Marigold: I am happy you made a new friend. Phoebe: Oh, Sam isn't my friend yet. She's older than me and cooler than me. This is just the first move in a long chess game. Marigold: So now it is her serve! Phoebe: We play chess really differently.
HopeFox over 11 years ago
Wow, making friends sure is complicated!
jbmlaw01 over 11 years ago
Think you are generally right, ujean. Females look for lifetime commitment in every association, males are more likely to live in the moment. Adult males rarely have any close friends, whereas women have relationships with other women that go back decades.
Dr. Walter Williams endorses your view of the role women have on men – he used the adjective “civilizing.”
Q4horse over 11 years ago
The reason the world is such a mess is because men are running it. The world was a better place before men invented authoritarian “Civilization”. Before that men just went hunting while the women ran all other affairs.
Neo Stryder over 11 years ago
So life is as Chess?, I always though it was peanut butter, you can be alergic to it, or add it jelly and enjoy it.
Q4horse over 11 years ago
Unicorns only play chess with the knights and the queens.
Hag5000 over 11 years ago
You haven’t played chess until you’ve played with racquets.
WaitingMan over 11 years ago
I’ve been playing chess for about 45 years. Maybe one day I’ll get to the point where I think I have a clue about what I’m doing.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 11 years ago
I see.
Desertsinger1972 over 11 years ago
@ujeanI agree with @The Wolf In Your Midst. Your statement was a lovely bit of sexist claptrap. That is just awful. You make it sound as if we, as women, are superior to man. We are just different from men. Not better, not worse, just different. Sexist statements do not help nor do they contribute to bettering anyone or any situation. It just keeps the wedge in and makes it more difficult to overcome. Not helping.
Bizkit over 11 years ago
The ball is in Sam’s court now. XD
kaykeyser over 11 years ago
Now I want to see a Unicorn chess game. “Serve me that pawn would you?” I wounder if unicorn knights still look like horses?
artybee over 11 years ago
Most of my best friends are husbands of my wife’s best friends.
androgenoide over 11 years ago
As well you should. It was well written and, sexist or not, an honest reflection of reality.
Pusheen the Cat over 4 years ago
i think pheobe has a crush on sam. when max hears about sam, max is gonna want to marry pheobe
Kark_The_Red_Canadian_Dragon 8 months ago
So Sam is a girl? I could’ve sworn it was a guy!