Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for December 14, 2014
Miss Wormwood: "Thank you, Claire. That was very good, ...all right, who'd like to go next?" Miss Wormwood: "Anyone at all, besides Calvin?" Calvin: "HEY!" Calvin: "For show-and-tell, I brought these amazing fossilized bone fragments that I painstakingly unearthed from sedimentary deposits in my front yard!" Calvin: "Though they look like ordinary driveway gravel to the untutored eye of the ignorant layman, I immediately recognized these as pieces of jawbone from a new species of carnosaur!" Calvin: "In this dramatic illustration, I've re-created the complete Calvinosaurus as it would have appeared in the late Jurassic! It's coloration here is somewhat conjectural." Calvin: "I'll be publishing my full findings shortly! Undoubtedly I'll be the recipient of many lucrative paleontology prizes, and in a matter of weeks, prestige, fame and fortune will be mine!" Calvin: "When this happens, you can be darn are that those of you who were mean to me in school will suffer appropriately!" Calvin: "I'll employ my resources to make your puny lives miserable! I'll crush your pitiful dreams and ambitions like bugs in the dust!" Calvin: "...But there IS an alternative! I'm not accepting a limited number of applications to be my pay. The cost is just $20 per person, and you can revel in the association for a lifetime! Any takers?" Calvin: "Oh yeah? You just wait!"
BE THIS GUY about 10 years ago
Calvin is offering premium level friendship.
in.amongst about 10 years ago
no-no-no-no Calvin – wrong business model… Offer free subscription first and pro later.
Alexander the Good Enough about 10 years ago
That’s what happens when your only buddy is a tiger. You learn to never back down.
rshive about 10 years ago
Obviously there’s not a discount for principals.
Wasbluskies about 10 years ago
Are you suggesting…..
josh_bisbee about 10 years ago
I don’t know many 6-year olds that are carrying $20 each.
kakaako.fixtures about 10 years ago
Calvin, you sound like you will have a career in government.
sundogusa about 10 years ago
An IPO for Calvin’s Friendship, LLC. Dividends too numerous to list.
Nighthawks Premium Member about 10 years ago
give him a break! if this little kid is able to use the words‘conjectural’ and ‘sedimentary’ and ’paleontology ’ correctly in a sentence, he is paying attention SOMEwhere
Olfarto about 10 years ago
From Show & Tell to Infomercial in 30 seconds. A new C&H record!
jrankin1959 about 10 years ago
Prestige, fame and fortune – in paleontology? Dream on, Calvin…
What? Me worried ? about 10 years ago
Shouldn’t Calvin have named the dino a CALVINSAUROUS ?
Aaron Saltzer about 10 years ago
Calvin has a high intelligence when it comes to vocabulary, that’s for sure.
rpmurray about 10 years ago
Real paleontologists can tell you the exact size, weight, shape and sex of a dinosaur just from four postage stamp size pieces of fossilized bone. I’ve often thought they have a lot in common with used car salesmen.
Marty241 about 10 years ago
Ed Asner will not allow on his set anyone with political views different than his. That’s what’s wrong with Ed Asner.
ottod Premium Member about 10 years ago
I’m pretty sure that “lucrative paleontology,” while a delightful concept, doesn’t actually exist.
rgcviper about 10 years ago
How motivational.
comicpat65 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Gotta give the kids props for being so darn creative!
Number Three about 10 years ago
Best “Show & Tell” I’ve ever seen!
neverenoughgold about 10 years ago
I tried this once but it ended up costing me too much money!.Way too many refunds…
benbrilling about 10 years ago
In the school I went to the Principal was neither a prince nor a pal.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 10 years ago
You should have stopped with the drawing Calvin. Miss Wormwood probably would have given you an A for your imagination. But then, you had to go all “corporate”.
nosirrom about 10 years ago
Off Topic, but I just saw the news from Sydney. I’m sure everyone here would agree that all of Sydney and Australia are in our thoughts.
Zippy007 about 10 years ago
This reminds me of how “scientists” come up with fairy tales for adults: Part 4 is graphic, especially around the 6 minute mark:
38lowell about 10 years ago
The Frontyardosaurus?The Drivewaydactyl?Where is this school?I forsee a new theory of how our Universe began (and, it better have tigers in it)!Sadly, he will have to grow up, and be faced with our mundane world, of making a living!
lizilu about 10 years ago
When you espouse your principles too vociferously, you end up in the principal’s office.
heatherjasper about 10 years ago
Sometime, I may just have to resort to this sort of thing….
Demon Prince over 3 years ago
Isn’t that a tyrannosaurus but 100x bigger?