Tom Toles for September 27, 2013

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    jnik23260  almost 11 years ago

    But they’re obviously not real Americans!

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    ConserveGov  almost 11 years ago

    Who’s the idiot in the corner saying its good for you?Why would somebody who already has good health insurance want to join the government run, taxpayer funded, all-around horrible insurance Barry is pushing on him?

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    jnik23260  almost 11 years ago

    BTW, didn’t the character in “Green Eggs and Ham” end up actually LIKING green eggs and ham once he tried it?

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    RevBobMIB  almost 11 years ago


    Man, you didn’t just drink the Kool-Aid; you went back for more! I thought about rebutting you in detail, but there’s no point. You won’t listen, and those who would already know the facts.

    Here’s one hint, though: if you’re satisfied with the health insurance options your employer provides, you don’t have to do a thing. Keep that coverage and be happy with it.

    Personally, though – I’m self-employed and pay more than I like for less coverage than I want. You’d better believe I’ll be seeing what the free-market, apples-to-apples exchanges have to offer. If I can get a better deal there, I’ll pounce on it. If not, I can still keep what I’ve got. Sure sounds like a win-win to me…

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  5. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  almost 11 years ago

    50 years from now, people will love it. Same story as Medicare.

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    dannysixpack  almost 11 years ago

    GOP presidential ticket for 2016:


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    Odon Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Great ditty.

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    woodwork  almost 11 years ago

    MStevie; I just hope YOU live long enough to need Medicare…bet you’d change your tune then, huh?

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    ConserveGov  almost 11 years ago

    Btw Middle-Class, get ready for even smaller paychecks because there is no way Barry can pay for this without a Massive tax increase. Of course, he “forgot” to tell you this.Companies are dropping their health insurance like flies and telling their employees to jump on the welfare-healthcare.Good job Democrats!

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  10. John adams1
    Motivemagus  almost 11 years ago

    1. ObamaCare prohibits insurance companies from dropping your coverage if you get sick or make an honest mistake on your application.2. It eliminates pre-existing conditions and gender discrimination.3. Lets young adults stay on their parent’s plans until 26.4. Creates State based Health Insurance Exchange Marketplaces where Americans can shop for Federally regulated and subsided insurance.5. Protects against unjustified rate hikes and give you more rights to appeal insurance company decisions and much, much more.Points 1, 2, and 5 protect citizens from rapacious insurance companies and their near-monopoly status (most states have no more than one or two major plans available).Point 4 introduces competition — you’d think Republicans would like that — SINCE THEY CAME UP WITH IT.Point 3 helps cover one of the least-covered groups and also provides some financial support for the program, as young people have fewer medical needs, which is precisely why some of the jerks in the GOP are trying to persuade them to put their health at risk to suit THEIR political needs.Anyone mind telling me why any of these extremely mild reforms are objectionable? There’s no “socialized medicine” (as in the UK), it works entirely through the existing insurance industry and medical industries (which is actually the biggest criticism), and it protects individual Americans.It will NOT entail a “massive tax increase,” that’s just wrong. But if you do want decreased costs of healthcare, then you don’t use the Republican plan, you do single-payer (Obama’s actual preference) like Canada, or competitive nonprofit healthcare insurance (Obama’s second plan, scuppered by the so-called free marketeers in the GOP), or, gasp, socialized medicine like the UK (one of Churchill’s proudest moments, incidentally).

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    lafayetteann  almost 11 years ago

    Dr. Suess wants you to try Obamacare:

    “You do not like them. SO you say. Try them! Try them! And you may. Try them and you may I say.”

    You might like it!

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  12. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  almost 11 years ago

    A footnote, gleaned from personal experience: If your state has not chosen to form health exchanges (meaning any state that has Republican majority in the state house, at least), your plan is NOT grandfathered.

    In any case, if you are looking to change your insurance for any reason, most insurers tell you to wait until after 10/1, because their offerings may change dramatically. No one will provide further information (at least no one doing business in Virginia).

    Whether this means that insurance companies are truly clueless, or that they intend to break the system or get rich trying is open to question. Neither is attractive. I welcome a third interpretation; I’m sure there’s one out there, but I can’t figure it for myself. Thanks in advance.

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  13. Barnette
    Enoki  almost 11 years ago

    Explain this to me:.It is just fine for the Progressive Left to mock, ridicule, and even hate Ted Cruz, a Hispanic-American and that is not racist or bigotted in the least..It is nothing but racism and bigotry according to the Progressive Left to mock, ridicule, and even hate Barack Obama a Black-American because it couldn’t possibly be anything else....Hum?

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  14. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    At last count a CEO get 345% more than the lowest paid employee.Pay ratios are usually a factor such as 20 to 1, and usually presented as a ratio to the median wage of their employees. I’m pretty sure that the average CEO is making 345 times as much as the average employee.CEO pay has risen far more quickly than average. It was around 20:1 through the 70’s, then exploded since the late 90s.

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  15. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Funny stuff masterskrain & Trusted Mechanic!

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  16. Barnette
    Enoki  almost 11 years ago

    You want one on the Left? Tim Wise. Look him up, his “lectures” are on YouTube among other places and you can read his books. He is hardly alone either.

    As for my observation: Uncle Joe, I was generalizing and not specifically referring to anything in this thread.

    But, the observation as ancedote does hold.

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    zeimetr  almost 11 years ago

    To onguard. I thought that GWB already did that. I guess he must be a Socialist as well!

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    oneoldhat  almost 11 years ago

    if it was so great why did the demo controled senate exempt themselves

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  19. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Cruz couldn’t have picked a more appropriate book. He just didn’t read the last page, on which Sam I Am finally convinces the writer to actually taste the Green Eggs and Ham and he discovers that he likes them.

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    oneoldhat  almost 11 years ago

    to answer my own question /// it is they read the bill

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    oneoldhat  almost 11 years ago

    most of the racist i know are pro bho

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  22. Marge3
    c.hoffman Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Absolutely. It was proposed by Nixon decades ago, proposed by the Cato institute, and implemented by Gov. Romney in MA. It’s essentially a GOP plan. This is the biggest case of sour grapes I’ve ever seen.

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  23. Marge3
    c.hoffman Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Explain how opening up the free market is Socialism?

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    oneoldhat  almost 11 years ago

    dear 49 gp tp a meeting of naacp

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