I like how SOME HOW no one not mom, not any one at school knows thats not Dakota. Also the Goblins become more civilized. Last week it was fully naked now its dressed and doing human stuff. Now in threw this could be a shield of don’t notice Im not humanness. but it could be a case of “well Dakota the we knew it wasn’t you but we just love the Goblin more” Its an old joke in things like this a human is replaced by a non-human and the replacement gets to be more popular then the original. Also Dakota owns a cat. If any one is playing this out in the Sims like I would if I felt like reaching for my CD and modding skins witch I don’t, they should remember the cat. Oh and one more theory, Mom could just think Dakota is in a Halloween Costume and going threw a Blart Phase.
Thought 2 after Dakota has results from her contest maybe her family will keep Gobkota and she can have a little sister. That could be cute. Well it could be a boy Goblin in drag but Im going to say she, name her Gobkota or maybe Blarttha.
Weapon Brown over 11 years ago
So it’s… Not really THAT different.
rpmurray over 11 years ago
I’m finding it difficult to see any difference between Dakota and the goblin posing as her.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 11 years ago
I wonder who won the argument.
mr_sherman Premium Member over 11 years ago
I think it’s funny that Mom doesn’t know the difference.I wonder what Dakota will think about the holes in her pants for the tail.
The Life I Draw Upon over 11 years ago
I may be weird but I think she is cute.
luducks over 11 years ago
I wonder if goblins eat socks…
sheplives over 11 years ago
“BLAART.” “Meow.”
ThomasKDye over 11 years ago
“I ate some socks today, oh boy… "
Comic Minister Premium Member over 11 years ago
I see.
rvdroz over 11 years ago
So goblins have been responsible for that missing other sock.
captainpenguin over 11 years ago
litl gerl is so much fun! i hope there will be more.
kaykeyser over 11 years ago
I like how SOME HOW no one not mom, not any one at school knows thats not Dakota. Also the Goblins become more civilized. Last week it was fully naked now its dressed and doing human stuff. Now in threw this could be a shield of don’t notice Im not humanness. but it could be a case of “well Dakota the we knew it wasn’t you but we just love the Goblin more” Its an old joke in things like this a human is replaced by a non-human and the replacement gets to be more popular then the original. Also Dakota owns a cat. If any one is playing this out in the Sims like I would if I felt like reaching for my CD and modding skins witch I don’t, they should remember the cat. Oh and one more theory, Mom could just think Dakota is in a Halloween Costume and going threw a Blart Phase.
kaykeyser over 11 years ago
Thought 2 after Dakota has results from her contest maybe her family will keep Gobkota and she can have a little sister. That could be cute. Well it could be a boy Goblin in drag but Im going to say she, name her Gobkota or maybe Blarttha.
Hag5000 over 11 years ago
She does a pretty good acting job.
Neo Stryder over 11 years ago
Didn’t Dakota’s parents notices the difference?… thye must be worst than the parents in the Odd Life of Timothy Green.
rexvivat over 11 years ago
Paper Thin Disguise, I think.
Monster Hesh over 11 years ago
This was so adorable I’m going to have to punch several walls.
DDrazen over 11 years ago
“Do these pants make my butt look blaart?”