Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for September 20, 2013
Rose: Bags under my eyes...another wrinkle! Is this how it's going to be? Rose: Always giving the minimal effort! Do more! Rose: Enhance! Improve! Rose: Try a little creativity! Rose: How about showing me in soft focus? Jimbo: Rose's morning mirror rants can get pretty intense.
LeoAutodidact over 11 years ago
Mirror, mirror on the wall,Can’t you Fix this stuff, . . . at all?
Wren Fahel over 11 years ago
While watching TV, an anti-aging cream commercial came on. My daughter looked at me and said, “YOU don’t need that stuff.” As I am almost 50, that felt good.
Sharon Hayes over 11 years ago
I don’t use anything like that because none of it works and it’s very expensive. Just age gracefully if you can. It sure beats the alternative.
Argy.Bargy2 over 11 years ago
Two good things to do: stay out of the sun and stay out of the sun. Oh, third good thing: drink LOTS of water.
Mstreselena over 11 years ago
If your significant other won’t love you because your face looks like a map — then tell them to HIT THE ROAD.
dzw3030 over 11 years ago
:-) Diet juice ruins the taste of good Bourbon.
1MadHat Premium Member over 11 years ago
I hate Mirror time.
Puddleglum2 over 11 years ago
That’s a new wrinkle!
vldazzle over 11 years ago
Soft focus is always nice. Vitamins and exercise can only do so much. I just try to look the best I can, but I prefer even less makeup than when I was younger..I look at Jimbo! Your man’s reaction means everything in making you feel like you look great (it’s really all that matters).
Doctor11 over 11 years ago
I suggest moving away from the door so that you don’t get hit when she comes out, Jimbo.