Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 20, 2014

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  about 11 years ago

    Rerun – see you next week.

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    nixie224  about 11 years ago

    Hey GB….you took like 5 months off…what up with the reruns?

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    luckylouie  about 11 years ago

    MORE reruns? Does Garry really want this job?

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    David Partlow Premium Member about 11 years ago

    I wish when they did reruns they would go WAY back, to the glory days. Or at least sometime before the last three years…

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    wetidlerjr  about 11 years ago

    More rerun garbage…

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    gary  about 11 years ago

    Federal Holiday – MLK Day.

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    rpmurray  about 11 years ago

    I guess GT will be doing reruns until the end of the Obama administration. Wouldn’t want to get too topical with the current Democratic failures in governance.

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    chazandru  about 11 years ago

    Trudeau must be having to help out on another episode of Alpha House.

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    Astolat  about 11 years ago

    Sunday’s, though new, was about Roland tweeting. This is about Red Rascal. Advertised at the right hand side of the page is … well, what a surprise. Agree that we deserved a bit more of the new ones before a rerun, unless there is an emergency reason for it.

    Picking up on a comment by DavyG yesterday, the 10 commandments HAVE been done in 140 characters or less, albeit originally as textspeak;

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    Lee Taplinger  about 11 years ago

    @rpmurray, not every president can start 2 useless wars, cut taxes for the rich, double the deficit, oversee the Great Recession, have photo ops cutting brush on his Texas ranch, and never even get out of breath.

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    montessoriteacher  about 11 years ago

    Alpha house is trudeau’s baby too, not just Doonesbury. Alpha house was a huge hit, so I’m sure they are clamoring for more on amazon. Jeff bezos has surely let him know by now that they want more content. Trudeau will have to figure out how to juggle both. I hear he was on set every step of the way when they filmed alpha house. You can tell when you watch alpha house, as it has the Trudeau style.

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    mistercatworks  about 11 years ago

    Could GoComics set up a forum for people who’s contribution is “spotting” reruns? I’ve seen these comments before.

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    Gokie5  about 11 years ago

    Garry is 65 now. He certainly doesn’t HAVE to do this. I’m thankful for any new material he can give us.

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    montessoriteacher  about 11 years ago

    I have noticed that often those who complain the most about the reruns tend to be GT’s biggest critics. That seems odd. It reminds one of the old Woody Allen joke of the two old ladies visiting a resort in the Catskills. One of them says, “the food here is terrible!” And the other says, “yes, and they are such small portions too!” Yes, life is just one big, long, grueling journey. And then it is over much too quickly and it seems much too short.

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    kaffekup   about 11 years ago

    Oh, there’s shots being fired every day. Just not by the people that have been subjugated. They make sure of that.

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  16. David stanford
    MGMNT  about 11 years ago

    Sorry for the understandable frustration caused by the reversion to Flashback strips today. The syndicate sent a notice to client newspapers indicating that GBT couldn’t file new material for this week due to an illness in the family.

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    Radical-Knight  about 11 years ago

    Rick, father of Jeff to the rescue!!!

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    bookworm0812  about 11 years ago

    You know, it seems like Trudeau goes thru more stretches of reruns than he does originals.

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    timmmy666  about 11 years ago

    Maybe worth pointing out he’s 65..most of us are retiring then.

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    Liam Astle Premium Member about 11 years ago

    What’s bad is Trudeau is repeating things so if it is a rerun you can’t tell. A couple of weeks ago with Mel I thought that was a rerun.

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  21. David stanford
    MGMNT  about 11 years ago

    If you ever want to know whether the day’s Doonesbury is a previously-published strip or not, just check There’s a little hand-written “Flashback” that appears on the left side of the first panel when it is (like today). Oddly enough, we can’t get that special header to appear here on GoComics.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  about 11 years ago

    Despite what you believe, President Obama is not preparing to use armed drones on Americans in this country..You anti-Obama folks should really consider a therapist. These delusions can rule your lives.

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    bigwat902  about 11 years ago

    not worth commenting on

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    walde  7 months ago

    This week is a rerun of the week of January 9, 2012. It was the last week of reruns before Trudeau permanently stopped doing dailies after February 8, 2014 (only Sundays since then, at least so far).

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