Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for November 03, 2013

  1. Img 6884
    Rod Gonzalez  over 11 years ago

    Flattop’s widow shows up!

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  2. Kaboom
    holiday76  over 11 years ago

    Very interesting, Tracy may be a target yet.

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  3. Jonah hex graphic
    jonahhex1  over 11 years ago

    First Tracy is headed back to the boob tube, and now Mrs. Flattop makes an appearance……this is gonna get interesting. Will there be a mob war?

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  4. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  over 11 years ago

    Maybe Mrs. Flattop is going to switch sides?

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  5. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  over 11 years ago

    Rikki, invite her in and offer her a seat and a cup of tea while she waits. hehehe

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  6. Missing large
    Chris-One  over 11 years ago

    Stiletta Jones is a member of the Guild of Super Evil (the main villains) in my crossover fan fiction “Hottie 3: The Best Fan Fic in the World”. See for yourself: http://fav.me/d50s8vp

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  7. Missing large
    cpalmeresq  over 11 years ago

    The nice interlude is over with no repercussions. Now everyone can relax & enjoy this new (and unexpected) story line. Stiletta & Abner…How great is that?!!

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  8. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 11 years ago

    Tracy’s closing words to the mayor seem premonitory. Will Mrs. Flattop and Abner Kadaver be planning an on-air assassination?

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  9. Carnac
    AKHenderson Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Trick or treat.

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  10. Missing large
    Monk_Mayfair  over 11 years ago

    Back in the last Big Boy story by Max Collins, it was established that the Apparatus didn’t want to see Tracy assassinated. However, I don’t know if the Consortium shares the same view. No wonder Stilletta seems to be switching sides!

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  11. Missing large
    seanyj  over 11 years ago

    Hey is Mrs. Flattop! She finally makes her return? When we last saw her in the bar with the Apparatus goons, she put a contract out on Tracy. Perhaps she’ll ask Abner Kadaver to kill Tracy not knowing he’s suppose to kill B.B. Eyes and the Apparatus. The plot thickens!

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  12. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  over 11 years ago

    I still don’t trust that mayor. She’s implicated somehow.

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  13. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  over 11 years ago

    Really good Crime stoppers , today

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  14. Grey justice
    SKJAM! Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Mrs. Flattop is harder to fool with a fake death than most people.

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  15. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 11 years ago

    The mayor came all the way over to the MCU to tell Tracy in person! Still, SBN doesn’t sounds like good news. He was almost killed the last time he was there. It almost sounds like a trap.

    So, Stiletta Jones is back! It does bring up a few questions. Is she working for the Apparatus or for he Black Hearts. I notice the black heart on her top, although she always wears that on her top, doesn’t she? I wonder if there is any connection. She’s still smoking us a storm, a favourite Apparatus characteristic.

    The other big question is how Mrs. Flattop knows that Abner is alive and knows where to find him. Mr. Mitchell from a few days ago apparently thought Abner to be dead (“You’re supposed to be dead!” Common knowledge among the Apparatus members?) and walked right into the trap thinking that B-B Eyes had designated it as a meeting place. Mrs. Flattop apparently knows things that “Shortcake” had no idea about.

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  16. 200
    Michael Peterson Premium Member over 11 years ago

    So how do the car thieves manage to rear-end your car at the exact spot where their confederate is hiding in the bushes? Seems like they’d spend an awful lot of time trying to set this up that could be better spent down at the mall hotwiring cars.

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  17. Odd spots 002
    SYDNEY PHILLIPS  over 11 years ago

    . . . . . . . .. .


    Reminded again today, smoke appearing in 4 of the six Sunday panels. Not a complaint, just an observation !

    Yet It’s been long, yes, a very long - time, since our favorite Detective was seen to “light up”, take a PUFF and have a short dalliance with nicotine !True, it came at us ‘semi-disguised’ by a surprising cross-over, and a wide Popeye style grin, but it was real SMOKE seen to come from that sailor-type pipe.!And having noticed some time ago, those few disparaging, disapproving remarks whenever chain-smoker Sam’s cigarette smoke wafts so naturally (and artistically) out – by Joe Staton pen, I thought someone may have ‘come-down’ hard, on this (?) . . .but given the circumstances, seems he got a pass . . . ?

    Decided to do a check ! It’s been 70 comic strip years (plus a few days) - - since Dick had been depicted “lighting one up” and the smoke so very apparent. It had last occurred in the Laffy Smith story line (10-26-‘43).In the years between, his only "flash of the ’Sam’ badge" (if I may call it that) - would be for a purposes of acting in a Police Training Film (as a Villain), in Feby. of 1972 - he put one between his lips but it was not lighted, and there was no smoke..

    Many readers may not realize it, but the Space Coupe and Moon Maid were not the only things Max Collins changed in Gould’s new Dick Tracy forward history. No “drum beat” for these, they were quietly, near imperceptibly set in motion in his very FIRST Sunday page of Jan. 1, 1978. The Head Office scene was quietly, cleaned up - in Chantix Style ? The visitor that day - Vitamin Flintheart, beguiling, remained smoking normally throughout the episode via his cigarette holder, but (politically correct) and strangely absent, were Patton’s cigar and Sam’s cigarette ?. It would in subtle fashion SET a tone of “political orthodoxy” for decades to come, until - -* Locher’s retirement , coming some 33 years later * – -* in March, 2011 !

    It was a time when Mike, Joe and Team – saw it fit, to bring Patton back as Chief, restore Lizz’s correct name. her more natural ‘feminine’ appearance and position, then restructured a Junior with his original face, and finally - - restored the ‘characteristics’ (call them good, call them bad) but as - Chester Gould ‘created’ them !

    Most will likely agree, that’s the way the characters ought to be ! (?)

    We know Tracy and the Popeye pipe is a “one off” and that’s the way it should be !

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  18. Car
    thunderbearr  over 11 years ago

    Ya know, Sam might even consider switching to an e-cig. Maybe an addictive additive causing severe cravings. The bad guy who creates the evil e-cig… Smoky Vaper!

    Hey, it could happen. :)

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  19. A tornado
    the too late song  over 11 years ago

    Wow. Stiletta’s back. Did she drive to Abner’s in a ambulance?

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  20. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  over 11 years ago

    Good morning everyone…

    OK… what happened to Dr. Sail et al in the space coupe?

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  21. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 11 years ago
    Dick and Sam are actually lousy detectives. Here they are working in the same house that Abner Kadaver lives in, and they have no clue he survived his autopsy.

    I don’t know why you’re making such a claim. Dick and Sam are working in the Major Crime Unit office (see the backwards lettering on the door), while the Murder Mansion is “elsewhere,” as it says in the top left corner of the second-last panel.

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  22. Cball0001
    MJ Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Hey, what’s with that reflection on the back of her hair?? Looks like “JG” or sumthin’.

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  23. Elusive dream girl
    Jonathan K. and the Elusive Dream Girl  over 11 years ago

    Stiletta Jones = Jones Jett and the Black Hearts.

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  24. Elusive dream girl
    Jonathan K. and the Elusive Dream Girl  over 11 years ago
    asked: " And how do you know they are worthless and born out of wedlock?"

    That was a euphemism for a word which would probably get blocked here. (b****rd)

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