Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for February 08, 2014
Rosa: "...And Gunther made Leslie Knox pick up y books!" Gunther: "He even APOLOGIZED!" Knute: "I guess Crystal's super power saved the day. She told Knox there were cam- OW" Rosa: "Super power?" Gunther: "She told Know what now?" Crystal: "Knute! It's a secret!" Knute: "Sorry. Y'know, a hot costume would help me remember..."
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
If the Lion, Scarecrow, Tinman, Dorothy…and, yes, Toto (the band), too, all had Knute there when they were on the Yellow Brick Road, would the movie be over in half the time?…. – Oh, K nut e ….. He was born a spy… always “leaking intelligence”… – And… is everything back to….. “normal”?…. Will G-man have to give back the confidence boost he “illegaly” gained?… Will there be an " * " next to his name in the “Hall of Fame”?…
Will Crystal learn not to give Knute “bags full of cats” to hold, since he’ll just let them get out, anyway?…
Will Crystal “turn off the cameras” when she…. “talks to Knute” in the hallway?… – Was Knute playing “To Tell The Truth” when he was supposed to be playing “I’ve Got A Secret?”….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
“Hush Puppies…. Not Anymore”“Spoiler Alert”
“No News Is Good, Knute”or“You Can Tune A Piano, But You Can’t Tell Knute Anything”
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 11 years ago
Three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead.
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Cheaties… "We wanted you to have a good breakfast, so we found some extra….‘vitamins’… lying around, that got all ‘scienced up’… " – Pitts’Ladles and Hairnets’ Local #86…. – Hamburger Halper… "Now in ‘Tuna Surprise!’, "Fun Mystery Meat’ for kids, and ’I’m Not Eating That!’ "….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
G-man’s safe…it shouldn’t get past this table, even with Knute’s indiscretion…at least Rosa will keep this under her hat… – Wait- she’s not even wearing one!…. Oh, no!!…
PhilipB almost 11 years ago
Rosa and Crystal should lose those 2 geeks and find some guys that are better suited for them. If all else fails, I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing them both hook up with each other, ;)
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr almost 11 years ago
Crystal’s outfit isn’t hot enough for you Knute?THAT’s gonna cost ya.
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Knute must be really hungry!… After he’s done with what he has in his hand, he’s about to have some Foot-in-mouth with Toe Jam!…. – But seeing that Crystal and Knute are whispering (dotted line balloons), maybe it’s still “salvageable”….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Then Knute will be able to answer the question: “Can even an imaginary camera hurt?”….
ORMouseworks almost 11 years ago
Just want to thank seismic-2, ReallyBad, and Leviticus for your answers concerning Gunther and Luann… ;)
ORMouseworks almost 11 years ago
Knute! Don’t you think Crystal Already has a “hot” costume on?! And, for heaven’s sake, keep your mouth Shut! ;)
SactoSylvia almost 11 years ago
Crystal is genuinely PO’ed at Knute. Maybe this is when she realizes that he’s not the guy for her and starts to put some distance between them…
SactoSylvia almost 11 years ago
or vice versa!
ShagsCA almost 11 years ago
Bailiff—whack his…
ORMouseworks almost 11 years ago
“…Knox’s fear of being filmed that made him apologize, he will likely go back to believing he is unworthy of Rosa.” Oh, I hope Not! I’d like him to keep being Rosa’s "boy"friend! ;)
ORMouseworks almost 11 years ago
“You are so going to blow it Gunther…”
Right out of the water! Think outside the box, Gunther! ;)
ORMouseworks almost 11 years ago
You two are in fine shape tonight! I keep laughing at your posts! ;)
ORMouseworks almost 11 years ago
Well, the Olympics’ Opening Program is over and it is Late (for me!!!)…even my Irish, Katie, is sleeping! Yikes! =-O
Sisyphos almost 11 years ago
I think, Crystal, that it will take more than just a pinch to silence goofy Knute! You may need to lower the smack! And perhaps, while you’re in Super Power mode, you could insert a spine into Gunther, too! Now, that would be an amazing use of Super Power.
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Weeeeeeell the “Cat’s OUT the Bag” Now Thanks to Big Mouth Knute!
And How Thoughtful that ALL Four of You are together. That Way Old Needle-Nose Doesn’t have HUNT You Down Individually in order to take His Inevitable REVENGE.
PMark almost 11 years ago
Memo to self. Never, under any circumstance, confide a secret with Knute. At least not a secret you wish kept.
andytoon Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Rats! I was hoping to see one big panel of Gunther and Rosa kissing today to move their relationship forward. :-(
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Note to Knute: it’s not a secret power if you tell people about it.Note to readers: It’s a feeble plot, if it relies on Principal Hightower’s failing to tell Leslie Knox that the video cameras he was talking about don’t exist.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr almost 11 years ago
Considering all the previous amount “shush!”ing, when and why did Crystal divulge to blabbermouth the nature of her talk with Les?
Sangelia almost 11 years ago
Some men are gentlemen, not horndogs. I place Gunther in the gentlemen catagory. If I was to judge you, where do you think I would place you?If I was Rosa, I’d prefer the gentleman one. And in real life that is who my husband is….
