Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for May 18, 2014

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  almost 11 years ago

    Thank you, Hobbes.

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    Steve Bartholomew  almost 11 years ago

    Libertarian Calvin.

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    orinoco womble  almost 11 years ago

    Welcome to Calvinā€™s Little Cliche Festival!

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    BE THIS GUY  almost 11 years ago

    @NabuquduriuzhurHere is what the atheist Jean-Paul Sartre had to say:-

    When we say that man chooses for himself, we do mean that every one of us must choose himself; but by that we also mean that in choosing for himself he chooses for all men. For in effect, of all the actions a man may take in order to create himself as he wills to be, there is not one which is not creative, at the same time, of an image of man such as he believes he ought to be. To choose between this or that is at the same time to affirm the value of that which is chosen; for we are unable ever to choose the worse. What we choose is always the better; and nothing can be better for us unless it is better for all.

    ā€”Jean-Paul Sartre, Existentialism is a Humanism, pgs. 291 ā€“ 292

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    Phapada  almost 11 years ago

    trusty friendā€¦

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    watmiwori  almost 11 years ago

    Donā€™t bet the mortgage!

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  7. Shakes
    shakeswilly  almost 11 years ago

    @NabuquduriuzhurWhy do you think aethists donā€™t want rules and laws ? In fact we see the need for good laws and governance more than the religious types, because there is no guy in the sky delivering justice and mercy.We differ from the god fearing people in that we want these laws and regulations to be based on common sense and common good, and not on ancient beliefs and texts.

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    Reality,really?  almost 11 years ago

    Common sense says you sacrifice the few for the many. Whose going first ?

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    robert3750  almost 11 years ago

    How funny that Calvin is supposedly being a libertarian, when itā€™s really statists that engage in theft and war while showing all the time that they espouse the might makes right philosophy.

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  10. Drinkybird
    susanwobb  almost 11 years ago

    So do atheists. Have rules, that is. Theyā€™re not just a bunch of amoral creeps.

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  11. Mooseguy
    moosemin  almost 11 years ago

    ā€œThe winners write the history booksā€?Calvin, have you ever read any books on the Civil War down south?

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    orinoco womble  almost 11 years ago

    And now, back to the comicā€¦.

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    johnmanjaybee  almost 11 years ago

    Calvin is a liberal.

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  14. Hacking dog original
    J Short  almost 11 years ago

    And to think, I thought the strip was funny.

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  15. Radleft
    Radical-Knight  almost 11 years ago

    Those who donā€™t know much about the Bible and are proud to be Christians show that they know less about Atheism and with the same pride, demonstrate their ignorance by proclaiming the evils of Atheism. Iā€™ve found more Atheists know more about the Christian Bible than Christians who use it for memory exercises in repeating little quotes or phrases to tell others how they should live. Iā€™ve found Thomas Paineā€™s The age of Reason an excellent read.

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  16. Menew
    Thomas Scott Roberts creator almost 11 years ago

    It kind of sums up our society in general. Even non-libetrtarians, and many who claim to be bound by rules and order, find special loopholes that except them, excusing and justifying their breaking of rules. Some donā€™t even recognize that theyā€™re doing it- or simply do not reflect upon the irony. Calvinā€™s approach means that he cannot accept irony when he is its victim, but otherwise is fine with it.

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  17. Suziederkins
    Susie Derkins D:  almost 11 years ago

    Justify the means could be a bad thing.

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    redbaron1966  almost 11 years ago

    It is sad that a comic strip could create so much animosity regarding politics, religion and the world in general. All it shows that the world has not grown up, and has learned nothing. Especially when it comes to caring for the fellow man.

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    Guilty Bystander  almost 11 years ago

    Best post on this thread.

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    meihong  almost 11 years ago

    Calvin looks so cute in the mud!

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    highfidelity  almost 11 years ago

    The point of this comic is for the intuitive person to see a bit of himself in it. In other words , where am I selfish, egotistic, and donā€™t realize it? If it goes right by us without it causing us to raise an eyebrow in the mirror, then we have failed the self exam. Do I think Iā€™m worth more than others because I get better paid? So I deserve a better parking space, then!

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    tlynnch  almost 11 years ago

    I love all these people that argue that you canā€™ā€™t have morality without religion. There are several good NPR shows about this. I donā€™t believe in religion and yet I am a very moral person. So there you have it, an exception to your rule making your hard fast rule false. I believe in doing what is best not necessarily for me, but for society and the world.

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    Poollady  almost 11 years ago

    Hate to tell you, Calvin, but itā€™s a two-way street.

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    Aaron Saltzer  almost 11 years ago

    Same old Calvin. Selfish.

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    Newshound41  almost 11 years ago

    Bill Wattesonā€™s religious beliefs:-Q: So many of Calvin and Hobbes strips had some kind of moral/theological element that I wonder what your religious upbringing was and if it influenced that. (For instance, the ā€œLove the sinner, hate the sinā€ strip as well as many Santa-related Christmas strips.) Iā€™m guessing you were raised Catholic? ā€“ Suzanne Kaufmann, Charlottesville, VA

    A: Actually, Iā€™ve never attended any church.-

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  26. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    ā€œA: Actually, Iā€™ve never attended any church.ā€

    I probably would be a lot more religious if I had never attended any church.

