“Snuck”? Whatever happened to “sneaked”? But based on how rarely I hear “sneaked” anymore and how often it’s “snuck” even from TV newscasters, it looks like I’m gonna lose that battle.
From Dictionary.com"First recorded in writing toward the end of the 19th century in the United States, snuck has become in recent decades a standard variant past tense and past participle of the verb sneak : Bored by the lecture, he snuck out the side door. Snuck occurs frequently in fiction and in journalistic writing as well as on radio and television: In the darkness the sloop had snuck around the headland, out of firing range. It is not so common in highly formal or belletristic writing, where sneaked is more likely to occur. Snuck is the only spoken past tense and past participle for many younger and middle-aged persons of all educational levels in the U. S. and Canada. Snuck has occasionally been considered nonstandard, but it is so widely used by professional writers and educated speakers that it can no longer be so regarded.
To the snots who have decided to demonize all liberals and paint all liberals with the same stereotype (and a stereotype of “stupid thief”, no less), I say to you:
Cut the crap, you pissant idiots.
If you cannot accept that humans exist across a broad political spectrum without the people who disagree with you being evil or criminal, then you don’t belong in a civilised country, and you are a big part of the political problem in America today. You need to stop suckling at the teat of hate-wing radio and rediscover that whole thing that the gospels taught about treating your fellow human beings decently.
And for the record: I know that those of you who have encountered me in previous conversations will have me firmly classed in your minds as “liberal as they come.” And yet, for this, believe it or not, I absolutely agree with swr.
Don Winchester Premium Member over 11 years ago
Looney Libs (again) sees nothing wrong with doing something illegal in order to not make a difference.
pschearer Premium Member over 11 years ago
“Snuck”? Whatever happened to “sneaked”? But based on how rarely I hear “sneaked” anymore and how often it’s “snuck” even from TV newscasters, it looks like I’m gonna lose that battle.
johnmanjaybee over 11 years ago
From Dictionary.com"First recorded in writing toward the end of the 19th century in the United States, snuck has become in recent decades a standard variant past tense and past participle of the verb sneak : Bored by the lecture, he snuck out the side door. Snuck occurs frequently in fiction and in journalistic writing as well as on radio and television: In the darkness the sloop had snuck around the headland, out of firing range. It is not so common in highly formal or belletristic writing, where sneaked is more likely to occur. Snuck is the only spoken past tense and past participle for many younger and middle-aged persons of all educational levels in the U. S. and Canada. Snuck has occasionally been considered nonstandard, but it is so widely used by professional writers and educated speakers that it can no longer be so regarded.
onceisenough over 11 years ago
I wonder if the lobsters were already in the fresh water filled pot when he found them?
dirgis3 over 11 years ago
That salt water/fresh water thing was what kept me from even entertaining liberating a flock/herd of lobsters in the meat section.
Fenshaw over 11 years ago
Animal rights groups are not Liberals. Do all Conservatives bomb women’s clinics? Over-generalizing is a Conservative disease.
rush.diana over 11 years ago
I’m not liberal yet i wound never eat lobster nor will i touch red meat. Stop with the stereo typing cr@p
Hunter7 over 11 years ago
The dogs look happy. They are expscting lobster treats. And anything else that is smelly.
bubujin_2 Premium Member over 11 years ago
I liked the use of a Pirates of Penzance phrase: “with cat-like tread.”
StoicLion1973 over 11 years ago
Wow, this strip got political very quickly. You’d think this was a Wiley strip.
lbatik over 11 years ago
To the snots who have decided to demonize all liberals and paint all liberals with the same stereotype (and a stereotype of “stupid thief”, no less), I say to you:
Cut the crap, you pissant idiots.
If you cannot accept that humans exist across a broad political spectrum without the people who disagree with you being evil or criminal, then you don’t belong in a civilised country, and you are a big part of the political problem in America today. You need to stop suckling at the teat of hate-wing radio and rediscover that whole thing that the gospels taught about treating your fellow human beings decently.
And for the record: I know that those of you who have encountered me in previous conversations will have me firmly classed in your minds as “liberal as they come.” And yet, for this, believe it or not, I absolutely agree with swr.