Mikeyj almost 11 years ago
Anyone notice how Crystal has been hanging with Luann’s friends a lot more than with Tiff, lately?
cdemattos almost 11 years ago
Yeah Gunther, you’re back to being a dud.
StoicLion1973 almost 11 years ago
I love Knute’s thinking…
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 11 years ago
RWJAMES considered immature your statement that the girls should drop the nerd and the goofy guy and that you would enjoy watching the girls hook up with each other..You believe he can only be opposed to your desire to watch them hook up with each other. In fact two possibilities come to mind..He could oppose your desire for couples to break up because they don’t meet your standards of manliness. Meddling in the lives of others is a common thing among adolescents, but less common with maturity. Not that you actually meddled since they can’t hear you, but the desire seems to be there..The second possibility is related to your expressed desire for the girls to give up on men and see them hook up with other. Come to think of it that one might be broken into two parts. The first is the belief sexual orientation is voluntary and people just decide from day whether to be straight or gay. The second is the implication you want to watch the intimate acts related to the hook ups. It is often considered immature to announce your desire to watch porn..Possibly RWJAMES misinterpreted your stated desires, but you can see there are nonhomophobic reasons to consider it immature..Personally, I’m just enjoying watching the tale unfold without wondering if it is high art or low.
Doctor11 almost 11 years ago
With great power comes great responsibility.
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I’m surprised you didn’t come up with something that parodied “Victoria’s Secret” or “Secret” Deodorant…^There was only one other “sponsor”, “the Broadcast Organization”,makers of Telly’s brand…but ,due to Knute’s lack of discretion, the company did not wish to be involved, and pulled out at the last minute…. – But that seems best, anyway, with all of the “secrets” flying around….
notbornyesterday almost 11 years ago
moral of story, if you want a partner in crime, don’t choose the village idiot.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr almost 11 years ago
“Crystal, if you are going to keep Knute quiet, you are going to have to put on the super hero costume. Tiff has an “Eyez of Zeye” outfit she could loan you.”-————————————-The one with the “Super-Heroine-Inflatable-Bosom?”
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr almost 11 years ago
Frank Cho’s take on these things:
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
> The other 2 you can have. They don’t post anything interesting IMO, just inflammatory negativity.>Is there any negativity at all that one can express about the “Luann” strip that might be considered “interesting” and not “inflammatory”? Is only positivity allowed here? Apparently posts such as “I think this story line is really poor because…” fails to pass your acceptability criteria, no matter how many reasons one might give to support one’s argument. Does this forum exist only to praise the “Luann” strip, to laud Greg Evans as a great creative talent, and to declare Luann and her friends to be the most wonderful characters on the comics page and her “enemies” to be such despicable villains that anything that the “heroes” do to them can’t possible be bad enough?
sarafaye almost 11 years ago
What none of them, including Crystal, knows is that the school has always had cameras.
ChrisV almost 11 years ago
I wouldn’t mind seeing Crystal in a hot costume either. Hmmm…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
.“..put up something I hope will garner a smile out of someone…” "^If you go back and re-read ORs response to you, you can rest assured that your job was done well!… That’s what matters… your mission for that day has been accomplished… you and that person may be able to have a good day, and someone else reading, may get a smile, laugh, or something to think about… for all the people who try to “rain” on stuff, it’s those few who “get it” that let you know it’s not in vain… - I don’t care if it sounds "corny’.. it’s more important that it’s true….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
“…What is worse is having someone..”^Sorry for involving myself, here… But I just wanted to say that that one is usually “reading that aliens are invading” when all the headline says is that “Mork and Mindy” will be on at 9…..
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
It’d be nice if we all can just take a breather and come back all “fresh and new” like, clean the slate, move forward, and leave the horse be, move on, and take it from there… but…. I know that’s not how things work, sometimes…..
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
The guy was talking about Gunther’s body language…and he doesn’t appear to be eating lunch with that arm, either … it wasn’t meant to be a literal analysis…just an observation…..
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Same thing with “How”…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
We all know that they’re at lunch, but you have to admit…. when someone is at a table eating, there’s still the ability to schmooze, do homework between classes, whatever.. people can eat and multi-task…. well, some can… if you picture it, one can put their arm around someone, put it down, take a bite or two, then go back to it…. or whatever other activity….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
No, it was when you mentioned Rosa’s arm, but Gunther’s arm wasn’t around her…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
This one:
While Rosa is happy that Gunther got Leslie Knox to apologize, I notice that she has her arm around Gunther and not the other way around. Gunther’s confidence is still not translating to affection for Rosa.
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Yes, those could be reasons for that… – But if you notice, Gunther never seems to initiate any physical contact.. this has been addressed by Rosa, when she was dropping G-man off after the New Year’s dance… she “complained” that she was always the one to initiate things like asking her out, hugging, kissing, etc…
ORMouseworks almost 11 years ago
“…for those who can enjoy the weekend in leisure, please do so for those of us who cannot.” I know how you feel…I had a job that required me to work weekends for nine years…at least I have a job, I used to tell myself… ;)
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 11 years ago
well, I guess that disproves THAT hypothesis
Rose686 over 1 year ago
Knute should be Crystal’s boyfriend.