Frank and Ernest by Thaves for January 05, 2014

  1. Eagle globe anchor
    johnt204  about 11 years ago

    We need an updated version using a compression of the history of the ACA instead of aliens.

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  2. Missing large
    Reality,really?  about 11 years ago

    I asked my grandfather about it when he was alive. He laughed at me. Thought the idiots who took it seriously were ….idiots

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  3. Beautiful tree and river1
    TREEINTHEWIND  about 11 years ago

    Radios were the single point news source for those who had them, not all people did, gossip was the main source of information for many people, the same as now, only we now have augmented gossip. The half-life of gossip was longer then………………

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  4. Desert landscape
    FUNG1  about 11 years ago

    I bet there are a lot of people out there asking " What the heck is radio?"

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  5. Th
    marvee  about 11 years ago

    Look at the damage people ARE doing with Twitter – ruining reputations, weakening national security, etc. It’s too easy to tweet before you think, and it spreads everywhere rapidly.

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  6. Bike avatar
    dwpbike  about 11 years ago

    if i could, i would plus you twice

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  7. Neat  33
    Neat '33  about 11 years ago

    Well, that was in 1938 ! Then comes Roswell, NM in 1947 and has been covered up ever since !What would happen to religion (s) and Darwin believers if and when the Guv’ment EVER releases the truth of those days???

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  8. Beautiful tree and river1
    TREEINTHEWIND  about 11 years ago

    I didn’t mean to neglect newspapers as a source of information during this time period, the daily paper where available, was a good source and well worth the 2 cents per copy cost but doesn’t make as good a comparison to twits and gossip as radio does………….

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  9. Missing large
    hippogriff  about 11 years ago

    Jungfrau: Poor New Mexico! The main product of its fourth largest city is paranoia.

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  10. Eagle globe anchor
    johnt204  about 11 years ago

    I usually refer to it as UCA. I just try to avoid using the “O” word.

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