Frank and Ernest by Thaves for October 13, 2013
IRS Frank: That was a rough audit. They disallowed all of my deductions! Man: You can't claim all these people as dependents...the business expenses are not correct... Man: ...and the charitable contributions don't meet guidelines. Frank: You're shredding my return with that?! Ernest: Wow! It was the Taxes Chainsaw Massacre!
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
You better believe it Frank…….. the Instant Rejection Service doesn’t allow extra time for explanations…………..
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
Your only hope is to contact the EPA to investigate the waste paper disposal method mess……….. and the operation of a gasoline engine indoors without adequate ventilation by an untrained operator who is not observing safety guidlines…..
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
Or maybe you can get a congressional overlook agency to reconstruct the forms and investigate the action taken to see if it was appropriate…………………..
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
You shouldn’t blame the employees………they are just doing their job……………… keep their job……….
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
Maybe you can get a tax payment loan and earn a legitimate interest deduction………………….
Superfrog over 11 years ago
These must be the tax cuts we’ve been promised.
DaveBNM over 11 years ago
Don’t worry, they’ll be approving (denying) our medical requests soon enough.
ChazNCenTex over 11 years ago
Hah…great punch-line.
Allen Rymer over 11 years ago
And it happened at the office in Dollars, Taxes……