Aunt Fritzi: It's no secret! Just stay with it! That's all there is to EXERCISING! Just stay with it! Every day! Just stay with it! Stay...With.... ...ITTTTTT!
Exercise sure is a lot of work, Ha ha ha! – Where I live, is right next to a plaza where there’s an exercise facility… I always joke that it’s a Looooong walk to the other side of the plaza! – And I guess when Frizi gives her heart a workout, hers is not the only one accelerating, Lol!….
Someone show that woman how to find clothes for her size..Looks fine to me and at my age I probably have more decades of experience looking than most commenters here. :)
Hope you noticed that id didnt say all conservatives or liberals . I believe I said Most or usually. I should qualify my statement by noting the observations were made according to what I have experienced.One odd thing I am seeing… You and Aca…pal are both liberally minded and you are in a disagreement. Ive never witnessed that of liberals before. I usually se that of conservatives.I must note that is why I keep saying liberals will win the elections in the USA. Loberals as a rule will support one another (You support my pet project and I’ll support yours or As long as you dont hurt my goals I won’t bother yours)Conservatives will not do that.
I didnt take his comments as anti=woman, etc. I took them as being Anti-Christian, which is a liberal stance. Granted, Christians can be their own worst enemy.But according to the teachings of The Bible, The only role model for us is Jesus of Nazareth. And even then we should be looking at the whole Picture album and not simply the snapshots we wish to see.Christians are notorious for seeing just part of the Album, But so are the antiChristians.Personally, the anti sex brigade needs to read The Song of Songs. That is a great picture of what should be… If one looks at the whole picture and not just a small part.
Sorry, that’s NOT it! You need regular off time to let the muscles unwind a bit. How do I know? How about exercising under the regimen of a great physical therapist after having both my hips replaced this year? Exercise does not have to be vicious to be successful. Toss that “no pain no gain” crap out. Consistent exercise yes, extreme, no.
Partyalldatyme over 11 years ago
Bite your tongue!
JayBluE over 11 years ago
“Staying With It”, Firefall: –
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Exercise sure is a lot of work, Ha ha ha! – Where I live, is right next to a plaza where there’s an exercise facility… I always joke that it’s a Looooong walk to the other side of the plaza! – And I guess when Frizi gives her heart a workout, hers is not the only one accelerating, Lol!….
luckylouie over 11 years ago
They fit just fine.
nailer Premium Member over 11 years ago
A burka maybe?
WSR over 11 years ago
Fritzi obviously has an older model.
katina.cooper over 11 years ago
Uh oh. I see a Tosh.0 segment happening.
brklnbern over 11 years ago
In panel 3 Fritzi looks a little like Veronica Lodge of Archie fame.
StoicLion1973 over 11 years ago
She has twin airbags for her safety. snerk
ricrocs over 11 years ago
Looks like Fritzi might get a little flat chested.
The Fly Hunter over 11 years ago
Yeah! She needs to wear something smaller!
ColonelClaus over 11 years ago
Oh Guy, Great joke. reminds me of an AFV segment I saw. And folks wonder why I dont like treadmills.
Tin Can Twidget over 11 years ago
Someone show that woman how to find clothes for her size..Looks fine to me and at my age I probably have more decades of experience looking than most commenters here. :)
BillWa over 11 years ago
Good Lord WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Burnout70s over 11 years ago
Sounds like someone you know goes or went to a McGym and that is why you are so jaded, perhaps??
ColonelClaus over 11 years ago
Hope you noticed that id didnt say all conservatives or liberals . I believe I said Most or usually. I should qualify my statement by noting the observations were made according to what I have experienced.One odd thing I am seeing… You and Aca…pal are both liberally minded and you are in a disagreement. Ive never witnessed that of liberals before. I usually se that of conservatives.I must note that is why I keep saying liberals will win the elections in the USA. Loberals as a rule will support one another (You support my pet project and I’ll support yours or As long as you dont hurt my goals I won’t bother yours)Conservatives will not do that.
Wiseguy70005 over 11 years ago
He’s not the one exercising only one part of his anatomy to a comic strip.
Wiseguy70005 over 11 years ago
But only children give cutesy names to those people he doesn’t like or agree with…and then repeat it endlessly ad infinitem.
ColonelClaus over 11 years ago
I didnt take his comments as anti=woman, etc. I took them as being Anti-Christian, which is a liberal stance. Granted, Christians can be their own worst enemy.But according to the teachings of The Bible, The only role model for us is Jesus of Nazareth. And even then we should be looking at the whole Picture album and not simply the snapshots we wish to see.Christians are notorious for seeing just part of the Album, But so are the antiChristians.Personally, the anti sex brigade needs to read The Song of Songs. That is a great picture of what should be… If one looks at the whole picture and not just a small part.
Spade Jr. over 11 years ago
Sorry, that’s NOT it! You need regular off time to let the muscles unwind a bit. How do I know? How about exercising under the regimen of a great physical therapist after having both my hips replaced this year? Exercise does not have to be vicious to be successful. Toss that “no pain no gain” crap out. Consistent exercise yes, extreme, no.