Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for October 29, 2013

  1. Bitsy twill update
    bitsy twill  over 11 years ago

what? How did Kaz get all that from Pascoe breaking into a rendition of the superbowl shuffle?

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    kdizzle  over 11 years ago

    Pascoe must have acted the part about Hayes out after he goes to the bathroom, Kaz picked right up on his ‘I need to pee’ dance in P2

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    Elmer Gantry Fudd  over 11 years ago

    Next year Pascoe goes out for the Milford mime team.

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    chiphilton  over 11 years ago

    Sure, have a quarterback with accuracy problems throw on the run, which is much more difficult. Why not have him throw back across his body while you’re at it, Gil?

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  5. Judge
    thejudge  over 11 years ago


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    Mopman  over 11 years ago

    Wow. This is making the peacock storyline look like Pulitzer Prize material.

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    doublepaw  over 11 years ago

    Is that a moot point or a mute point?

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    BikeMike  over 11 years ago

    Might as well try it Gil. You’re only ahead 20-0. Pick 6 coming.

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  9. Gil thorp
    chujusmith  over 11 years ago

    Hmmm, and Gil’s been coaching these guys for how many weeks now and never thought of trying that before Silent John started dancing? I think Wildcat is going to have a lot more evidence available to run Gil out of town.

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  10. 2015 wku chf golf scramble
    bearwku82  over 11 years ago

    Terry Gallagher showed BBJ the Shamrock Shake and Kaz is overwhelmed with EES. As much as I admire Mike Hayes, he’s no Ronnie Bass
or Jarvis White.

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    Mr Reality  over 11 years ago

    In all reality, wouldn t it be faster and easier on all parties to give Big John a legal pad and marker to jot down his thoughts ?

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    TheCount  over 11 years ago

    Milford High must have funds for Interpretive Dance. Pascoe star pupil, Kaz the teacher. Comes in handy.

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  13. Milford
    miffedmax  over 11 years ago

    Now Hayes wants in on the “pull my finger” joke. Teenage boys, I tell ya.

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    softball coach  over 11 years ago

    Holy Salsa, Batman. I see a copyright infringement suit coming John’s way from Victor Cruz.

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  15. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Milford must be trying to win some special type of award, for having a one-armed line coach and now a mute offensive coordinator. Next week – Gil recruits a blind student to play safety!

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  16. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Oh, and of course they already have a kicker with Asperger’s. So now they need a punt returner with Attention Deficit Disorder.

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    guidi82  over 11 years ago

    That is obviously the chicken dance, signaling Pascoe has no confidence in his QB. And he is smiling while doing it, blatantly mocking Hayes. Not the way to make friends the first game you play in.

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    DaleJQP  over 11 years ago

    New play, guys. Everybody go long. Wait, wait! Only if you’re an eligible receiver. Everybody else BLOCK.

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    chiphilton  over 11 years ago

    Those two do have a habit of very close talking. Maybe they’re speaking softly so the opponent, 53 yards away on the other side of the field, won’t hear them.

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  20. Red shoes solo
    WoodyTB  over 11 years ago

    BBJ is working on his “Miss America” wave.

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