Paige is only fourteen, though—do they usually develop the power that young?
And I still don’t get why she didn’t just put the picture in a drawer. Quincy’s good, but he doesn’t have opposable thumbs and he doesn’t weigh enough to force a completely shut drawer open.
2578275 almost 11 years ago
If her development isn’t arrested, she’ll muse over how immature she was. My folks wouldn’t allow me to be angry with them.
Waddling Eagle almost 11 years ago
Andy should know that Paige’s eyes can shoot daggers. All women can do this.
phoenixnyc almost 11 years ago
Paige is only fourteen, though—do they usually develop the power that young?
And I still don’t get why she didn’t just put the picture in a drawer. Quincy’s good, but he doesn’t have opposable thumbs and he doesn’t weigh enough to force a completely shut drawer open.
dflak almost 11 years ago
If I were Quincy, I’d lay low for a couple of days. In fact, since he’s a cold-blooded reptile, he could lay low for a month or so.
Toxicdave almost 11 years ago
I don’t know about her aim. The coffee cup was at chest level.
Doctor11 almost 11 years ago
Wow, LITERAL daggers!
Daeder almost 11 years ago
Jason better get cracking! He’s not Paige’s least favorite person at the moment!