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    KCOSH  almost 11 years ago

    Is there any way to turn off comments in GoComics?

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    Number Three  almost 11 years ago

    I see.


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    handfularain  almost 11 years ago


    You seem to misunderstand both atheists (which I am) and libertarians (which I am not).

    Libertarians are nowhere near anarchists (in my opinion).And while anarchists are atheists by definition, by no means are all atheists anarchists.

    Atheists only believe that there is no ā€˜godā€™, not that the rules of society, which the faithful falsely attribute to the commands of a supreme being, have no value.

    In fact, I would say that atheists not only believe social laws are crucial to both man and mankinds well-being, but that they are truly of man, by man, and for man. And we believe there are ample reasons for having and adhering to laws and rules of behavior without the fear of devine retribution.

    Centuries of the domination of religion has done nothing at all to curtail manā€™s inhumanity to man. On the contrary, I would argue that if people realized that we have only each other to rely on, we would at least behave no worse, and likely even better, toward one another.

    To believe otherwise is to believe that man is inherently evil and that the influence of a supreme being is all that holds together social order. I think atheists patently reject this assessment of human nature.

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    BE THIS GUY  almost 11 years ago

    @Dogday88According to Sartre, the worse choice is one that benefits one at the expense of another. It was his application of The Golden Rule.

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    BE THIS GUY  almost 11 years ago

    Bill Wattersonā€™ theology:-

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  32. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Hey, hereā€™s an interesting question; Can you imagine making over 7 comments a day, every day, on for over 6 years? Thatā€™s some kinda accomplishment! I think there should be some type of awardā€¦

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  33. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Hint: it wasnā€™t meā€¦ I didnā€™t quite average 1.

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    Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr   almost 11 years ago

    Nabuquduriuzhur explains it all to youā€¦

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    rentier  almost 11 years ago

    Make him clean again, Hobbes!

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    heatherjasper  almost 11 years ago

    Panel 2- Thoreau, he is not.

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  37. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    @Meh-thodologyWhat? You mean Iā€™m to go to another website to get my wisdom fix? I made the mistake of clicking on that link; it showed that he/she has been a member of some website or other since 2012, but otherwise it was, to use the vernacular, jibber-jabber. What was I to have gleaned from that site? Please guide me Beatriceā€¦..

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  38. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    OK, Nabs, after a couple of stiff gin and tonics I have to ask you, what did you write? I am a reader, and Iā€™ll give you a shot at convincing me of whatever you are trying to convince me of. Yes, I know, I ended that with a preposition. Sorry, a bit buzzed, otherwise wouldnā€™t think of it. So name a book you have written, and Iā€™ll have someone read it to me, explaining the big words, the conundrums, and the paradoxes to me as they go. Iā€™ll watch for your answer here. Donā€™t delay! My moneyā€™s as good as anyoneā€™s, except maybe the Koch brothers. Or, as the little girl said, "Daddy, why did you bring that book that I didnā€™t want to be read to out of up for?

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  39. Greenmanmed
    rothwell.j  almost 11 years ago

    I didnā€™t know Calvin was one of the Koch brothersā€¦

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  40. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    I know, but Iā€™m in a particularly goading mood today. Apparently he/she is a hit and run poster, and we wonā€™t see him/her until tomorrow. Funny thing, he/she appears on the eflquest websiteā€¦ I think he/she is having problems keeping the fantasies separated. And, I donā€™t drive after drinking, ever. Thanks for the concern!

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  41. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  almost 11 years ago

    @Charles SmithWow, 4 years of college. Please, let me warm myself in your enlightenment.-Ok, to the rest of the readers:The whole point of the Sartre quote is that there are rules that apply to everybody. The rule here is the decisions we make should not be to the benefit of one at the expense of another. This is Sartreā€™s version of The Golden Rule.Of course, people, groups, and organizations make the ā€œworst choice.ā€ Sartre is trying to explain the difference between the decisions that are made.

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    westny77  almost 11 years ago

    What a mean tiger. You will regret this now. No more room and board for you.

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  43. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    He will, in time. For now, being muddy and enjoying life is Nirvana for a 6 year old.

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  44. Hacking dog original
    J Short  almost 11 years ago

    Just seeing if I could be the last comment.Everyone off to bed now.(this received more arguments than most Doonesbury cartoons.)

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  45. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  almost 11 years ago

    @J. ShortWho goes to bed at 9:30 pm ET?

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  46. Other7 brush
    Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr   almost 11 years ago
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    LeftThighBrainiac  almost 11 years ago


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  48. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    You proceed from a false assumption. I have no interest in showing others where they are wrong. Why would I want to do that? Any more than I want them doing it to me! As for your other reply to me, I have no idea as to what you mean. Iā€™m just positing my own views and respect all others, whether or not I agree with them. Please stop trying to push me towards some other personā€™s views.

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    KCOSH  almost 11 years ago

    It shouldnā€™t be too hard to hide comments using a script. In the HTML of this page comments start with ā€œ(opening anglebracket)li class=ā€comment"". I just donā€™t know how to take it from there.

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    KCOSH  almost 11 years ago

    Yess! has a style to disable comments.

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