I’ve done what you wanted me to do so please love me. Do you see what I’m saying here?
Actually, Occam’s razor is not that. According to Wikipedia, it says “among competing hypotheses, the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions should be selected.” Similar, but distinct. It also has a mathematical expression. Oh, and Republicans suck.
Leave it to a bunch of ideologues to ruin a Peanuts comic strip. Why don’t you guys take your pissing match to FNC and MSNBC and leave the rest of us the hell alone?
To whom it may concern: There was no coloring back in the day, it was all intended to be black and white. Some local papers colored the dailies themselves.#Also, I don’t know who’s doing the coloring, but it doesn’t match the originals either, some of which have been reprinted in color. (Probably the biggest offense is the prototype-Woodstock, colored blue.)
clamarcap over 11 years ago
She sounds like a voter.
Don Winchester Premium Member over 11 years ago
She’ll LOVE Obamacare then!!!!
Linux0s over 11 years ago
Keepin’ the faith PP!
Robert Nowall Premium Member over 11 years ago
Don’t mock Linus’s religious beliefs…
Neo Stryder over 11 years ago
So Peppermint Patty believes in aliens too.
Thomas Scott Roberts creator over 11 years ago
Who’s coloring these strips? Monochrome can work very effectively, but not in sudden arbitrary switches like Linus in the last panel. There’s no reason for him to be solid red when the rest of the panel is in full color.
Darryl Heine over 11 years ago
Linus turns red in the last panel.
Aaron Saltzer over 11 years ago
How does that make sense?
David Rickard Premium Member over 11 years ago
So much for Linus’ first apostle… don’t figure he’s gonna let her stay in the church after that speech.
StCleve72 over 11 years ago
Although you’re technically correct, I feel you’re being much too harsh and lacking in empathy. Religion is passed on to defenseless children whose primary and crucial goal is to gain their parents love and approval and avoid rejection. When bible/koran fantasy stories are drummed into them and threats of going to hell are used to keep them in line, what choice do they have but to internalize these stories which are then passed along to their children? Even as they grow up and stop believing in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, they are compelled to have “faith” and do what they need to do to keep the approval of their families, lest they lose their support systems. Close friends of mine left the Mormon church and have lost their family support system and are threatened with hell by their ex-“friends” and family, and they’re successful adults, not 8 year olds totally dependent on their parents. It’s not so easy and I feel that more can be accomplished to wake these folks who live in a regressed state of childhood, still believing in absurd myths like virgin birth, a woman springing fully grown from the side of a man or being turned into a pillar of salt by having empathy for what their childhoods were like. We have a supreme court justice who believes that satan is a real person, but looking at him all I see is a little boy saying; see mommy, I’m a good boy, I’ve done what you wanted me to do so please love me. Do you see what I’m saying here?
hiohag over 11 years ago
OldestandWisest over 11 years ago
Reich-wing? Didn’t sound like a leftist to me!
dflak over 11 years ago
Occam’s Razor: The simpler an explanation is, the more likely it is to be true.
Murphy’s Blunt Instrument: The more convoluted and conspiritual an explanation is, the more likely it is to be believed.
krisjackson01 over 11 years ago
Actually, Occam’s razor is not that. According to Wikipedia, it says “among competing hypotheses, the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions should be selected.” Similar, but distinct. It also has a mathematical expression. Oh, and Republicans suck.
Number Three over 11 years ago
Hopefully Peppermint Patty will make more of an appearance.
I’m sick of seeing Lucy’s lemon face.
LOL xxx
Don Winchester Premium Member over 11 years ago
Um. Nope. Don’t read it then.
Guilty Bystander over 11 years ago
Leave it to a bunch of ideologues to ruin a Peanuts comic strip. Why don’t you guys take your pissing match to FNC and MSNBC and leave the rest of us the hell alone?
rickray777 over 11 years ago
Don’t feel TOO bad, Linus; even the greatest prophets in history have had THEIR share of off-days!
francisrossi over 11 years ago
How on earth does your political ranting fit in with a forty year old Peanuts strip?
exciteme over 11 years ago
another proud vote for Obama
Doctor11 over 11 years ago
And there’s the famous backflip.
Robert Nowall Premium Member over 11 years ago
To whom it may concern: There was no coloring back in the day, it was all intended to be black and white. Some local papers colored the dailies themselves.#Also, I don’t know who’s doing the coloring, but it doesn’t match the originals either, some of which have been reprinted in color. (Probably the biggest offense is the prototype-Woodstock, colored blue.)
Contessa Carrington over 11 years ago
And yet you are here…gracing us with your comments. That has to provide evidence that there is a God and that to some degree, He has a sense of humor.