Woman: I miss the time when that was pretty much a given...
Window reads: Bob N. Weave Re-election Headquarters
Sign reads: 27 days without texting any lewd photos of himself!
WHAN that Aprille with his shoures sooteThe droghte of Marche hath perced to the roote,And bathed every veyne in swich licour,Of which vertu engendred is the flour;Whan Zephirus eek with his swete breethInspired hath in every holt and heethThe tendre croppes, and the yonge sonneHath in the Ram his halfe cours y-ronne,And smale fowles maken melodye,That slepen al the night with open ye,(So priketh hem nature in hir corages:Than longen folk to goon on pilgrimages,And palmers for to seken straunge strondes,To ferne halwes, couthe in sondry londes;And specially, from every shires endeOf Engelond, to Caunterbury they wende,The holy blisful martir for to seke,That hem hath holpen, whan that they were seke.
Language is a movable feast. The richness and variety constantly shifts and changes with the times and usage. The electronic media has, by the necessity of the limitation of characters in a text, caused a dramatic shift in our communication skills – not necessarily for the better !
watmiwori over 11 years ago
You think Shakespeare is hard, try Chaucer!
cdharding over 11 years ago
WHAN that Aprille with his shoures sooteThe droghte of Marche hath perced to the roote,And bathed every veyne in swich licour,Of which vertu engendred is the flour;Whan Zephirus eek with his swete breethInspired hath in every holt and heethThe tendre croppes, and the yonge sonneHath in the Ram his halfe cours y-ronne,And smale fowles maken melodye,That slepen al the night with open ye,(So priketh hem nature in hir corages:Than longen folk to goon on pilgrimages,And palmers for to seken straunge strondes,To ferne halwes, couthe in sondry londes;And specially, from every shires endeOf Engelond, to Caunterbury they wende,The holy blisful martir for to seke,That hem hath holpen, whan that they were seke.
watmiwori over 11 years ago
And the term ‘Gay 90s’ used to mean something different thanit does now….
Linguist over 11 years ago
Language is a movable feast. The richness and variety constantly shifts and changes with the times and usage. The electronic media has, by the necessity of the limitation of characters in a text, caused a dramatic shift in our communication skills – not necessarily for the better !
Varnes over 11 years ago
Just the fax, Ma’am: Joe Friday
Enoki over 11 years ago
And scandal free a whole 6 hours too!
gosfreikempe over 11 years ago
Not to the English of his time it wasn’t.
Packratjohn Premium Member over 11 years ago
Sir, you ended your sentence with a preposition. You are officially banned from this page forever.
(Next time use a proposition)
dabugger over 11 years ago
glad I can not text; and don’t even drive…
Can't Sleep over 11 years ago
I miss the old days, when only football players did that stuff.
ChessPirate over 11 years ago
“Oh, no! Bob N. Weave is back!”- Duck N. Cover
jahoody over 11 years ago
and since “texting” uses a keyboard, the lovely use of cursive writing has all but disappeared; no longer being taught in many schools.
phoenixnyc over 11 years ago
Brett Favre: Come on, guys. I texted ONE pic of my junk. JUST ONE.
Anthony Weiner: Amateur.
Ernest Lemmingway over 11 years ago
“Bob N. Weave.” Haha! Pretty much describes every politico in a debate or press conference.
.Um…lewd pictures? O.o Suddenly I’m very glad I don’t watch the “news.”
milania over 11 years ago
Oh I wish I were an Oscar Mayer WIENER….!!!!!
pouncingtiger over 11 years ago
Anthony Weiner’s new alias
pcolli over 11 years ago
The problem is that in Chaucer’s time there was no standardised spelling.
dflak over 11 years ago
I can remember a time when doing drugs or having a felony conviction disqualified a person from running for public office. Now, it’s a requirement.
I was pushing for October 1st henceforth to be known as Congressional Stupidity Day. However, one day a year isn’t enough to cover the concept.
JohnHerbison over 11 years ago
Speaking of the bard, did you hear about the fellow who complained that he didn’t like Shakespeare because his work is full of cliches?
Varnes over 11 years ago
packratjohn, Now that I think of it, I remember Susan saying something about Dog’s dangling participles, too…Can’t remember what it was, though….
Caddy57 over 11 years ago
I thought that was strictly a Weiner trademark right there!