Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for November 09, 2014
Dad: "Wow, honey, you're missing a beautiful sunset out here!" Mom: "I'll count to 10, and then... POW!" Calvin: "Dad, how come old photographs are always black and white? Didn't they have color film back then?" Dad: "Sure they did. In facy, those old photographs ARE in color. It's just the WORLD was black and white then" Calvin: "Really?" Dad: "Yep. The world didn't turn color until sometime in the 1930s, and it was pretty grainy color for a while, too" Calvin: "That's really weird" Dad: "Well, trust is stranger than fiction" Calvin: "But then why are old PAINTINGS in color?! If the world was black and white, wouldn't artists have painted it that way?" Dad: "Not necessarily, a lot of great artists were insane." Calvin: "But..but how could they have painted in color anyway? Wouldn't their paints have been shades of gray back then?" Dad: "Of course, but they turned colors like everything else did in the '30s" Calvin: "So why didn't old black and white photos turn color too?" Dad: "Because they were color pictures of black and white, remember?" Calvin: "The world is a complicated place, Hobbes" Hobbes: "Whenever it seems that way, I take a nap in a tree and wait for dinner"
BE THIS GUY over 10 years ago
Children’s minds were meant to be messed with.
Green Pieces over 10 years ago
the world is always so black and white to cats…
watmiwori over 10 years ago
Hobbes has the right idea!
kakaako.fixtures over 10 years ago
Just remember that your children are the ones who will decide where to place you when you are old and senile. Don’t mess them over or they might just get even later.
bluskies over 10 years ago
Love dad’s convoluted logic, especially in panel 9- full coor photos of a black-and-white world!
Kim Metzger Premium Member over 10 years ago
I hope Calvin doesn’t get shot on his future killing spree so the world can find out how his dad drove him to it.
orinoco womble over 10 years ago
I know a guy like Dad. He can explain anything—whether the explanation makes sense or not!!
fred.grenouille over 10 years ago
Now we know where Calvin gets his imagination!
bluram over 10 years ago
This has got to be one of Bill Watterson’s best comic strips. Too bad it wasn’t in color.
mkd_1218 over 10 years ago
LOL! Gettin’ back some of you own, huh, Dad?
bignatefan over 10 years ago
My favorite C&H. Make that my favorite comic of all time regardless of strip.
orinoco womble over 10 years ago
Mom, leave the dishes for a few minutes. They’ll still be there when the sunset has faded.
shakeswilly over 10 years ago
@NabuquduriuzhurOnce again, you attack science: science which has given so much and changed every aspect of our lives for the better. You yourself would have benefited countless times from the advances science has bought about in the world.
Gainjinrabbit summed it up quite nicely in his repy to your post..
you ended your comment by saying “And they will no doubt wonder why most “scientists” in government circles went from having Ph.Ds, M.S.s, B.S.s in their science fields in 1992 to having high school diplomas and liberal arts degrees, but still claiming to be “scientists.”
What was that about ? can you give any concrete examples of scientists doing that? do YOU even have a high school diploma ?
rshive over 10 years ago
Dad has an answer for everything. In color, no less.
Tackerdog over 10 years ago
Agree with Bluram- This is one of the best C&H comics ever!Hey Djc- i saw that book in a store and thought it was the perfect oxymoron.
tripwire45 over 10 years ago
Dads are great liars.
dwdl21 over 10 years ago
Umm, chill mom, leave the dishes for awhile and go enjoy the sunset. Life is so short don’t sweat the little things in life.
cubswin2016 over 10 years ago
I don’t think Calvin would be so nuts if his dad didn’t put these stupid stories in his head.
Kirby_Dots over 10 years ago
But you missed an important point. Yes, the Piltdown Man was a fraud. But the mechanism of Science allowed it to be found out. So not only do we know it is a fake but they are on the look out for the possibility of deception. The Scientific Method is self-correcting. No other field has that feature. It doesn’t care how long the old idea was around or the number or status of the people that believe it. If the evidence says it is wrong, it gets changed.
As for the contention that there are less PhDs out there calls for some justification. Although it lagged in the early ’00 it has since gone up to record levels.
krcaddis over 10 years ago
Science is a process. Be grateful; it’s less dogma than religion.
krcaddis over 10 years ago
Thanks for straightening that out.
krcaddis over 10 years ago
BTW, this is my favorite Calvin and Hobbes of all time. I saved the original newspaper printing way back when.
@bluram: great comment
convin9003 over 10 years ago
This is one of my favorites
jhampa over 10 years ago
the sarcasm is thick with his dad. Not helpful for Calvin but that is in part what creates Calvin for who he is or what his dad created of him
whiteaj over 10 years ago
I detect a certain flaw in Dad’s logic, but am not quite sure just where……..
Aaron Saltzer over 10 years ago
Calvin’s dad is strange. Haha
Sweetaddietude Premium Member over 10 years ago
I actually knew a woman that thought there was no color in the world decades ago because of black and white films. It took three of us to convince her there was color and sited several examples of the fabulous paintings of old, the Egyptian tombs, antique scrolls and so on. She wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box.
AliCom over 10 years ago
NOW I know who Calvin takes after.
P51Strega over 10 years ago
Proving and disproving scientific theory is, and should be difficult. It forces improved methods and prevents the body of knowledge from changing at a rate that makes it useless. Much of what turns out to be “wrong” serves as a base to advance before being superseded and later corrected. Those who embrace the “wrong” end up looking foolish though their conclusions were completely logical for the information they possessed.
susan.e.a.c over 10 years ago
Thing is, as one physicist blogged about last month, science is always in a state of flux. Only in math can you prove something conclusively, while in science you can see if an idea is reasonable (before someone 100 years later shows how flawed the idea is and creates a new knowledge gap).
Mike 17 over 10 years ago
The world was black and white until about 1960 and then we started with shades of gray. I got some “medicine” in 1968 and all of a sudden there was color everywhere.
louieglutz over 10 years ago
one of the classic wattersons.
watmiwori over 10 years ago
NSA intelligence, like Congressional intelligence,is an oxymoron. (with emphasis on the moron.)
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
Phew! I am glad they didn’t get into a discussion regarding shades of gray!.“Fifty Shades of Grey” that is…
MrBlowhard2u over 10 years ago
I’m glad someone finally cleared that up. Thanks, dad.
Number Three over 10 years ago
Sounds like a plan to me!
Ka`ōnōhi`ula`okahōkūmiomio`ehiku Premium Member over 10 years ago
Obviously, dad works as politician.
Red_Fez over 10 years ago
Watterson returns…
heatherjasper over 10 years ago
This sounds eerily like my sister whenever I ask her something; I get a sarcastic and/or a really unhelpful answer.
JP Steve Premium Member over 10 years ago
And here we have an explanation for why evolution is called a “theory” and Intelligent Design isn’t. In the meantime, you have a constant stream of scientists who offer up solid proof against Intelligent Design (such as the Royal College of Surgeons), but are ignored and attacked until it all comes crashing down.
BTW, Piltdown Man was disproved using Fluorine analysis — C14 had nothing to do with it.
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
You’ve got it right, Hobbes! ;)
weatherford.joe over 10 years ago
Hey, Dad. Unless you don’t mine swearing to a life of celibacy, you should probably try to help Mom with the dishes rather than mess with Calvin’s head.
laidback ehaan over 10 years ago
I read some of the comments.. its hard to believe how much humor has drained out from our black and white world… god! (-_-)
Tackerdog almost 10 years ago
Probably my most favorite C&H ever. And it’s true!!